War and the passage of Light
Chris Bourne World News View
I've just been working with an evolving group in New York, a
fascinating place indeed. Clearly a key anvil in the shift of consciousness, it
is a dense energy grid of consumerism and control, equating metaphorically to
"Machine City" in the film The Matrix. There's so much
'old-boy-power' here, you can literally feel it oozing up from the subway,
pulling strings at a wider global level. Our work concluded the opening day of
the UN general assembly, where the Middle East is the 'hot potato'. It was the
same day a federal judge approved a New York subway advertising hate campaign
against Muslims. The temperature is hotting up indeed. It feels to me like we
are slip sliding into War. So where is the passage of light?...
The need for a shift in consciousness
All wars throughout history have an underlying spiritual
significance: they are each catalysed by the need for a shift in human
consciousness which has not otherwise been realised. I'm not saying I condone
war of course. What I'm saying is that the universe has a natural
organisational flow to it, the purpose of which is to bring sentient life to
higher realisation, alignment and harmony. On Earth, human ignorance and resistance
to this evolving flow causes key tension build-ups to escalate, which will
inevitably boil over unless something is done to shift the consciousness.
Make no mistake,
the-powers-that-be who currently hold the restraining reins of society, are moving
the world ever closer to a global conflict. One which they'll seek to use to
usher in even tighter control and to prop up terminally ill economies. And
right now, by its near silent aquiescence, the majority group human
consciousness is complicit to what's taking place.
To truly understand the nature of World War, would be our
best opportunity to avoid it. And if that's not possible, at the very least,
the evolving group needs to align with the passage of light through it. Having
personally experienced the mechanics and horror at first hand, I know there
comes a tipping point of no return where war becomes inevitable. It feels to me
like we're edging ever closer to that point. We could even already be there.
Why do I say that?
Unraveling the lower "ism"
No matter how simplistic things may appear on the surface,
the underlying cause is always a lower consciousness "ism" and the
universe building energy to unravel it. When there is non alignment with the
natural order of life, the universe gathers energy to confront it. And when
that non-alignment is a global pandemic, the response is felt at a global
level. ALL are affected.
Take World War I
for example, to me, the universe was working to unravel colonial elitism and
the masses subconscious submission to it: the kind that happily sent the 'lower
classes' en mass to their graves with hardly the quiver of a stiff upper lip.
It was no coincidence that the assassination of a prince sparked it off.
The Second World War was the natural consequence of radical
nationalism building in people's hearts, and I'm not just referring to the
Third Reich. It was a cancer gripping all countries. And so what do we see now?
Well no matter how the 'powers-that-be' try to paint it, whether about nuclear
non proliferation, or if it appears to be about fundamental religious polarism,
the real "ism" at the top of the universe's agenda is to me
blindingly obvious and we are all responsible: it is rampant capitalism.
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Angelique Houtkamp |
They say that "to the victors go the spoils". To
my great sadness, capitalism has had an expansionist non stop victory party
ever since. But its girth could never have expanded with such voracious
appetite, without humanity (on a global scale) being compliant to it. We can
complain all we like about the 1%, but they are merely the mirror. They are the
outer projection of humanity's ignorance and fear (of not having enough): a
global consumeristic pandemic that has raped the earth and is on the brink of
destroying her in this plain of consciousness. The situation is that serious.
It feels to me like another confrontation of consciousness
is going to happen. As I sat in Union Square, at the heart of Manhattan, aghast
at the lostness of the materialistic mainstream, the impositional grid of fixed
consciousness blocking the natural flow was palpable in every cell of my being.
It was a full on assault to my sentience. And it struck me how Manhattan was
just the mirror, a window on the wider matrix of global materialism. Manhattan
was simply a drop in a very big ocean.
Hi jonny - I'm trying out the 'comments' facility again! This article is so very true and should be read by all. I'll post it on FB, where it will be ignored by most, but I'll try to remain optimistic!