
Friday 24 May 2013

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

The Sacred Feminine Leadership Institute

We are in an energetic transition right now, moving from one paradigm to another, with rapid, accelerated leaps and bounds of insights.  As a result, alignment between learning, knowledge, wisdom and action can go a bit awry from time to time.  To support your clarity and full alignment, the Sacred Feminine Leadership Institute  offers this Code of Ethics as a guideline for all practitioners of every persuasion, wishing to move global consciousness up the spiritual ladder.
You are welcome to use this Code of Ethics as presented, or adapt it for your own use.  We encourage you to take the time to be mindful of what you stand for, what you offer and how you offer it
1.   I Will Do No Harm.  I Will Actively Do Good.
All the work I offer is for the highest good of all, including myself. I will be careful of offering services that may harm or exploit either my clients or myself.  I will be watchful of balancing expediency with integrity.
2.   I Will Respect Privacy, Confidentiality and Boundaries.
I will not use friendships or professional relationships to actively recruit clients.  I may inform them of what I do, and then allow them to approach me if they feel inclined to work with me.  I will not force my services onto my circle of influence, no matter how much I may think they might benefit from them. I will not use information gained privately about my friends and associates  to coerce them into paying for my services.
3.   I Will Charge Fairly For My Offerings.
I am committed to healing and overcoming my own limited understanding about abundance, prosperity and money,  and to learn to value myself and my work appropriately.  I will help others do the same.  However, I will be aware of the fine line of being in financial  integrity and being exploitive.
I will proceed with compassion and kindness, honoring the client’s ability to afford my services balanced against their limited programming about money.
I will  never suggest that my clients make themselves financially vulnerable in order to pay me.  If they truly desire to work with me, I will trust that they will find a way to source the money.
If a client cannot afford my services at this time, I will hold a space for them to work with me in future, possibly  in a different capacity.  I will never cut off  communications with anyone based simply on their current financial situation.
4.   I Will Be Honest About My Abilities To Help Others.
I will be careful with what I claim I can do for my clients.  In this period of exceptionally accelerated unfolding of energy and rapid learning, it can be difficult to always take the time to consolidate skills, knowledge and wisdom in traditional ways.
That said, there is still  a strong core set of competencies that I have developed over the years, either  professionally or informally.  I will lead with what I know I can do well and allow my sense of integrity to guide me with what else I will include.
5.   I Will Be Clear And Honest In My Communications. (a) I will be careful with how I use the word “free,”  so that it’s not a hidden way to push sales onto my clients.
 (b) I will be careful with how I use the word “guarantee.”  I can guarantee satisfaction, but not results.
 (c) Any testimonials I choose to use should be clear and not misleading.  I will not use testimonials to imply ongoing success on conclusion of the program, rather than a situational, often short-term, improvement, if this has been the case.
6.   I Will Be Professional In Conduct And Presentation.
Many of us at this time have chosen to work with paradigms and modalities that are outside of the mainstream.  Therefore, I  will practice my beliefs and creativity  with dignity and respect,  in a way that is inviting and uplifting for others.
7.   I Will Honor And Respect My Client Relationships.
In my professional role, I am held to my country’s anti-discrimination laws.  In addition, because of the often deeply personal nature of my work, I am aware that any attitudes I hold towards certain groups or lifestyle choices may be subtly revealed, but which will be quite obvious to my client.
So while I may certainly limit my services to a particular client group, having identified them as my niche, I allow myself to decline to work with particular individuals on the basis of us not being a good match together or me not being able to meet their needs.
However,  once having agreed to work with them, I will display the highest regard and courtesy for where they are in their life journey, and support them to my very finest ability.
8.   I Aim To Be Uncommonly High In My Integrity.
As a Sacred Feminine Leader, it is up to me to model the highest standards of integrity to those around me.  I expect the highest from myself.  I am always open to recognizing and dealing with areas where I catch myself not being my best, and I will be receptive to feedback  where I may have blind spots.
While I  do not expect myself to be a living Saint, I do expect that I will always strive to live up to the highest levels of integrity.
My standards of integrity include Truth, Respect, Non-judgment, Kindness, Compassion and always working for the Highest Good of All.  Above all, I honor the Karmic Law of “As I sow, so shall I reap.”
9.   I Will Use My Skills Only For My Client’s Benefit.
Through the use of my cultivated insight and intuition, I will be careful of causing undue alarm for my client.  I will be careful with how I communicate my intuitive or psychic impressions, especially when I perceive a probable calamity or major upheaval likely to cause large distress, and if there is any doubt about my impressions or my motives, I won’t mention them.
While I may challenge my clients, and hold the space to process their stuff, I will not leave my clients feeling fearful or despondent at the end of our time together.
I will not offer information about other people to my client, based on my intuitive or psychic impressions – eg, lover, competitors, etc.
I will not use any form of control, psychic, wiccan or otherwise, that limits any person’s free will.
10.   I Will Foster Client Independence.
My ultimate aim is to free my client from their own limitations. While it may be flattering to know that my client wishes to keep working with me, if they are not making substantial progress in their goals, it may be time to  let them go.  I will be on guard to make sure I am not knowingly or unknowingly binding them to me for egotistical or financial gain.
11.   I  Honor Client Relationship Dynamics.
Clients will often come to rely on their coaches and leaders as a natural part of the process, and may believe that no one else understands them so deeply.
Thus, they may inadvertently hand me a lot of their personal power, and I need to be very careful to not exploit this trust, either financially, sexually or simply to feed my own ego.  I need to watch my own responses very carefully when working with clients who appear to become dependent on me, or wish to raise me on a pedestal.
12.   I Commit to Ongoing Self Improvement.
In this accelerated time of unfolding, it is imperative to never allow myself to believe that I have reached “the end” of my quest for knowledge and understanding.
I will keep my mind and curiosity open on how to make ongoing progress in my own journey, either formally or informally, and I trust that my own Higher Wisdom will precipitate me into action when the right opportunity or teacher comes along.
I will never ask any client to do anything I would not be willing to do myself.
Note:  These points may be subject to future modification, and are offered for your consideration as a basis for your own Code of Ethics.  You are, of course,  welcome to use them as offered above, if you wish.

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