
Monday 7 August 2017

Satanic Practice and Politics

Satanic Practice and Party Politics in the United Kingdom

By Julian Rose
This entry was posted on Monday, June 19th, 2017

As much as I am revolted by this subject, I feel impelled to tackle it head-on, as I believe it to be the single most important issue of our time, underlying the current malaise permeating almost every aspect of British party politics and deeply afflicting life on this planet as a whole. Now that’s an extreme statement, but by the time you read to the end of this article, I believe you will not be able to refute the substance of my assertion. The fact that the United Kingdom is in the throws of a general election, should serve to focus minds. It had better, because to ignore the plight of the nation at this critical moment, is the surest way to capitulate to outright slavery. Whereas to examine, analyze, explore and expose the undercurrent of deeply deceitful lies being perpetrated upon the electorate, is to play a key role in helping to liberate, not just UK citizens, but mankind as a whole, from the forces of slavery. Yes, this is a global phenomenon and must be understood as such.
By way of ending this introduction, I feel bound to state that the great majority of evidence suggests that, within UK politics, the Satanic factor is most prevalent within Conservative party high command. Underlined by its squandering of the democratic process in favor of dictatorship by a largely bloodless and deeply corrupted pseudo-elite.
Fear Is the Key
At the top of the list of all Satanic procedures for mass public indoctrination, is ‘fear’. To keep a nation in a permanent state of stress and fear provides the fuel which both the seen and unseen forces of evil need so as to maintain their powers of oppression over others. ‘Terrorism’ is the ace card of the political fear pack. The relentless perpetuation of the notion that basic civil liberties must be sacrificed in exchange for ‘protection’ from terrorism, opens the way for the full imposition of a police state. Although most can’t see it, we are right in the midst of such an imposition today.
Next comes the replacement of human thinking by technologies that ‘do your thinking for you’. This is a sure way to create sterile automatons out of red-blooded human beings. It enables the powers that be to take a controlling influence over all sentient people and dictate the outcome of every last detail, concerning the day to day functioning of human society.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and Transhumanist movements that promote it, see a computer programmed mind as superior to the natural mind. They see such technology as man’s ‘salvation’; claiming that by 2030 computer driven artificial thought creation will take over as ‘the new intelligence’. It is of note that governments throughout the world show little interest in countering this agenda.
Mass Surveillance
The Conservative party has been quick to capitalize on this usurping of human liberty by computer science, by welcoming the development of ‘smart technologies’ in all areas of domestic and military life. You understand of course, the ‘smartware’ does the thinking for you; you plug yourself into a programme, designed by the equivalent of laboratory technicians, who specialize in playing with and ‘inverting’ the human mind for ends that lead into an abyss of truly vast proportions. Such uses of cutting edge technology are highly symptomatic of the Satanic agenda: posses, control, enslave. All this is relentlessly accompanied, under current and previous political regimes, by mass public surveillance programmes, largely conducted from GCHQ, that have already broken all the rules carefully put in place during previous decades, when individual civil liberties were held to be at the core of the democratic process. Now no one today is free from being subjected to highly invasive monitoring by police forces, banks and corporations, building-up vast files of highly sensitive information on every aspect of citizens’ lives. I suggest that this has now exceeded the ‘Big Brother’ central control predicted by George Orwell in his seminal work ‘1984’. Smart technology is the latest silent weapon of war, one eagerly sought after by the super indoctrinated masses.
Moving away from technology for a moment, let’s examine another and more recent exercise in attacking the fundamental fabric of what constitutes a healthy society. This this time via an attempt to undermine the foundation of natural procreation and family life as we know it: the ‘gender bending/gender ending’* agenda, now being covertly pushed forward by the British government. This also goes under the monica ‘gender neutral’. What it is proposing is that sexuality somehow imposes a block on the freedom of individuals to decide for themselves what gender, if any, they are. The ultimate narcissism?
The Neutering of Humanity
In promoting this truly bizar notion amongst the young of both sexes, the aim appears to be to undermine their sense of who they are, at the most basic level possible. Not only undermine, but deliberately distort and abort, the very building blocks of life itself: sexuality and procreation. As exposed by The excellent UK Column*, hundreds of schools in the UK are already encouraging their pupils to explore this agenda and act according to their ‘feelings’. At Highgate School in London, for example, the board is currently looking at plans for pupils to have a ‘gender neutral’ uniform.
Many will no doubt just laugh; but this is no joke. One needs to use one’s full faculties of awareness to penetrate what’s going on here. The covert attempt to neuter the natural instincts and desires associated with reproduction/procreation, via a mass propaganda exercise designed to re-set the sexual agenda, is perhaps the ultimate tool in the Satanic tool box. It is designed to render humanity sterile and play a substantial role in the infamous ‘depopulation agenda’ so beloved of the secret society networks, such as the Bilderbergers. We need to understand this and act on our understanding. We must help save young people from a life of confusion, misery and control.
The psychology of slavery to a powerful central controlling body, has long since been a powerful opiate; one that gives the illusion of releasing the individual from having to take responsibility for his/her life. Passing instead that role over to the established authority of the day. It’s called Fascism.
Fascism is always tied-in with mass propaganda and mind control. It always involves the media being fully under the (editorial) control of the established authority, as it is today. It uses the waging of war on foreign countries and engaging in endless military exploits, as the key diversionary tactic on keeping public focus on what appear to be ‘heroic exploits’ and the defeat, or relentless demonization (Russia), of what are held to be ruthless despotic regimes.
But in reality, it is, itself, the despotic regime it accuses others of being. It is the number one terrorist organization that heads the entire show, deliberately provoking those it chooses to attack into sporadic acts of desperate retaliation. A diabolic slight of hand which, unbelievably, continues to fool millions and millions who follow state and corporate controlled media with a completely uncritical mindset.
Fascism Laid Bare
The truth is always reversed in Fascism. Hitler reversed the design of the Swastika from its original, an ancient Eastern symbol of peace. It is done to satisfy the cold blooded ambition of what amounts to ultimately taking control over life on Earth, in all spheres. Satanic agenda: posses, control, enslave.
In the context of ever unfolding new angles on the same theme, let’s look at the introduction of the ‘driverless car’ as yet another example of the usurping of our human propensity to manage our destinies. The driverless car is something the Conservative party says it will go all out to make a mass reality by 2022.
A driverless car? What is this? Why would anybody have any interest in such a ludicrous notion. One of the few pleasures left to an increasingly constricted humanity is to be able to use four wheels an engine and some brakes to get from A to B, using one’s own judgment, skill and sense of purpose. But no, we are told that such abilities are largely redundant and not in the long term interests of society. One should abandon them in favor of letting a satellite drive your car for you; so you can sit in what was the drivers seat, playing with your smart phone and watching other satellite controlled cars glide past on their phantom like journeys. All of which you can already do on a train, of course.
But no, the government must be right, mustn’t it. After all, it knows best that if you can relieve the
public of their human faculties of judgment, skill and coordination, then you can exert ever greater control over them.
Is it not blindingly obvious what’s going on here? Is it not crystal clear that this is just one more deliberate deletion of sentient human beings God given capacity to control their destinies and to take a creative approach to the life which we are gifted from birth. Nobody, but nobody, has the right to steal that life from you and I, for their own ends or any ends. Satanic agenda: possess, control, enslave.

Julian is a prolific writer and broadcaster, his articles appear in a wide diversity of journals and on-line sites. Visit www.julianrose.info to find out about Julian’s highly diverse life and acclaimed books ‘Changing Course for Life’ and ‘In Defence of Life’.
Read the full article HERE:

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