When Worlds Divide
by Zen Gardner
This question of a coming divergent world, a just one that
separates in some way from the wicked one we’re currently embroiled in, has
been with us for some time. We are watching parallel phenomena of violent,
threatening darkness pounding at our doorstep while a simultaneous absolutely
awe-inspiring and empowering awakening is taking place around the globe. These
are being contrasted before our hearts and minds as we each deal with these
incoming realities at many levels.
As we know, they cannot contain our awakening no matter what
draconian measures they try.
The dark Powers that have cleverly slipped into place can
kill, maim and destroy to their wicked hearts’ content but it doesn’t do a
thing. That glorious fact is a reality that has been carefully kept “behind the
veil” of mass human awareness for eons, even though every living soul senses
otherwise. Awake and aware consciousness and those daring to live there have
known this all along.
What we call bravery in the face of their onslaughts is this
very simple understanding. It’s a knowledge and conviction that we are eternal
and indestructible and have a firm grip on the reality that the Truth for which
we live is unshakeable. Living by that simple steadfast knowledge and
proactively helping to manifest it in others is called being alive.
That’s the definition of true freedom.
Growing Into Realizations – Screw Escapism
I’m not a fatalist in the sense that everything is
predetermined. That is purely a programmed shut down mechanism to the degree
anyone adopts that mental paralysis. Complicated, arrogant, philosophical
gobbledygook such as that has been the stifling academic controlling answer for
all of the non-already-religiously-programmed subjects.
Same old mechanism. Get ‘em from both sides.
We are very much alive, gloriously free willed entities in
this wonderful cosmic fabric and are intrinsically connected together with the
infinite creative Source. It couldn’t be more wonderful, profound or simple.
Just like your heart has told you all along.
I find myself chewing on this question of where humanity is
going quite a bit, not even consciously, but it’s always there as I attempt to
“grok” the events in the world around me and the vast body of knowledge and
esoterica at our fingertips. It’s totally cool. I wouldn’t have it any other
way. There is no greater purpose in life as far as I am concerned than to keep
growing in understanding and empowering awareness and helping others to do the
From a new, enlightened perspective is the only way we can
achieve the loving intentions we share for this planet…and beyond.
The Wheat and the Tares
The tares look beautiful. They are yellow and look like
This parable always struck me and it is apparently full on
appropriate for today. We may not know who came here scattering their evils
seeds but one thing for sure, over time we will see “who is who” when the
plants grow to maturity. Which is clearly happening now.
“The kingdom of
heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was
sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When
the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
“The owner’s
servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field?
Where then did the weeds come from?’
“‘An enemy did
this,’ he replied.
“The servants
asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
“‘No,’ he
answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat
with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell
the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned;
then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
The powerful statement of this parable is how the plants
have to grow up together to find this out.
Is this what we are experiencing now in a very profound cycle of
distended time?
Clearly the mimicking parasitic weeds are sucking the good
nutrients out of the soil that nourishes the good plants. No doubt they’re good
talkers, persuading their neighbors how needed they are in the community – in
fact, “we should rule over you and help take care of things”.
Ever notice how fast and tall weeds grow, and in the most
unlikely places? And how much they can mimic the plants they’re killing? And
they DO kill off young sprouts if you don’t catch them. Crowding them out,
sucking up the water and minerals.
Sound familiar?
The usurpers at work. They were hidden, but are now being
exposed to a growing swathe of humanity. All part of the division.
Light vs Dark – A Cycle of Change
However you conceive of or phrase the paradigm we’re living
in, what we are engaged in here is a struggle and it is a form of warfare.
While it has become obvious even in this age of exploitation, as you become
more spiritual you find this to be true and ever present in life changing ways.
As said many times, religion and phony spirituality buries this reality in
dogma, ritual, fearful obeisance and hierarchy.
They know, therefore they conceal.
It doesn’t matter to what extent we realize the depths of
their perfidy, once we realize we have a very real enemy of bodies and souls
it’s time to take action. By each of us manifesting the light that is within us
via acts of Love and Truth we increase the conscious energy field. When we
affect others to do the same, and wake others out of slumber and they turn pass
it on, it grows exponentially.
This has been a battle throughout history, but my contention
is that this time around something different and much more dramatic is taking
It has everything to do with communication. Knowing there
are so many others who know, who are connecting, who are compelled to share
this experience, who have as a result changed the course of their lives to do
so more effectively, is absolutely empowering. And motivating. We want to care
for each other, we are compelled, our compassion continues to grow until it’s
That’s all good.
The internet, designed by DARPA of all things, has been the
key. Talk about backfiring!
The Cycles Tell the Tale
There’s hardly a religion, metaphysical school or spiritual
science that doesn’t allude to cycles in some form or another. The question is,
where in cosmic “history” and the cycles of time and creation are we? And do we
need to know?
I know we do. Because we’re clearly being told. Our hearts
are receiving and broadcasting this reality at massively increasing rates.
Why did the ancients track the stars so precisely? Why are
the “gods” of ancient civilizations all cradled in astrotheology? Why is modern
Luciferianism and even accepted religion steeped in astral symbology?
The cycles tell the tale.
We’re apparently at a point of division. For each of us
individually this is ever present. As a society and a species, it seems we’re
at a precipice. What we are witnessing in a spiritual sense is remarkable, and
we need to be able to interpret it in its most positive sense, without losing
the knowledge of the gravity of the geopolitical and spiritual realities.
They do all go together. And everything is empowering when
taken in true conscious perspective.
May this give you something empowering to chew on.
It’s with sincere love, and heartfelt appreciation to all
those who soldier on for Love and Truth!
Ultimately, there’s no doing anything against the Truth.
Only for the Truth.
Love. Zen
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