
Thursday 26 April 2012

Occupy Britain

How do you dis-empower a corrupt system? By empowering yourself. How do you awaken a sleeping population? By awakening yourself. How do you heal a toxic society? By healing yourself.
The arcane chronicles of consciousness have been kept from man since the last reboot of civilization, a few thousand years ago.
One of the many teachings hidden therein is the truth that every conscious entity in the universe is connected to all other conscious entities, wherever (and whenever) they may be. No thing is separate from any thing. Every intimate thought and subtle reflection is, in actuality, beamed throughout the entire ecosystem. In this way, deepening your awareness is the most noble and dedicated endeavour conceivable.
It is futile to take it upon oneself to rouse a sleeping population, to attempt to rally the spiritually undead. Trying to connect unprepared minds to paradigm-cracking information is a vain indulgence. Those who prefer not to reflect upon their existence, who feel their needs, motivations and cultural references are fully served by the matrix, should be left alone. Leave them to their TV, evening news, shopping and sport. Drifting in the comfortable oblivion of the consensus trance. One day, they may eventually see through it and take their own first steps on the inner path. Maybe in a future lifetime.
Philosopher and ethnobotanist Terence McKenna would often say, “find the others”. By this he meant be aware of and seek out those fine souls who are also on the inner journey. They are the ones we should give time to. They are the ones equipped to take in new information, eager for gnosis and prepared to evolve their psyches. Amongst the others, the wider tribe, communication can be free and deep. Share, support and learn from each other. In 2008, connecting with the others, through blogs like this, through podcasts and radio shows like Red Ice, The C-Realm, The Psychedelic Salon (and many more), through conferences and gatherings – it has never been easier. I encourage everyone to make the extra effort to reach out. There is usually a warm welcome on the other side. The universe has a habit of extending its supportive synchronicities out to you in direct correlation with the amount of effort you put in.

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