
Sunday 9 November 2014

Children of a Lesser God

The Children of a Lesser God

Fear is a 'Lesser God' and we have become its children!
I wonder sometimes when I see Nigel Farage babbling on about immigrants, or one of his many other ill-favoured topics of 'Odium and Despite', does he, in his day dreams, imagine himself a Giant amongst men, a Political Leviathan ready to step up to the plate and save us all from the deadly threat of Romania? Does this lumbering maladroit, imagine himself another 'Alexander', a Colossus who bestrides the grand political stage with a Holy Mission to free Great Britain from the scourge of Mid-European Infamy? Do his followers, who cast themselves in the role of 'True Patriots' (despite all evidence to the contrary) look up to Nigel and hail him as a 'British Hero dedicated to Change and Equality for the Common Man' simply because, they have so little about themselves that any piece of shit in a suit, able to talk smack about immigrants whilst drinking a pint of ale in a randomly chosen beer hall photo opportunity, fits comfortably into their gauche image of a great political thinker?
And the more I think about these things Ladies & Gentlemen, the more I observe those in Ukip who follow Nigel's ham-fisted leadership towards the dark light of Fascism, the more I realise that the answer to all of these questions is a resounding, thundering, appalling, mind numbing - 'Yes'.
The by-election results in Clacton, and other locations around Great Britain; was not about the collapse of the Conservative vote and the successful rise of a freedom loving UKIP, rather it was about Racism. It was about Gaza, it was about greed and intolerance, it was about the destruction of a Socialist Society in Southern America in 1973, it was about the brutality of religious bigots across the world, it was about Fear & Extremism, the Fear & Extremism that Neo-Liberalism creates wherever it raises its ugly head;  for, as anybody with a brain can tell you, Neo-Liberalism is just Fascism rebranded for a modern audience with little memory and a corrupted education.
"There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know" said the satirist Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) and he was bang on the money!
UKIP's success in Clacton was about the inadequacies of a world governed by the super rich for the benefit of the super rich  and to hell with the rest of humanity. The Clacton By-Election ladies & gentlemen, was about the super elite and their Dominion over this world, & importantly - how that Dominion was achieved and is maintained.
It was about how a few highly motivated, super rich people can all too easily manipulate a fearful and ignorant electorate into voting for their own slavery. And not only vote for their own slavery, but to do so under the clownish leadership of ridiculous and deeply unintelligent little men; men with a little ideas, men with fragile puny intellects, men who possess no morality or shared humanity whatsoever; men who are willing, Ladies & Gentlemen, to do anything to get the power and prestige they crave.
Little wonder then that such maggots are funded so heavily by the Super Elite, men who strive ever to remain hidden from the eyes of the Electorate that they are set on course to perpetually to betray!
And what is more; I suspect that even the most unintelligent and dim-witted of Ukip followers already know this to be an absolute truth!
It is this reality, which above all other factors, makes Nigel Farage a force to be feared. This stark reality of pre-knowledge leads us inexorably to Germany in 1932 and a deeper truth; a truth that most people, whether they be on the left or right of the political spectrum, refuse in these modern times of so called enlightenment to even concede - might exist at all! That Evil is alive and well!
After 5 decades of Neo-Liberalism such thinking is deemed 'archaic' by the political intelligentsia who propagandise the masses with twisted truths and outright lies in their daily news forecasts. But Ladies and Gentlemen it isn't outdated thinking, for while it may not be fashionable in these modern times to think in such terms, it is a Truth which lays at the very heart of everything we as humans do, and it is a very real force!
Every aspect of our human society is coloured by the influence of Evil; it touches every person on the planet, and it blights the lives of billions across the world. It is a constant theme in both fiction, philosophy,  and the chronological documentation of human history, and it returns time and again, in physical form to haunt mankind, visiting pain and misery, loss and anguish upon the common man in a recurring cycle of 'Boundless Malice'. And yet somehow, this idea of 'Deliberate Political Evil' is nowadays never to be discussed outside the environs of religious dogma, for it has become, almost - the modern Social and Political Taboo.
Somehow they have made the idea of 'Evil' a myth, a thing of legend.
