
Monday, 20 January 2014

One Hell of a Mirror

Fukushima – One Hell of a Mirror for Humanity

By Chris Bourne

Have you wondered why news about the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant is eerily sparse? Recently the Russian Federation has raised reporting about Fukushima to its highest classification, meaning that if the truth was released, it could damage the foundation of the federation itself. And in America, according to insiders, main stream media are being instructed not to report either, because of their fear of panic. So what exactly is going on? I just came across this video I think all should see. I can feel the impact of this event affecting the entire planet in due course. The synchronistic significance cannot be overstated. We need to pay attention and realise what global events here have kicked into play…
One hell of a Mirror
Recently I’ve written about what I consider to be The Great Realignment that is gathering strength here on the planet. If you look back through history, with an inquiring consciousness, you’ll see that whenever any situation gets out of balance with the natural harmony of life, then life itself finds a way of ‘leveling the playing field’ once more. And the more out of alignment, the stronger the corrective energies you build. Just like a nuclear chain reaction, it is simple physics.
Gaia has spoken to us in no uncertain terms. The foundation stones upon which society is founded, like the production and consumption of energy for example, is so utterly disharmonious, as to be unthinkable to a truly sentient being. Einstein himself is quoted as saying “nuclear power is one hell of a way to boil water!”
    And Fukushima is ‘one hell of a mirror’ for humanity. I believe history will look back and record it as the ‘activation switch’ that signaled the commencement of the cleansing process which will ultimately sweep imbalance from the Earth, such are the powers and energies that are now being unleashed.
There is no fear in a fully self realised being
I share this information not to spread fear. You cannot propagate fear where it does not already exist. So if fear arises in you when you watch this video, then it’s a powerful invitation to work to unravel those fears and thereby consider it a catalyst for your further evolution – your Ascension…
Five Gateways perfect timing
Every now and then, a major global event signals a powerful message to us all. Like the sinking of the Titanic by an Iceberg in the early days of the industrial revolution – it’s such ‘coincidences’ that are the synchronistic mother tongue of the universe.
When the Fukushima Tsunami struck in March 2011, it did so exactly at the time we released our Five Gateways film. In fact it was due for release on that very day. From a synchronistic mirroring point of view, the timing was perfect. Five Gateways marks the journey of Ascension that we’re all now being invited to take.
    Ascension is the key now for humanity. It is our destiny, should we chose it. There will be no ‘fixing of the earth’, the cleansing process that has now begun IS the fixing. Gaia will reclaim herself and heal over a period of perhaps hundreds of thousands of years. But she’ll need some ‘down time’ to do that!
We need to let the weight and fear of our physical existence fall from our shoulders. This can only be done by confronting the external truth, but then exploring deeply within. We need to release any restrictive grasp on life, that we may expand beyond limited horizons. Five Gateways signals the evolutionary path I believe we’re all now being invited to take. That’s why we made this colourful and informative documentary to share freely with those who might be interested…Five Gateways
from my heart to yours

About the Author
Chris Bourne (aka Open) – At the age of 40, I was involved in a life threatening car crash in which I thought I would certainly die. This precipitated total inner surrender and a rapid reconnection with the conscious life force through all things.
I found myself suddenly able to experience and contemplate through multiple dimensions of reality to see the deeper purpose of life itself. It was then I began to fully realise my true reason for being here.
During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose – to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me.
This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the eight years that followed, I was guided through four other inner ‘Gateways’ of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living – our divine birthright.
My consciousness expansion however did not end there. It continued to blossom and expand. I became acutely aware of a highly evolved, benevolent presence, working through the weave of life since the dawning of time itself. I have come to know this Group of Nine intimately. It guides my life and is the basis of Openhand itself.

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