Queen of the Sun:
What Are the Bees Telling Us?
Honey bees are responsible for producing one-third of your
fresh fruits and vegetables, but they're disappearing at a startling rate.
Since the mid-2000s, honey bees all around the world,
including the US, have been dying in unprecedented numbers—many hives literally
disappearing without a trace—in a mysterious phenomenon dubbed Colony Collapse
Disorder (CCD).
Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us?, created by
Taggart Siegel, takes us on a journey through the catastrophic disappearance of
bees and the mysterious world of the beehive. This engaging and ultimately
uplifting film weaves an unusual and dramatic story of the heartfelt struggles
of beekeepers, scientists, and philosophers from around the world including
Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk, and Vandana Shiva. Together they reveal both the
problems and solutions in renewing a culture in balance with nature.
It also explores the ancient relationship between man and
bees—a relationship that, historically, was considered nothing less than
sacred. Returning to life in balance with nature is the ultimate solution, and
when it comes to bees, it's something we'll have to do lest we risk perishing
right along with them.
Some 130 different kinds of crops require honeybees to
transport pollen between flowers, prompting fertilization and jump-starting the
production of seed and fruit. As they buzz around in flight, the bee's hair
develops static electricity.
When a bee lands on a flower, this static charge attracts
pollen to the bee like a magnet. Honey bees from one hive can visit more than
100,000 flowers in a single day. Without honey bees, farmers would have to
resort to pollinating their crops by hand, which is no quick and easy task...
Honey Bees Are Crucial for Our Environment and Survival
In an interview with The Press, a daily newspaper in New
Zealand, Taggart Siegel revealed the inspiration behind the film..
"I had no
idea about the importance of honeybees until I read an article in 2007 that
bees were not only so crucial to our environment, but that they were dying out
on a mass scale...
The article had a
quote attributed to Einstein which scared me enough to get me to pick up my
camera and dedicate the next three years of my life to this film. The quote
read, 'If bees die out, man will only have four years of life left on Earth.'
Even though this quote has been since disputed, it had a lasting effect on me,
and the truth is that bees are so vital to our planet that we can't afford to
lose them."
Despite the somber topic, Queen of the Sun is not a downer
by any means. On the contrary, it's filled with the heart of eclectic and
passionate characters that inspire hope and gratitude for these most important
of agricultural workers.
For example, there's historian Yvon Achard, who recites
poetry to his bees and tickles them with his mustache, and Sara Mapelli, who
once danced with 12,000 bees on her body..
What's Killing the Bees?
The collapse of bee colonies is probably multifactorial,
rather than a response to one individual type of toxic assault. That said,
certain pesticides called neonicotinoids have been identified as having a
particularly devastating impact on bee health and survival.
Bee colonies began disappearing in the US shortly after the
EPA allowed these new insecticides on the market. Even the EPA itself admits
that "pesticide poisoning" is a likely cause of CCD. Two prominent
examples, imidacloprid and clothianidin, are used as seed treatments in
hundreds of crops, and virtually all of today's genetically engineered Bt corn
is treated with neonicotinoids.
One of the observed effects of these insecticides is
weakening of the bee's immune system. Forager bees bring pesticide-laden pollen
back to the hive, where it's consumed by all of the bees. About six months
later, their immune systems fail, and they end up contracting secondary
infections from parasites, mites, viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
Monoculture—the practice of growing of just one type of crop
on a massive scale—is another major contributing factor, as there is no such
thing as monoculture in nature. In the past, farms were highly diversified,
with all sorts of animals and vegetation cohabiting on the land. Today, fields
of corn and soy stretch for hundreds of miles.
As it turns out, pests thrive in monoculture, so massive
quantities of pesticides are required to keep them in check. Monoculture also
cuts down on the variety of nutrition the bees get. In some areas, bees simply
cannot survive due to lack of food.
While experts are still trying to understand the
complexities involved in CCD, they do agree about one thing: if we allow this
to continue, our global food supply is at risk... And, as stated in the film:
collapse disorder is the bill we're getting for all the things we've done to
the bees. You could call it colony collapse disorder of the human being
Reclaiming the Sacred Relationship with Bees
As stated in the film, the solution to this pervasive and
downright life threatening problem lies in renewing a culture that operates in
balance with nature. As stated by the filmmaker: [3]
"In 1923,
Rudolf Steiner, a scientist, philosopher and social innovator, predicted that
in 80 to 100 years honeybees would collapse. His prediction has come true with
Colony Collapse Disorder where bees are disappearing in mass numbers from their
hives with no clear explanation.
...On a pilgrimage
around the world, 10,000 years of beekeeping is unveiled, highlighting how our
historic and sacred relationship with bees has been lost due to highly
mechanized industrial practices."
Supporting organic beekeepers is one way you can help turn
the tide and increase the number of healthy bee colonies, which are so crucial
to our food supply. Organic beekeepers take a far different approach to
beekeeping than large migratory operations. They have fewer hives, and they
don't truck their bees around for pollination. They also don't feed their bees
the sugar syrups and artificial pollen substitutes typically used in
large-scale commercial bee operations. As stated by Michael Pollan,
"Nothing is more viscerally offensive than feeding the creators of honey
high-fructose corn syrup."
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