Archon Endgame
By Chautauqua
People are finally starting to ask the right questions. "Why are we killing the planet, and
ourselves?" Questions such as this
invariably lead to the slow, gradual acceptance of the answer, We aren't, but
someone else certainly is, and they are known to us despite generations of
hiding in the shadows as they manipulate everything to their advantage, their
agenda. For countless generations they
have played the long game: dumbing down & distracting the population, as
they quietly went about strip mining this planet. You might have noticed how a few years ago
most of the pretense and subterfuge fell by the wayside, and those in control
became more belligerent and "in our face" about things...hell they
are openly boasting about it nowadays.
The matriarch of the Rockefeller dynasty recently said "If my boys
didn't want there to be wars, there wouldn't be any!" How is that for in your face? My point here is simple: we are witnessing the rollout of the Archon
My goal here is just to provide a contextual overview, to
help folks better understand what they see happening across the planet as our
archon overlords continue ramping up the new paradigm for all of us. Certainly we humans are one of the resources
of value to the archons or else they would have just terminated the experiment
and us along with it. We represent a
renewable resource for these slimy and cowardly creatures, but just now there
are way too many of us, and that has always been a problem for them. Getting to be an even bigger problem as more
of us wake up every day to the ugly, unpleasant reality I speak of.
Population Control
War has always been their primary tool for managing our
numbers. An excellent way to execute the
best & strongest of our youth, our warriors. Historically they manage to keep a few small
wars going pretty much all the time, somewhere or another, and toss in a
"crowd pleaser" world conflict every so often for good measure. Well, all that is out the window, as the new
paradigm is ~ Permanent, continuous War!
Not only does it boost the military-industrial-complex economy nicely,
benefiting warmongers everywhere; but it also kills off a bunch of
"Useless Eaters" as Henry Kissinger once called us everyday average
joe citizens.
Even with continuous war across the planet, there are still
way too many of us who need to be neutralized, so they have these various ways
and methods for getting us to turn on each other. After generations of conditioning,
programming and brainwashing, it has become an all too easy scenario to set one
race against another everywhere possible.
You can see the excellent results of these race conflicts & killings
every single day on your Television set...after all, that's why they invented
it for us.
They squash and censor the idea of loving one another
wherever the concept has the balls to show up....But the gun selling business
is having it's best year ever, and they manage to tell us so every damn night
on the news and in the paper and even online, saturation fear mongering. If you are constantly in a state of fearful
paranoia you are much easier to manipulate even further, and much more likely
to embrace violent self defense....go get your gun before they're all gone. Hurry now!
Everyone's doing it! Just more
marketing & brainwashing BS! Every
American gun manufacturer, and there are many, is producing brand new guns off
the assembly line every day, about as fast as they can. No shortage of guns, just brains!
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not enough humans dying on a weekly basis even with all the wars everywhere,
gang killings, serial killings, and fear killings going on; which is why
they've added something new, just for the endgame festivities, the pressure
cooker. First they geoengineer a nice
heat wave complete with pressure dome over large parts of the country, then let
a racist killer walk free in an obvious case of murder, simmer to a boil with
media hype & coverage...and hope for a full-scale riot. The pressure cooker gambit doesn't stop fact it's just getting started; because the new paradigm calls for
things to become so bad so quick that the average citizen can take no more, and
they begin filling the streets with murderous the thousands ~ and then Millions. They call it the self-cleaning oven
scenario. Coming this summer to a
neighborhood near you.
First they spray & poison us until we're too sick &
apathetic to resist them, much less fight back, then they begin poking,
prodding & aggravating us by all the insane laws, insane cops, & greedy
banksters who are out to steal your savings account. "Oh that could never happen here"
you say.... Well friends, Cyprus was a trial balloon to see if people would
revolt, or just take the shafting one more time. They are experimenting to see just which
series of dystopian, draconian actions will result in the massive, full scale
riots they are trying to trigger. If I
am wrong, then please explain to me why DHS purchased 2,700 urban tanks, and millions
of rounds of ammunition for the thousands of new assault rifles they just
bought! What is all that for? It's for rolling up on all the rioting &
pissed off Americans, making it easier to kill in great numbers with great
efficiency, you know, just like in war!
For those who were too smart to get caught up in the riots there is the
new domestic drone program so you can be tracked by your use of technology, and
dispatched with a hellfire missile at the whim of Obama. Relocation centers for all the rest, and
railroad cars with ankle chains to get you there safely.
Terraforming Earth
Geoengineering is a fact getting more difficult to dispute
every day. Oh sure, there are those
soul-less shills who seek to usher ignorance & stupidity to the highest
possible expression, and so, will say even the most moronic things, but
fortunately only morons believe them.
So, yes; they changed global warming to 'climate change' - but it is
real, and getting worse because of geoengineering and Terraforming. Europe is 40 % irradiated from Chernobyl, and
God only knows how much radiation is coming from that still active nuclear
volcano Fukushima - and he's not talking.
The Pacific ocean is now irradiated from constant dumping of radioactive
cooling water directly into the ocean.
