
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Glastonbury Tor

 Glastonbury Tor - A Sacred Ground Since Time Immemorial
by Jedda Challenger

Glastonbury Tor is a hill on which St. Michaels Tower stands overlooking the Somerset Levels,
It is a sacred site that is known to be the most spiritual in the country. It is a beautiful place where myths and legends have intertwined with mystery and magic that go so far back in time it's impossible to find the beginning.
When sea levels rose 10,000 years ago, the Somerset Levels and Moors were flooded. The entire region has gone through many changes both natural and man made. Today, where there was once a shallow sea, there are fresh water wetlands.
If you climb the Tor on a clear day, you can look out across three counties, Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire.
It is a breathtaking view. You can see the beautiful Mendip Hills to the north and the city of Wells with its cathedral to the west. In the far distance, you can admire the Black Mountains in Wales, you have Dorset to the south, and to the east, the borders of Wiltshire, and Cley Hill - a hill famous for UFO sightings.
    Should you go on a misty day, the view from the summit of the Tor is magical.
It is truly enchanting.
You will experience for yourself what it must have looked like when Glastonbury was an island.
The Isle of Glass, or the Glassy Isle (the ancient name for Glastonbury). All you will see is the swirling mists of Avalon.
The legendary Isle of Avalon -King Arthur's Camelot.
There have been many myths around Glastonbury Tor, from a magic mountain, Grail castle, Arthurian hill fort, a magnetic power point, a crossroads of ley lines, and a converging point for UFO's, being just a few of them.
Legend has it that what lies deep beneath the surface of the Tor is a hidden labyrinth of tunnels. The most famous is the tunnel between the Tor and Glastonbury Abbey, which is considered the final resting place of King Arthur and Guinevere.
Geophysics scans have said the mound is made of profusions of iron ore, and it is for this reason, metal detectors do not work properly in a two mile radius of the Tor. Even so, passages and chambers formed from underground waters and the Chalice well situated at the foot of the Tor, giving a constant 25,000 gallons of water a day whether or not there is a drought.
Being one of the most mystical and spiritual places in Britain, Glastonbury Tor still draw people from all over the world. Some believe that the veil between worlds is very thin here, which accounts for the great many paranormal experiences from ghostly encounters and psychic experiences to UFO sightings.
Joseph of Arimathea (Jesus uncle) was said to have brought the Holy Grail back with him after the crucifixion, hiding it in the caverns underneath Glastonbury Tor.
It was said that this caused two springs to form. Chalice well where the water is tinged red from iron ore and tastes metallic, and White Springs which tastes sweet with calcium and leaves a white trail. Both are considered to have healing properties.
Archaeological evidence has suggested the wells have been in constant use for 2000 years. You can fill up bottles of water from these springs today at Chalice Well Lane.
Finding the hidden grail was the purpose behind the quests of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. It is said the Tor is still the home of Merlin, his faithful magician. It has also been said the Tor is an entrance to the underworld, a gateway to other worlds.
Glastonbury has many myths and legends. The most intriguing are perhaps the balls of light seen spiraling around the Tor.
In 1970, a police officer reported seeing eight egg shaped objects, deep maroon in colour, hovering in formation over the hill. In 1980, a witness saw several mauve and green lights hovering over the tower, some smaller than others, the size of foot balls and beach balls.
There have been many other sightings, and some of those who have seen these lights have said it was almost as if the balls of light were alive.

Written by Jedda Challenger - MessageToEagle.com Contributor

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this article, Mr B. It brought back some lovely memories! I have seen coloured lights hovering around the Tor (also saw a ufo two nights running, but further out over Edington). One statement in the article is different to what I've read previously, that Avalon was the legendary site of Camelot? Avalon was the resting place of Arthur, surely? Cadbury hill fort, over Yeovil way, is the more likely contender for Camelot! Otherwise, though, a v enjoyable piece.
    Your friend, Greenjack


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