
Friday 23 January 2015

Sumerian Creation Tales

Sumerian Creation Tales

by Jason Martell

The Sumerian creation tales not only tell about the creation of man, but also the creation of Earth. In the bible we have a consolidated version that says God created the heavens and Earth in 7 days. Well the Sumerian “7 tablets of creation” tell a much more detailed story about the creation of Earth.
The creation tablets state that our solar system was just starting to form and the planets had not become solid yet. An intruder planet appeared and fell under gravitational influence by the outer planets. It passed by Pluto, Uranus and Neptune. The intruder planet began to travel towards the inner part of our solar system. Our primitive planet Earth was labeled by the Sumerians as Tiamat. They explain that as the intruder planet passed through the inner part of the solar system, one of the large moons of this intruder planet collided into our primitive Earth (Tiamat). The collision cracked Tiamat in half, spewing out debris into the pattern we now see today as the asteroid belt. The bible calls this the hammered-out bracelet.
A New Orbit Defined
After the collision, Tiamat was thrust into a new orbit and the waters of Nibiru intermingled with the waters of Earth and life began to arise already whole and complete. A term for this is panspermia.
The Sumerian creation tales explain some very key aspects to our modern understanding of cosmology, and possibly how life on Earth began. For life to have naturally evolved here are Earth would have taken billions of years longer than the recorded history of Earth. The biological process of a living creature to take in nutrients and expel waste is extremely complex genetics. The idea that somehow life evolved on Earth from primordial soup and a bolt of lighting is just not accepted anymore. That is equivalent to a tornado ripping through a junkyard and somehow magically assembling a 747, the odds are too great for that to be the answer.
Panspermia is the hypothesis that “seeds” of life exist already all over the Universe, that life on Earth may have originated through these “seeds,” and that they may deliver or have delivered life to other habitable bodies.
The related but distinct idea of exogenesis is a more limited hypothesis that proposes life on Earth was transferred from elsewhere in the Universe but makes no prediction about how widespread it is. Because the term “exogenesis” is more well-known, it tends to be used in reference to what should strictly speaking be called panspermia.
How Life Arrived On Earth
The Sumerian creation tales explain how the waters of Nibriu mingled with our Earth. Could this be the answer to how life arrived on Earth whole and complete? Nibiru being a much older planet, probably has had billions of years longer time for life to evolve. Or life to have arrived on Nibiru and then evolved much longer than life here on Earth.
The creation tale goes on to explain that the planet Nibiru becomes a permanent member of our solar system on a highly elliptical orbit. The Sumerians recorded this orbit to be 3,600 years to complete and they called this a shar. A solar year for Earth is 365 days to orbit the sun. Nibiru’s orbit around the sun takes 3,600 years to complete one orbit.
Longer Life Spans
If the Anunnaki come from Nibiru as the Sumerian have stated in their creation tales they would have a much longer life span compared to here on Earth. As an example, let’s say someone from Earth travels to Nibiru and stays on that planet for one year. When they return to Earth, 3,600 years will have passed on Earth. But the person returning to Earth, has only aged 1 year. This point speaks to many of the biblical references with regards to ascending to heaven to enjoy a longer lifespan. Imagine if Jesus Christ was an Anunnaki and came here to Earth and established his following. Then he leaves Earth and returns to Nibiru for 1 year. When he returns back to Earth, he has only aged 1 year, but it has been 3,600 years on Earth.
If Nibiru does exist, our modern science might be able to see it. There are actual Sumerian tablets that show a man looking up while plowing a field. In the sky you see circle emanating rays of light (the sun) and a cross emanating rays of light (Nibiru). The Sumerians were aware of a time when they could actually see Nibiru as it came close to the inner part of our solar system.

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