
Wednesday 29 May 2013



Most people can’t resist getting the details on the latest conspiracy theories, no matter how far-fetched they may seem. At the same time, many people quickly denounce any conspiracy theory as untrue … and sometimes as unpatriotic or just plain ridiculous. Lets not forget all of the thousands of conspiracies out of Wall Street like Bernie Madoff and many others to commit fraud and extortion, among many crimes of conspiracy.
USA Today reports that over 75% of personal ads in the paper and on Craigslist are married couples posing as single for a one night affair. When someone knocks on your door to sell you a set of knives or phone cards, anything for that matter, do they have a profit motive? What is conspiracy other than just a scary way of saying “alternative agenda”?
Conspiracy theory is a term that originally was a neutral descriptor for any claim of civil, criminal or political conspiracy. However, it has come almost exclusively to refer to any fringe theory which explains a historical or current event as the result of a secret plot by conspirators of almost superhuman power and cunning.
To conspire means “to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end.” The term “conspiracy theory” is frequently used by scholars and in popular culture to identify secret military, banking, or political actions aimed at stealing power, money, or freedom, from “the people”.
To many, conspiracy theories are just human nature. Not all people in this world are honest, hard working and forthcoming about their intentions. Certainly we can all agree on this. So how did the term “conspiracy theory” get grouped in with fiction, fantasy and folklore? Maybe that’s a conspiracy, just kidding. Or am I?
Skeptics are important in achieving an objective view of reality, however, skepticism is not the same as reinforcing the official storyline. In fact, a conspiracy theory can be argued as an alternative to the official or “mainstream” story of events. Therefore, when skeptics attempt to ridicule a conspiracy theory by using the official story as a means of proving the conspiracy wrong, in effect, they are just reinforcing the original “mainstream” view of history, and actually not being skeptical.
This is not skepticism, it is just a convenient way for the establishment view of things to be seen as the correct version, all the time, every time. In fact, it is common for “hit pieces” or “debunking articles” to pick extremely fringe and not very populated conspiracy theories. This in turn makes all conspiracies on a subject matter look crazy. Skeptics magazine and Popular Mechanics, among many others, did this with 9/11.
They referred to less than 10% of the many different conspiracy theories about 9/11 and picked the less popular ones, in fact, they picked the fringe, highly improbable points that only a few people make. This was used as the “final investigation” for looking into the conspiracy theories. Convenient, huh?
In fact, if one were to look into conspiracy theories, they will largely find that thinking about a conspiracy is associated with lunacy and paranoia. Some websites suggest it as an illness. It is also not surprising to see so many people on the internet writing about
conspiracy theories in a condescending tone, usually with the words “kool-aid,” “crack pot,” or “nut job” in their articulation. This must be obvious to anyone that emotionally writing about such serious matter insults the reader more than the conspiracy theorist because there is no need to resort to this kind of behavior. It is employed often with an “expert” who will say something along the lines of, “for these conspiracies to be true, you would need hundreds if not thousands of people to be involved. It’s just not conceivable.”
I find it extremely odd that the assumption is on thousands of participants in a conspiracy. I, for one, find it hard to believe any conspiracy involving more than a handful of people but the fact remains that there have been conspiracies in our world, proven and not made up, that involved many hundreds of people. It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of fact.
One more thing to consider, have you noticed that if the conspiracy is involving powerful interests with the ability to bribe, threaten or manipulate major institutions (like the mafia, big corporations or government) then don’t you find it odd when people use one of those as the “credible” counter-argument? What I mean is, if you are discussing a conspiracy about the mafia, and someone hands you a debunking article that was written by the mafia, it doesn’t seem like it would take rocket science to look at that with serious criticism and credibility. This is the case with many conspiracies. In fact, I am handed debunking pieces all the time written in many cases by the conspirators in question. Doesn’t this seem odd to anybody else but me?
While intelligent cynicism certainly can be healthy, though, some of the greatest discoveries of all time were initially received (often with great vitriol) as blasphemous conspiracy theories — think of the revelation that the earth was not the center of the universe, or that the world was not flat but actually round.

