
Thursday 3 May 2012


Gregg Braden

Now we have the information, and the language, that may answer our question as to the significance of December 21, 2012. From the 8,000-year-old Hindu Vedas and the 5,000-year-old Hebrew calendar to the indigenous prophecies of Asia and the Americas, ancient traditions suggest that something really big will happen during our time in history. It is important to note that there is nothing in any of the prophecies that tells us unconditionally that the world itself will end on this date. What they do say is that the world as we have known it will enter a time of change on this date. How we respond to that change will define how we experience it and our lives in the next age of our existence.

What sets the Mayan prophecy apart from the general predictions of other cultures is that it has an expiration date that occurs in our lifetime. The last cycle of the intangible Mayan calendar corresponds to a series of tangible events, some of which are already happening today. Here is what we know for certain:

    The end of the Mayan Great Cycle marks a rare alignment of our planet, our solar system, and the center of our galaxy-one that will not occur again for another 26,000 years.
    On March 10, 2006, a cycle of solar storms ended and a new cycle began. It is predicted to peak in 2012, with an intensity 30-50 percent greater than previous cycles.
    Scientists agree that Earth’s magnetic fields are weakening quickly, and some suspect that we are in the early stage of a polar reversal.
    Correlations between the magnetic fields of the Earth and human experience suggest that it is easier for us to accept change and adapt to new ideas in weaker fields of magnetism.
    Recent validation of quantum principles proves that the way we perceive our world-our beliefs about our experience-strongly influences our physical reality.

With these facts in mind, the December 21 solstice of 2012 appears to be a great cosmic window of opportunity. The opportunity is for us to benefit from our individual and collective experiences of the past 5,000 years of history, while releasing the destructive beliefs that have created disease in our bodies and limited our life span, led to the differences that have separated us, justified the great wars of history, and destroyed portions of our world. Such a possibility exists only when all of the parameters needed for such a change converge into a single window of time. The 2012 end-date appears to be just such a time.

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