
Thursday 9 May 2013

Trap for Souls

This planet is a trap for souls.
by Tim Lord

I know the metaphysical concept has been bandied about quite a bit in philosophy and religion that this planet or realm of existence or reality or whatever you want to call it is really a honey pot to lure in souls and trap them here.
My igniting spark of revelation and I say this as a personal revelation and not something I hold on to as valid fact. Occurred at a rather early age, it was glaringly apparent to me that the world as a whole operated on 2 very basic principles. The pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
There is if you would stop for a second and looked around an undulating cornucopia of lights sounds and bells and whistles to stimulate the mind and excite the senses. It would seem all our senses are constantly on fire with new information and experiences. I would say more so now than ever in the recorded history man mankind. If one were a roaming "spirit" say and passed by this glowing orb of energy we call earth/life, wouldn't you stop to take a look?
 I know I would, which is I guess the point of this post.
Imagine for a second that the sun creates new souls on a regular basis. and all the planets in the solar system are in fact a form of sentience. but they need the energy/souls from the sun to live. One thing we do know for a fact is that without the sun we would cease to exist as it is our source of energy and there is nothing about that fact that any of us can dispute.
So through the evolution of the planet it develops the right environment for the suns energy/souls to condense on the surface. This condensation results in the formation of the most basic forms of life we label life as. (which in itself is an interesting word that we as sentient beings use) So from single cell organism to the bacteria to the trees and then the more complex forms of life to now. Now There is no doubting that there was an evolutionary ladder we all ascended in order to be experiencing this level of reality. Since I would wager a guess that the more senses or the more variety of senses a being has the greater the scope of determination of reality will be. So as life thrives on the plant the planet evolves even faster and so the level of interaction between the beings experience said reality also increases in complexity. Until we have iPhones and 3D movies internet and take away food and video games and MTv.
These are such alien and foreign things to our ancestors, they would not be able to comprehend the reality they found themselves in if we were to transport then here from the 1800's, so imagine how much we have changed from 300 yrs ago. So its safe to say that as far as distractions go we are not short of things to do on this planet. But there is nothing really of substance to free the spirit. You can watch trash TV at the flick of a channel and there is no shortage of places to get drunk and eat the fattiest food and most lavish sensual delights. In short there is no shortage of things that are what some might say "bad for you"
But try freeing your mind...Try thinking outside the the status quo and see how hard it is. See how society has evolved to keep you on the path that condones your obedience and despises your independence. Breaking free from the pleasures of this planet is a lot harder than most people think. This is why we have reincarnation. (which I believe in personally, its not a fact to be debated its just a feeling. Which I choose to believe has come about because there are those among us who do not wish to be alone.) There is a reason that this planet is seeing such an increase in the population. Because life on the planet is pretty awesome for the moment. Things are starting to get a bit more restrictive now but its been pretty awesome for the most part.
Mayhaps the feedback loop of souls coming from the sun and never leaving is having a tipping effect on the planet. Maybe this is the cyclical ebb and flow of the planets evolution maybe there are party's that benefit from such a high ratio of souls on this plant. These are all questions for another thread. So, do I think this planet is a Venus fly trap for souls. maybe maybe not. But there sure are a lot of us here and not too many asking the big questions.
Now to those that pursue pain rather than pleasure, one persons pleasure is another person pain so lets not be quick to judge one from another. All I will say is based on an individual experience early stimulus has a more concrete neural connection that solidifies what someone likes and dislikes. So as a nation or planet if we all have similar experiences from the age of 0 to 8 or 9 we will in theory all have similar likes and dislikes. Obviously this just a generalization, there will always be those that swim against the grain.

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