Thus it is that anybody who openly frames their language to identify these people who govern us as 'Evil' are labelled as 'Crazies', or are at the very least considered and portrayed in all News Media as being - 'Out on the Fringe'. The worst denigration is of course to be called a 'Conspiracy Theorists' and all of these slanders are nothing but a set of disparaging labels carefully designed and engineered into our social psyche over a 5 decade period to make ordinary people consider Whistleblowers and Intelligent Political Activists (I.E. people who expose the criminality of Politicians and The Elite who quite literally steal trillions of Tax Payers Money every year and who deliberately start wars for personal profit), as dangerous loons to be ignored and laughed at. 'None so blind as those who will not see'.
Make no mistake Ladies & Gentlemen, I am not talking here about Satan, The Devil, Mephistopheles, or some other such mythical religious bullcrap figure which so ill-defines the nature of Evil. Oh no!
Forget Religion for a moment if you can, cast aside the nonsensical indoctrination of whatever faith you happen to follow, for all such Religious Dogma's are but the impious tools of usurpers, in whose hands your faith - and your need for spiritual contentment is perverted by the means of squalid religion to serve the grubby cause of our brutal overseers.
It may be passé to say it out loud in a passage of prose, but 'True Evil' Ladies and Gentlemen, does not present itself to us in a cloud of fire and brimstone, or some other convenient easy to recognise format. Its acolytes do not start off their 'dark careers of infamy' by wearing a natty black uniform with a deaths head on their collars and an attached label which states 'I am Evil, fear me'.... - at least not in the beginning.
Instead, evil comes to us at first with a smiling face and a pleasing voice, it wears a reassuring skin covered by an inoffensive suit and a forgettable tie, they look like you and me, but ladies and gentlemen they are master deceivers! These are the grey men who inhabit the dark corridors of all our governments, where Power is brokered between a criminal sub-elite who act like predators seeking a new target to feast upon.
What is more, I think in their hearts that most people now understand that a vast majority of Politicians across the Western World are nothing but the mouthpieces of a greater demon. They  present to us 'the common man' - plausible sounding arguments to convince us all that committing atrocious acts in the name of security is Justifiable. They persuade us to support their perfidious dominion in the short term so that in the long term we might be rewarded with a fair and just society.
But their deeds are never Justifiable, and nor are their Laws ever - short term!
That fair and just society which they promise us when first they seek Election is always just beyond our reach. Utopia forever remains just around the next political bend, always it lays in a Golden Future which is promised but never delivered.
It is time to tell the truth to yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen; in our Neo-Liberal world - all Political Leaders are owned, their authority is not handed to them by us 'The People', instead it is rendered unto them by those who hide from the light of our scrutiny, The Elite. But who are these Elite...?
They are Arms dealers, the Financiers, the Corporate Bosses, the News Media Magnates, the Bankers; the industrialists, the Tycoons..... a Cabal of the Super Rich!
These are the same people who put Adolf Hitler into power, the same people who assured the ascension of Mussolini, the same people who a generation later put General Pinochet in Power in South America, the same people who put Suharto in power, and who in our modern history - put George W. Bush & Tony Blair into power; and all of these rotten disgusting men were and are, murderers on a massive scale. These are the men who engineered our belief that a war on terror was possible, who convinced the West that you can fight Terror with Greater Terror.
But in truth there was never a covert compact of Islamists who wanted to destroy the West, those which now exist are but a creation of our own 'Security Agencies' and they were created to polarise the stupid into supporting a perpetual war in which the poor die poorer, and the rich get richer. This is the Holy Jihad of the Elite, no act is too vile nor thought too base, if it furthers their aim then the act is done without remorse. Continued Dominion over this world is their eternal objective, and they would rather burn the world than surrender their authority over it.
I have come to view the Politicians who inhabit the Worlds Government (at its highest levels) as being more akin to the Kapo's in Auschwitz than the great statesmen they purport to be. These men and women are the Funktionshäftling of our modern captivity, creatures who wear the arm band of the Lagerpolizist; men so lacking in morals that they willingly betray their countrymen as they, seeking advancement to dine at the top table where riches abound, plunder nation after nation for their hidden masters.
