
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Paradigms Of Control

Paradigms Of Control

Those who are in power in human affairs have developed and used a variety of paradigms over the centuries to expand and maintain their control. Building on past success and with today's much more powerful technologies, they are close to complete control in The New World Order Empire.
In primitive group consciousness, individual pursuits were minimal. A person with intelligence, character, skill and strength filled the role of leadership for group decision making.
To the mythic mind, the environment seemed to be affected by unpredictable spirits. Practices developed to honor or appease them. There may have been an intuitive shaman who would guide the community in numinous spiritual matters. Leaders realized the benefit early on of their people being calmed and mystified by an adept at handling what the people did not understand and thus feared. Spiritual guides or priests operated by the good graces of the ruler, so they would not rock the boat much.
Eventually the leadership organized the group to better protect or expand its territory. The leader became more powerful and wanted to extend that power to his offspring. Protection of wealth and power became important to the rulers. As kings and queens rewarded descendants and key loyal warriors with land, wealth and the honor of nobility, feudalism was established.
The landed aristocracy garnered fees from the serfs toiling on their land, and paid taxes to the layers of nobles above them, including the king and queen.
Gradually religion became an institutionalized method for perpetuating a common paradigm to keep the people in order. The sacred establishment and its doctrines and priests presented the social conditioning for the family and beyond. People worked in their individual daily activities and came together for religious rituals and celebrations.
With the Renaissance came the demand of the masses for greater freedom and self-determination. The elite powers had to become more subtle to regain and maintain control of the essentials and the people they still consider as serfs even today.
The nobility and a few other insiders had been invited into secret societies where occult traditions and practices behind religions were taught. The leaders of secret societies made plans to keep themselves in power, fashioning more sophisticated paradigms of control and grander psyops to manipulate the population.
They developed strategies of politics, law, finance and mass mind control to consolidate and maintain their dominance.
Controlling basic needs is a key tenet of dominating a captive population. In feudalism, the land, the food, the resources, the military and even the religious priesthood were all controlled by the royal court and its minions.
Democracy, Law & Finance
Moving from feudalism to the new paradigm of democracy, they could offer a political system of majority vote that seemed to give the people the power to elect their own government leaders.
By selecting the candidates and guiding the process from behind the scenes using bribery, threat, propaganda, assassination and powerful mind control methods, while keeping the people as uninformed and ignorant as possible, the elites gradually arranged to have puppets in nearly all key government positions.
The manipulation of law from all angles has led to a legal environment that serves the elites well. They control numerous lawmakers as well as many of those who adjudicate the law. Lobbying to have laws made or revised in their favor, they have encouraged the development of regulatory bureaucracies to limit their own competitors, while they favor divisive competition in business, politics, sports, etc., among their subjects.
Through fractional reserve banking, financing and other ventures, and the establishment of privately controlled central banks, the elite powers regained the controlling position through the financial realm. Employing bribery or threat they got officials to contract with them to issue nations' currencies as loans.
The National Debt paradigm as well as the concept of the fiat dollar debt note, have been used by the banking powers to control governments and their populations. The U.S. dollar has the all-seeing eye pyramid, a common occult symbol, on the back.
Similarly the bankers have used the credit / debt tool to gain control of property and resources, and to trap people in their corporate work system.
The Corporate Paradigm
Another of the greatest concepts the controllers developed was that of the corporation. A corporation is a legal entity, a fictional stand-in for a person. It has powers and liabilities independent of its stockholders, board executives and employees.
The main purpose of a corporation is to control an operation of business activity, while limiting the liability of the owners or administrators, primarily the board of directors and officers. The corp is an entity of its own, and if it gets in trouble it is usually only the corp that has to deal with it or get penalized.
The corporation normally has the hierarchical structure of a pyramid, a favorite image of the esoteric societies. This is not unlike the royal courts of feudalism. The topmost controllers of the Transnational Interlocking Corporate Kingdom behind the global corporate system actually include among them those of royal blood and wealth.
Corporate executives enjoy being in charge of making decisions and setting policies. They like to keep expanding the realm under their control, similar to a feudal noble being master of their domain.
Most of what is available in the U.S. marketplace, and most of the world, is produced and/or sold by a corporation.
Almost every common business, union, educational institution, church and organization, including governments, is a corporation. Nearly every product, service, food concept, medicine, toy, movie, song, celebrity, candidate and personality, that becomes known to the general public, goes through the normal corporate process of analysis, R & D, market research, packaging, branding, marketing, and, if necessary, spin or repositioning.
The commercial areas of nearly every town look pretty much the same. You find mostly the same corporate stores, the same restaurants, the same cinemas, the same auto services, the same gasoline companies, and the same corporate brands in supermarkets, convenience stores and other home product outlets.
Almost every home is a model of corporate product development, promotion and merchandizing, from the furnishings, to the refrigerator and kitchen cupboards and the food products in them, and also in the bathroom, the basement, the yard and the garage.
Corporations dominate every major industry, including finance, oil and energy, chemicals, mining, metals, war, transportation, communications, medicine, computers, technology, news, entertainment and more.
The corporate news broadcasts only what they want us to know or believe, or what will keep us apathetic, and keep certain things under wraps. Predictive programming is used in the news, TV programs, movies, etc., to present memes and serve psyops.
Most charities, foundations, arts & cultural organizations, churches, social groups, service organizations, etc., are not-for-profit corporations with a board of directors and officers. A non-profit operates in a similar style to a for-profit corporation. Instead of stockholders, most non-profits have members or supporters.
Some non-profits are very embedded in the corporate world. A number of charities, foundations and educational institutions are heavily supported by big corps, their execs and management. There are numerous non-profits that are operated to foster circumstances favorable to profit making corporations related by interlocking boards.
Corporate Government
The federal government of the United States was replaced with a corporate form during the years after the Civil War. Before long state and local governments were manipulated into following suit. All of these government corporations are interrelated and they often work together.
The corporate model of government administration utilizes various departments, agencies and bureaucracies, many with revenue generating activities, including licenses and fees, income taxes, property taxes, sales or excise taxes and fines and penalties. One or more of these are employed at every level of government.
There is a great deal of crossover of top corporate execs into high level government positions and back to the companies, often in the same industry to which the government job is related.
Modern corporate government is a giant inefficient business with the luxury of compelled revenues, similar to the forced taxation and penalties by kings and emperors. Enforcement agents are in place to maintain a high level of compliance in paying taxes and to seek out violations of statutory regulations and administer fines.
Further, the U.S. government controls most all of the land in the nation, nearly all of several western states. State and local governments own a good deal of land as well.
The individual citizen who has paid off a mortgage and believes that they finally own the land they occupy, is ultimately subject to the "eminent domain" of multiple layers of corporate government. Meanwhile, government charges taxes for using the land and its "improvements", somewhat like lease payments.
Like the kings of old, the corporate state compels massive financial support from its subjects, and uses some of its resources to develop tighter surveillance and controls on the population.
Read more of this essay here:

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