Everything being done at Fukushima & in Japan is against
the law, and a crime against humanity.
Everything being done by BP in the Gulf of Mexico is against
the law, and a crime against humanity.
These are just two of the more blatant examples of the
wholesale genocide being waged against us.
Why do GMO foods-like-products, and FRACKING enjoy complete immunity
from laws, regulations, and lawsuits...just like the illegal use of Corexit on
the Gulf spill? The long list of
dangerous and carcinogenic chemicals used in underground hydraulic fracking is
top secret, "proprietary" as they say, sorta like the recipe for the
colonels chicken. Yet they claim there
is no danger to fracking near water supplies...even though you can light that
water on fire!! But it's not
harmful. Simply moronic!
They are geoengineering the air we breathe with the massive,
global chemtrail spraying program.
Again. what can be plainly seen in the sky every day, is flatly denied,
ignored and not spoken of. How is that
for in our face? Fluoride in our
drinking water. Virus's in our flu
shots. And God only knows what they put
in that GMO food, (He's still not talking) but considering the G stand for
genetic I think we can safely assume its unsafe for human consumption. They are
scraping the entire tops off of mountains for the minerals, then clear-cutting
the forests for every last tree. They
are privatizing fresh drinking water, and just recently, Spain privatized the
SUN, imposing massive fines on anyone illegally harvesting photons!!*
How about now, is this up in our face enough yet??
Our archon overseers first interfered with our genetics back
when we were busy wiping the Neanderthals, our genetic forbearers, from the
face of the earth...and perhaps even earlier.
Now they are hell bent on once again altering our genetic sequences -
and species. The third phase of the
archon endgame is to once again 'adjust' human DNA - this time in an obsession
to create a species of Nano-genetic hybrids and they even have their own logo,
(h+ or H+) and magazine. Bet you didn't
know that.
It began as it always does, with innocent sounding promises
to improve human life. How do you
feel about that microchip being injected under your skin, or the unblinking eye
that looks back at you from your Comcast box?
How do you feel about mandatory vaccinations for your children, the ones
they won't say what it's for? How
comfortable are you with all these questionable technologies being forced down
our throats...literally?? Simple DNA
splicing wasn't enough for these empty bastards, now they are obsessed with
actually installing nano-circuits within DNA itself...why???
However as we now have seen, Transhumanism is anything but innocent with it's dark desire to create and mass produce digitized, optimized, and marginalized human beings, blurring the boundary between technology & biology.
However as we now have seen, Transhumanism is anything but innocent with it's dark desire to create and mass produce digitized, optimized, and marginalized human beings, blurring the boundary between technology & biology.
To what unholy end??
I suppose it just wasn't enough to do all they have done to
the human race so far ~ they just gotta see where they can take it, how far
they can push the hybridization of mutation.
For those who are still dealing with memory issues, this is the exact
same kind of arrogance that destroyed Atlantis.
Here we go again folks! Perhaps
this is what Gene Roddenberry was trying to warn us about when he created The
Borg as the quintessential nemesis for his Star Trek franchise; after all, art
does imitate life.
I think the archons have overlooked a couple of key things
here, and the most important is I don't think they saw the internet
coming. If they had seen it's potential,
they'd never have allowed it in the first place. Now, they're working feverishly to come up
with ways to take it away from us, and if we allow that to happen I feel its
gonna be Game, Set, Match. We really
don't have a lot of time left before everything gets way more interesting ...
and terrifying. Our "leaders"
have long ago sold us out to their masters from another world; so we know they
ain't gonna be much help, not that they ever were. We seem to be living in a universe where life
forms pretty much go around doing anything they want to, despite how it affects
other life forms. Mostly it seems, there
is little or no 'oversight' anywhere, which has led to the way things are here
on earth.
two can play at that game! You do know,
that we have the perfect weapon to defeat the archons. It isn't germs like in "The war of the
worlds" and it isn't some secret hi-tech army or anything like that. The weapon which can defeat the archons can
be found in great abundance, everywhere on this planet. That is why they work around the clock to
hide, destroy, conceal and disempower it.
Everyone can use this weapon, in fact we're all born with it pumping
inside our chest. The resonance of
unconditional love, and the frequency of forgiveness are energetic vibrations
the archons cannot literally destroys them, as we have come to
understand the term.
Try occupying a house against the owners wishes, and the
only way they could fight back was a loud, shrill siren you were unable to
silence. How long would you want to
occupy that house? Love has that kind of
effect on the archons, which is the exact reason they are trying to turn earth
into a hateful place. As I understand
it, these archons are fragile, inorganic creatures who are pretty much the
dregs of the galaxy. They've been banned
or run off by every advanced sentient race in the milky way...only the Zeta's
and the Orion syndicate will have anything to do with them, as they are at their
essence ... deceptive cowards. Maybe we
should see about taking our planet back from these quislings before they
sleepwalk us right into oblivion. I
don't know about the rest of you out there, but I for one believe it is
Until Next Time ~ Be Good to Each
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