Propaganda, murder, deceits, theft, corruption, mass torture, mass imprisonments, lies, these are but the common tools of control that the Kapo's of Auschwitz employed daily on the orders of their Masters, and if you look around the world at all the so called powerful men in government today - are they really any different than their latter day Nazi Collaborators namesakes?
Think about that for a moment as I rabbit on, think about all those people we civilised westerners tortured secretly in all those darkened dungeons, think about the men and women we have murdered over the last twenty years, think about all those people who used to exist but were suddenly and irreversibly vanished. Think about 'Shaker Aamer' - an innocent man imprisoned for over a decade in Guantanamo, think about all those other innocent [and not so innocent] men who we secretly and very illicitly transported via Great Britain with the collusion of MI5, MI6, and the Political Leadership of Westminster under the internationally illegal 'extraordinary rendition program' and sent to Guantanamo, Morocco, Turkmenistan, and many other dark places which only God knows, to be brutalised and held, illegally interrogated and tortured, and in all likelyhood in many cases 'forever disappeared'.
And don't start shouting "We would never do that"... we have already fucking well done it in Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and the list goes on and on and on and on.....
Think about that as you're wanking off over some talentless prick on Xfactor, think about all the other mothers' sons and their daughters whose lives your lack of political awareness has blighted. Think on what in their hearts your lack of political courage, your apathy and mealy mouthed acceptance of the authority of known murderers and criminals means to them, to their lives, to their deaths.
Do you think YOUR victims will forgive you? Do you think they will forget the deaths we enabled with our indifference? Or do you think they will seek a just revenge, as we ourselves sought just revenge on Germany and its people for bombing London, Coventry, Birmingham, and Plymouth?
Think about that for a moment and what it truly means, for whilst it is accurate to label these elitist vermin who currently govern the world as being 'Evil', (in an almost apocalyptical sense of the word); even their perversity is but a reflection of ourselves seen through a mirror darkly.
Evil Ladies & Gentlemen, is the spite we as individuals gather from all the injustices that fate and prejudice has heaped upon our shoulders in the course of our daily lives.
We are no different from those whom we torment!
We gather our hopelessness and stuff it into the repository of our souls and turn our personal despair into a deep feeling of malice towards others. All the torments of the schoolyard bullies, the unfairness of being overlooked for promotion at work, the sexual rejections, the senseless shame we endure when we are commanded by lesser men into obedient subservience, when we are daily forced to carry out demeaning labours for a pittance so that we might feed our kids. These are the desperate unloved things which turn us all towards our personal darkness.
Evil is a shadow cloak which seems so welcoming  and so very easy to adopt as it wraps itself pleasingly around our shoulders. It whispers comfortable lies and pleasing prejudice in our ears, for we being weak, believe the lies we want to hear.
This then is how the likes of Nigel Farage win; they get us to blame 'The Other' as they steal the world from beneath our feet of clay, whispering all the while THE LIES WE WANT TO HEAR!
Fear is the tool that our Sociopathic Masters use to gain their ends, this then is the Evil of which I speak, the monkey on our back, the apparatus of our continued enslavement to monstrous overseers who command our fears and do so on a global scale, for they are the Masters of Evil and they know full well the what they do.
As to Nigel Farage? He is but one tool in their arsenal, a tool they use to ensure their dominion over this world, a minor demon that they use to frighten the stupid into obedient slavery, or do you fucking imagine the Super Elite fund both him and Ukip out of Brotherly Love?
Nigel Farage is not a Patriot, nor are those who abjectly follow his lead towards the dark light of Fascism. Such people are nothing but mewling, pathetic, political cowards, for when you surrender yourself to fear you are reborn once more as a child cowering in the night. A Neanderthal sitting in some remote cave frightened by the thunder of a passing storm, and made wretched by the flashing of a lightening lit sky. Fear Ladies & Gentlemen only has power over you if you give it your power, and when you willingly surrender your power to Evil then you not only become its accomplice, but you are also in fact collaborating with that which terrifies you and so ensure your own inevitable downfall.
Thus do we, as weak, fallible human beings, surrender to Fear and finally become 'The Children of a Lesser God'.

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