How the Controllers Use Religion, Money, Politics, and Education to Enslave Our Souls

If you do not know who the Controllers are, they are wealthy globalists who control society from behind the scene and pull the strings of politicians. A lot of the Controllers are high level bankers who are involved in secret societies. If you do not believe in secret societies, study organized crime and you should eventually come to the conclusion that they exist.
If we want to experience true freedom and world peace, we need to learn and understand how the Controllers think and study their systems of control so we can find ways to counter them. Otherwise, the Controllers will destroy our freedom and turn our planet into a prison. If this happens, our children and future generations will not have a future to look forward to.

Why the Controllers use modern religion to weaken our souls

One of the main reasons why the Controllers manipulate us with their ominous religious teachings is to weaken the connection to Creation (God) and our souls. By doing this, it becomes easier for them to take control of the power of our consciousness. Consciousness is the most powerful energetic force in our Universe because it contains the living codes that govern all things. By controlling our consciousness to a certain degree, they can also influence our thoughts which are essential for creating our experiences.
Most of us do not understand that the collective human consciousness is what creates our reality and that matter is focused into existence with our thoughts. Quantum physicists have known about this for decades. A lot of their theories and discoveries are being taken very seriously in the last 10 years because they are helping modern scientists explain how the Universe truly works.
If our thoughts create our reality, then why is it so hard to instantaneously manifest our thoughts into reality? The reason why we cannot immediately manifest our thoughts into physical manifestation is because we have not evolved to the point where we can take control of the thought manifestation process. Because of this, the thought manifestation process is managed by our subconscious. The distortions in our light bodies are also disrupting the thought manifestation process, making it harder for us to manifest our thoughts into reality.
Our individual thought may not feel very powerful in our current state of existence, but when we combine our thoughts with large groups of people, our collective thoughts become extremely powerful. When we focus our collective thoughts toward something, they speed up the manifestation process at an exponential rate. For this reason, the collective human thought is the most powerful manifestation force on our planet. The collective human thought also has amazing healing capabilities. Most of us do not realize that when we pray to Creation or some other divine being to heal our loved ones, we are actually doing the healing.

The Conspiracy: The Real Reason why Hemp is Illegal

Pot is not harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does not pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people. Pot is illegal because billionaires want to remain billionaires!
Did you know, it is estimated that hemp has approximately 25,000 uses? From food, paint and fuel to clothing and construction materials, hemp is used. There are even hemp fibres in your Red Rose and Lipton tea bags. And several cars made today contain hemp.
The oldest relic of human industry is a piece of hemp fabric (canvas) found in ancient Mesopotamia dating back to approximately 8000 B.C. The oldest surviving piece of paper was made over 2000 years ago in China and was also made from hemp fibre. In 2500 B.C. the pharaohs used hemp in the construction of the great pyramids.
Hemp was so important in England in the 16th century that King Henry VIII passed a law in 1553 which fined farmers who failed to grow at least one quarter acre of hemp for every 60 acres of arable land they owned. There was even a time in history for over 200 years when you could pay your taxes in America with hemp. In 1850 there were more than 8,300 hemp farms in the United States.
Every 3.6 seconds someone in the world dies of hunger. Hemp seeds are the most nutritious and economical solution to end world hunger. With an 80 percent concentration of “good fats” our bodies need for good health maintenance and protein with all eight amino acids plus optimum dietary fibre, hemp truly is a “perfect balance”.
Nature has provided the essential nutrients for restoring and maintaining optimal health in a power-packed seed that is gluten, cholesterol and sugar free. Pure, natural, raw shelled hemp seed – the best single food source of protein, essential fats, vitamins and enzymes on the planet.
Have you ever noticed that whenever the government or the mainstream media wants to demonize a particular point of view they call it a “conspiracy theory”? The unspoken message is that normal people such as us should never dare to question the official propaganda being put out by “official sources”.
But what if those “official sources” are wrong? What if those “official sources” have a specific agenda that they are trying to promote? Has it become a crime to ask questions? Has it become a crime to think for ourselves?
The other day, Public Policy Polling did an opinion poll about “conspiracy theories”. Just by reading the questions they asked, it is obvious that the goal was to make those that believe in those theories to look foolish. When they released the results of the poll, they stated that some of the “conspiracy theories” could only be found in “the darker corners of the internet” – as if there was something unsavory or evil about them. But is it really “crazy” to believe that sometimes bad people do bad things? A conspiracy is just “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful”. So do conspiracies ever happen.

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