
Monday 19 September 2016

Mainstream Science is a Religion

Why Mainstream Science is a Religion

By Makia Freeman

Mainstream science — despite all its claims of objectivity, and despite the fact it attempts to lay claim to the truth — is itself a religion.
Science places itself on a pedestal and assures everyone it has dispassionately arrived at its conclusions. Meanwhile, however, it is full of assumptions, denials and limitations, and makes the serious mistake of presenting its theories as facts.
Materialism, the driving force behind mainstream science, has been shown again and again to lack the capacity to explain the world around us, especially in relation to idealism or other theories that account for the energetic nature of reality. However, the errors and assumptions of mainstream science are gladly seized upon by technocrats, who are eager to use science and technology to further their own ambitions of control. The planned New World Order has a massive technocratic aspect, and includes forcing the vaccine, GMO, surveillance, geoengineering, carbon-driven global warming, SMART and microchipping agendas onto an unsuspecting public.
Yet, despite this, we remain collectively bedazzled by materialism, a religion that has induced a certain faith in us. And up until recently, it has still been difficult for society at large to accept the fact that the unseen energetic realms of our reality are actually more powerful and more primal than the material realms we can see and touch … but that is starting to change.
Back to Ancient Athens – Materialism vs. Idealism
This is certainly not the first time we have struggled with the debate of whether the world can best be described by the philosophy of materialism; the ancient Greek philosophers and scientists thought long and hard about the issue.
Materialism vs. idealism is really the philosophical battle between the ideas that matter exists independently (and that consciousness doesn’t exist or is secondary), as opposed to the idea that consciousness, thought and energy are primary (and that matter is secondary) to existence. Democritus championed the materialist viewpoint (and his ideas were taken further by Aristotle), whereas Plato proposed the idea of idealism with his famous theory of the World of Forms or World of Ideas, which posits that non-physical (but substantial) forms (or ideas) represent the most accurate reality. According to Plato, our materialist reality is an inferior copy of a more perfect world. This is exactly in alignment with what various cultures, shamans, religions and spiritual traditions have been saying for millennia about the pre-eminence of energy, and the power of mind over matter.
Even many distinguished mainstream Western scientists over the last 100+ years have grasped the point that matter is not solid. Here are the very best and brightest of them alluding to the fact that energy is pre-eminent to matter:
    “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” – Max Planck
    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
    “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
    “The atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.” – Werner Heisenberg
    “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense … there is no place in this new kind of physics for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.” – Albert Einstein
    “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” – Albert Einstein
    “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr
Plato also wrote that the entire universe can be explained mathematically by numbers. This exactly aligns itself with the idea that we live in a holographic universe – a kind of computer simulation with digital numbers at its foundation.
The Renaissance: Reinforcing the Left-Brain Materialist View
The Renaissance was heralded as a golden age for humanity — and in many ways it was — but it also further cemented the left-brain materialist view of the world, which can be found in the works of Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes and Newton. Copernicus and Galileo famously proposed heliocentrism (the theory that the planets revolve around the Sun, which is located at the center of the Solar System) over the then-existing geocentric model (the theory that the Earth is at the center of all the celestial bodies), but as the recent rise of the flat earth movement has shown, there is a copious amount of evidence to suggest that the heliocentric theory is far from being complete and conclusive.
It was Descartes who famously claimed “I think, therefore I am” and gave birth to the falsehood that thinking, reason and logic is the base of our existence, when in fact being or consciousness is. Put simply, there is no brain to think without a consciousness that animates it.
Newton, for all the great work he did for physics, came up with a set of abstract, mathematically-based, mechanical formulae which he called “the laws of nature”. Though he was to live several centuries after Newton, genius inventor and true scientist Nikola Tesla made a very telling comment regarding the tendency of mainstream science and scientists to get stuck in a rut with their abstract mathematical theories. This statement could most definitely be applied to Einstein, who despite his brilliance in proposing the theory of relativity, worked for 3+ decades afterwards and could never come up with a more complete theory. Tesla said:
