The Death of Socialism?
By Kanjin Tor
“Tony Blair plotted to kill Aneurin and Clement’s legacy and
drive a stake through the heart of all that was good in The Labour Party” –
Kanjin Tor
There are many Criminals hiding in plain view within the Conservative
Party, from David Cameron to Jeremy Hunt, from George Osborne to Maria Miller,
from Esther McVey to Theresa May. Indeed the Conservative Party is riddled with
creatures so immoral & unprincipled that to simply call them criminals is
an insult to the occupation of ‘felon’ - for undeniably the Tories Larceny is
unparalleled in British History; they are so corrupt that they make the
Borgia’s look like models of upright probity.
Between them, these Master Criminals have deliberately
fashioned in Great Britain, unmatched levels of poverty not seen since
Victorian times. Their malice for ordinary people, and their all consuming
greed, has seen countless billions of Tax Payers money [your money] ripped from
the hearts of British Communities and transferred to their offshore bank
accounts via multifarious and reprehensible means. Their sell off of man’s
greatest achievement ‘The National Health Service’ goes on unabated by public
outcry, and, as they squirrel away other vital ‘National Assets’ and give it to
their criminal masters in the Corporate World in a continuous act of
treacherous perfidy, they themselves get richer and richer whilst you, the
ordinary man and woman on the streets who funds their entire misbegotten lives,
get poorer and poorer as these immoral and perverse men and women, in a
deliberate act of vicious duplicity, lay the blame for their own criminality
onto hapless and utterly defenceless ordinary British men and women who just
happen to be of different ethnicity, age, sex, or physical circumstance; and
further, if all else fails, they use the false issue of immigrants to bamboozle
the ignorant into believing their vile fascist rhetoric.
And that is just the Tories.
As to the Liberal Democrats? Well they have revealed
themselves to be nothing but contemptible, weak willed collaborators. Men and
Women willing to sell themselves for a few ‘Sheckles’ and a soupçon of Power,
and worse, it is a primacy which is as fictional as their ‘Moral Principles’
and as persistently false as their ‘Given Word’. Such creatures as they are not
worthy of consideration and are beneath our collective contempt, and I for one
will waste no further words here on such repellent creatures.
And UKIP? Do not make me laugh. Anybody with more than a
single brain cell could tell you that they are simplistic racist scum. In the
hierarchy of life on Earth I view UKIP and their acolytes as lower than
cockroaches. Surely such grotesquely offensive bloodsuckers merit similar
contempt as that which I harbour for the lice which linger within the Liberal
Democrats. The purpose of UKIP is to make you itch in intellectual and moral
disgust and make the Tories look like a sane choice for the conservative minded
amongst us. Only a fool or a coward would vote for such filth.
And then of course there is New Labour?
New Labour is a diseased beast. It is a monster riddled with
parasitical cronyism, dreadful lies, and murderous deceits. It is populated by
little men with little ideas and little morality. It is run by men as easily
bought as the vermin that inhabit their counterparts in the stinking and rabid
Conservative Party, and it is all the more insidious and criminal for its
turncoat behaviour.
The old Labour Party was inhabited by Giants, by men of
colossal moral stature whose fight for social justice was the entire meaning of
lives, by men who dreamed BIG, and who because they dared to dream created some
of the greatest advances in human society that have ever been witnessed; but
that Party is dead now, killed by grubby little men and women sitting in
soulless offices, wearing characterless power suits [carefully selected by PR
men so as not to offend]. These are not Social Crusaders who strive for a
better society; they are Charlatans; Parasites who feed off our desperate
desire for a ‘Just Society’ and use the power their position & money brings
to further their own ends.
New Labour’s malefactions are a litany of horror, of terror
inflicted upon peasants in other lands for money whilst quietly, and almost
unnoticed here in the UK, they paved the way for the greatest transfer of
wealth from the common man into the hands of the *Super Criminals* who call
themselves ‘The Social Elite’. The infamous and altogether despicable behaviour
of men like Jack Straw and Tony Blair over the last two decades only goes to
highlight just how far away New Labour has fallen from The People and its
Socialist Roots. And make no mistake here – Tony Blair is absolutely to blame
for most of Great Britain’s current ills; for whilst David Cameron and his cronies
are without any doubt - ‘duplicitous criminal thugs of the highest order’ and
are utterly irredeemable as human beings, it is Tony Blair and his Acolytes who
are the foundation stone upon which The Modern Conservative Party build their
entire Criminal Empire upon.
Tony Blair turned The Labour Party into a Neo-Liberal wet
dream. He turned Old Labour into a Party that had no consideration for
Humanity. And while this change did not happen overnight, and yes at first we
‘The People’ believed the hype and pomp of his agenda to modernise Labour the
truth was a different tale entirely. Tony Blair is The Master Criminal of our
Modern World. He is the latter-day equivalent of Henry Kissinger, and with an
intellect as keen & ruthless as any conqueror yet seen, he spreads his
malice across the globe like some fell beast out of gothic fiction,
distributing the idea of ‘solutions through murder’ whilst calling himself a
‘Envoy of Peace’.
It is an horrific title for so evil a man; few Humans have
been responsible for more death and misery across the Globe than he, and it is
for this reason that he is protected by the New World Order; and consequently,
why those in Power around the world obfuscate his crimes and promote his agenda
as a ‘sane option’ as they try to convince us that the road to ‘peace and
prosperity’ can only be found through the ‘Arcanum of Neo-Liberalism’.
In truth - this urbane monster is wholly their man. Indeed
he is their chosen one, their prophet who led them to the promised land of a
Neo-Liberal Great Britain and the riches which for so long were out of their
grasp because of a strong social bond between The Labour Party and The Working
Class People who by far outnumbered the waning power the Tory Elite.
That is the true legacy of New Labour and Tony Blair; they
made the Modern Conservative party possible. Under Tony Blair’s command New
Labour made the mass murder of children in far off lands seem acceptable, seem
reasonable, seem necessary. He made the selloff of the NHS almost inevitable;
he made the people separate from The State, he perverted our society into a
warped version of our former desires for ‘Equality, Justice, and Peace’ and
twisted them into a desire for ‘fame, riches, and self gratification’. What
Tony Blair did to the Labour Party and consequently Great Britain was what
Margaret Thatcher so dearly desired.... a ‘Nation in which Society does not
exist’ a country where nobody will stand shoulder to shoulder against the rise
of The Corporate Fascists and their ‘Disaster Capitalism’. He disunited the
country, he divided and conquered the nation as surely as any Caesar might, and
in that division he wrought the destruction of ‘The Socialist Labour Party’.
And what is the consequence of all he wrought?
Apathy and obsequious, servile, cowardly obedience to
criminal rule!
These days we look around and who cares? Who cares that the
Neo-Liberals of The Conservative Party are attacking British Citizens simply
because they are disabled? Who cares that the elite are stealing the world from
under us and profiting themselves by the deaths of women and children across
the globe? Who cares that the Neo-Liberals of New Labour are shedding their
conscience as they dump stalwart and principled men like Dennis Skinner from
their ruling council? Who cares that the Bankers have once again been caught
stealing Tax Payers Money? Who cares for the Homeless, the weak, the
The Labour Party were the Saviours of ‘The Peace’ after
World War Two; and despite the fact that the war and America's Loan Policy crippled
us and brought the nation close to utter impoverishment, Britain for the first
time in its long, long history, deserved the honorific ‘Great’ in its title. We
had saved the world and built a new and brighter future, and it was The Labour
Party who were the architects of that future - I wonder now ‘Who will save The
Labour Party’?
Good Luck!
Kanjin Tor
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