A Great Turning
By Julian Rose
Autumn is a wonderful season especially for those sensitive
to the pulls exerted by the Earth’s core.
That means those ready to be pulled downwards. Those who do
not resist the binding of all disparate energies recalled to the source during
‘The Fall’. Here is where we find ourselves again. In awe to this great
recurring gravitational episode of life.
The Equinox is upon us – and ‘fall’ we must. Along with the
browned and sunburned leaves that flutter to nature’s floor. Along with the
retreating earthworms, bees and the last windblown butterflies of summer.
For it is only when we, too, allow ourselves to fall that we
can experience the full power of the great turning and be refueled and
refreshed, made ready for a renewed rising when the sun once again spreads its
waxing powers upon a receptive planet.
Of all the seasons, this is the most important one not to be
rushed in. Autumn is nature’s resting and restoring ground – it is her
meditation. Go in, in, in, and see for yourself what treasures there are! What
mysteries hang in the softly rising mist that lays a protective shroud over the
mantle of this Earth.
Give yourself the rest you need. The contemplation. Do not
deny yourself the ‘letting go’ that nature teaches. Do not make excuses for why
you can’t re-find the you you really are. Do not fight the essential repose
that is at the heart of autumn. At the heart of ‘the fall.’ For if we will not
fall, how can we arise again? Do not let the flattened landscape of
military-industrial havoc take your soul instead.
This is the message of the great turning – and we humans are
a part of it. We are ‘of nature’. That is what we fight for when we go out to
do battle with the mad destroyers. This is why we give our all to block the
GMO, the ‘fracking’, the nuclear – all the toxic killers. Somewhere within us
we remain at one with the great circadian rhythm of the seasons. The trouble
is, that ‘somewhere’ is (for most) buried under a great pile of superficial,
superfluous paraphernalia that swamps nature’s messenger, blocking all attempts
to send out the call we are meant to hear.
Such a garbage laden blockage prevents us from deepening our
emotional being; so much so that we can no longer draw from the well of life.
We cannot be renewed, enriched and readied for what is to come. The autumn just
passes – and is herself saddened by the lack of company on her ongoing journey
towards the winter solstice.
A saddened nature is less resistant in combating the toxic
insanities which are dumped upon her. Her immune system is weakened – and in
this state – that which kills, kills more readily. While we kill nature, she is
trying to live. She is reminding us, every minute of every day, that we should
also live. She never tires in this.
That, maybe, is the reason why those who can’t stop to
listen would rather put an end to her.
Put an end to that persistent voice that has an annoying
habit of reminding us that there is something all-together wrong with the way
we are living our lives and treating that which nourishes us.
To many, the answer to this nagging interruption to their
daily addictions is to shoot the messenger.
No gun required; just turn on the TV, crack-open a beer, go
to the fridge, stick-on a catchy piece of music; chat on the internet, mow the
lawn, fiddle with the smart phone – you
know the rest.
Then there’s another way of shooting the messenger: get a
job which negatively impacts upon the health and welfare of this living
breathing planet. That means most jobs. Because most ‘jobs’ are built upon a
denial that the great turning even exists! They plow right through and flatten
it without even realising it’s there. They nullify the life force with their
money obsessed paralysis, thus rendering void all things living.
‘Nine to Five’ is not
the way to stay alive – it is a programmed parasitic work ethic designed to
automate and suck the life out of humanity. Avoid this fate if you want to
remain sentient and subtle enough to respond to the messenger’s call.
Now, as the northern light draws in once again, and as the
sun’s rays soften their summer brightness turning to amber hues of golden
warmth – go with them. Even if it pelts with rain – splash with it.
Go to the fecund underworld, which quietly ferments that
which has passed and slowly rekindles the sleeping seed that is the new life to
come. Go there. For this journey is life’s gift – and it is madness not to dip
deeply into so potent a brew.
Our world stands on the brink of discovering itself anew. We
are a ripening fruit on the tree of life.
The great change that we yearn for awaits within us to be
given clearance to fly. You have only to let go of your hold on that which
holds no promise.
Let all things superficial fall-away. Let gravity take them
to be melted down in the great furnace below. Let all become deep and move to
the rhythm of celestial callings. Remove the watch whose hands tick off the
hours – telling only the story of linear time and the division of oneness into
a million splintered parts. Nano particles that glitter in the neon flattened
windows of sterile main street money. Let die that part of you which still
clings to such a nefarious chimera.
A great turning is upon us. Spare this day to enter its
temple. Touch a deeper seam in your trembling soul and share your treasure joyfully.
Do not deny yourself the initiation and rite of passage that awaits you. For
what emerges out again from here will bring to our war-torn world a profoundly
needed nourishment.
‘The Great Turning’ is the title Joanna Macy has given to
her life long work in Deep Green Activism. Joanna is now in her eighties and is
still active. She visited Julian’s farm this last summer and addressed a joyous
meeting of international supporters and friends.
Mabon - Autumn
Equinox, 2nd Harvest, September 22nd
Mabon, (pronounced MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or MAH-bawn)
is the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally, and
we all take a moment to pay our respects to the impending dark. We also give
thanks to the waning sunlight, as we store our harvest of this year's crops.
The Druids call this celebration, Mea'n Fo'mhair, and honor the The Green Man,
the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees. Offerings of ciders,
wines, herbs and fertilizer are appropriate at this time. Wiccans celebrate the
aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he
prepares for death and re-birth.
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