
Saturday 25 August 2012

The Illuminati Secret

 The Illuminati Secret for Undetectable Mind Control
Unless you understand how reality is manifested, your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the hands of the ruling Elite who do understand it.
Living in the third dimension can be a blissful experience when you have power, health, wealth, comforts and freedom. That’s what the ruling Elite have manifested for themselves while the rest of the world struggles with poverty, disease, drug dependency, debt and servitude. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is not only one world government. It is complete mastery over the 3rd dimension of time and space.
Notice how successful they have been at manifesting a Utopian 3rd dimension for themselves – money, yachts, private jets, castles, resorts, racehorses, corporations, gold, gems, servants and everything they desire. You are part of their manifestation. You and the rest of the world are literally at their feet. How did they do it? With their knowledge of the tools of Creation and Universal Laws.
The Universal Law of Attraction
What do you think about? The answer is revealed by the life that you lead. If you think your life is miserable or great, you are right. Life is whatever you think it is. The same is true for the state of the world. It is what humanity collectively thinks it is. Energy and all forms of matter attract like-vibrational energy. Our thoughts are energy magnets. They attract whatever we point them at.
Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
- Bashar
Your thoughts are living things. When you step into a room full of people, you can sense the living atmosphere created by the collective thought waves of the people in the room. You may sense a calm or a tense atmosphere.
The collective thought waves of the 7 billion people on Planet Earth also create an atmosphere and it affects everyone either consciously or unconsciously. Like the Borg in Star Trek, you can tune into this “collective consciousness” and broadcast ideas to others who will receive and act on them. You are a drop in the ocean of thought and the ocean of thought is in every drop.
The Universal Law of Attraction is working in your life right now. You are attracting the personal situations that you are experiencing. You are also attracting the global situations through your individual contribution to the collective mass consciousness. Think about what you are contributing. Once you are aware of this Universal Law and how it works, you can start to use it deliberately to attract what you want instead of what you don't want.
Any thought you have, when combined with emotion, vibrates out from you to the universe. Like a boomerang, it returns whatever you focus on. All you have to do is allow yourself to expect what you want. Sounds easy, right? The hard part is becoming 'doubt-free'. You must expect what you want without doubt, act like you already have it and be grateful for it. Like drops in the ocean, each and every person is individually responsible for their contribution to mass consciousness.
By expecting a New World Order, an Antichrist, an Apocalypse and end times, your contribution to the collective consciousness is "dark". Expect miracles. Expect a Golden Age. When you assume 100% responsibility for everything you’re experiencing in your reality right now — absolutely everything — only then will you possess the power to alter your reality.
Our world is a reflection of our subconscious beliefs. Our subconscious mind can process 40 million neural impulses a second while our conscious mind can only process 40 neural impulses per second. We all know that if we focus on something long enough we can do it without thinking, it becomes part of our subconscious routine. Lets make compassion and understanding a part of our subconscious routine by consciously focusing on these higher aspects of the self in our everyday lives.
  Vito Santana
New illuminati

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