    “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”
Darwinian Eugenics and Evolution
Charles Darwin, for those of you who didn’t know, was part of an elite family who favored eugenics (selective breeding), so it is not surprising therefore that his theory of evolution emphasized the virtues of dog-eat-dog competitiveness, survival of the fittest, and might-is-right – all habits and values of the psychopathic ruling class.
Those who insist that science is not a religion may be hard-pressed to explain why someone like Darwin chose to focus on those elements of Nature in this theory, instead of focusing on or even considering the incredible symbiosis and cooperation that is also evident in Nature – and to a greater extent than competition.
Today: The Insane and Never-Ending Search for the Smallest Particle
Fast forward to today, and it seems that science is a religion like never before. What’s happening at CERN with the Hadron Collider’s search for ever smaller and smaller particles seems like materialistic mainstream science desperately trying to justify itself and its outmoded theory, like a dog forever chasing its tail in vain.
In November 2014, a paper entitled Quantum Realism: The physical world as a virtual reality was published by Dr. Brian Whitworth Ph.D (Masters of Science in Information Systems), MA Hons (Psychology) and BSc (Maths). It contrasted the materialistic and idealistic views, which Dr. Whitworth framed as physical realism and quantum realism. When he matched these views to the data coming out of CERN, he found the quantum realism (simulation) model of reality fit the observations and facts much better. He writes:
    “The Higgs boson is the virtual particle created by an invisible field to explain another virtual particle created by another invisible field to explain an actual effect (neutron decay). Given dark energy and dark matter, it explains at best 4% of the mass of the universe, but the standard model needs it, so when after fifty years CERN found a million, million, million, millionth of a second signal in the possible range, physics was relieved. There is no evidence this “particle” has any effect on mass at all, but the standard model survives.
    “By piling fields upon fields, the standard model now has at least 48 point particles, 24 fitted properties, 5 overlapping invisible fields and 14 virtual particles that pop in and out of existence on demand, anywhere, anytime. And it isn’t finished yet, as each new effect needs a new field, e.g. inflation needs an inflaton field. If this approach, founded on physical realism, is preferred, it isn’t because of its simplicity, as it is hard to imagine anything more complicated! Chapter 4 suggests that while the fitted calculations work, their interpretation is a mythology on a scale not seen since Ptolemy’s epicycles.”
We are Blind to The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Materialism places so much stock in what we can apprehend with our 5 senses, especially sight, since it is the dominant sense for most people. Yet, of what we know exists in the full electromagnetic spectrum, we can only see a tiny range from approximately 700 nanometers (abbreviated nm) to 400 nm, between the infrared and ultraviolet rays. As this short video clip demonstrates, if the electromagnetic spectrum were a reel of film 2,500 miles long (stretching from California to Alaska), then the band of light visible to human beings would be around 1 inch long! If these numbers are correct, that means that we only perceive 0.0000000631313% of what is really there. So why, when we are so blind, does mainstream science place so much faith in our ‘5-senses reality’ and disregard the unseen as fantasy or imagination?
Mainstream Science – Bogged Down by Fraud and Fakery
So far, I have discussed the reasons why mainstream science is ideologically or theoretically on the wrong track. I haven’t even begun to touch the ways in which science is horribly misguided and mistaken on a practical level. Sad to say, science has been totally corrupted by special interests who fund and determine the outcome of much of the research. The fraudulent scientific research of Big Pharma is rife, and has been acknowledged as untrustable by medical journal editors, professors, doctors, government officials and former Big Pharma insiders. Essentially, well-funded interests can pay for whatever “scientific result” they want for their agenda, slanting, distorting and omitting data in line with their goals. Simply put, a scientist discovering the “wrong” result will be quickly rejected and defunded.
This fake and fraudulent science, which is not true science at all but rather corporate junk science which passes under the rubric of science, is all pervasive. As Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the esteemed New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), had to say about the pervasive fraudulent scientific research:

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