A One World Religion is Already Here
By Julian Wash
Dear Humans,
Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of
the Human condition that adheres to certain religious beliefs and practices. It
has long been understood by the architects of social order that a belief system
predicated on fear and consequence was essential for maintaining control and
domination over a populace. From their perspective you can see how important a
template of compliancy would be. So church was created along with its
extrusions of laws and moral antecedents that were mixed into that catchall
phrase called religion.
There are many sects and orders that offer an illusion of
choice. But common threads weave through all the major belief systems. The most
prevalent would be the concept of one God or monotheism. This proved to be a
workable construct in the minds of many people as it seemed both reasonable and
appealing. All beliefs share a scriptural tradition, piety and commitment to
faith. There are leaders and followers, flocks and herders. They all “teach”
moral lessons and in the process etch a somewhat sinister line between those
who “believe” and those who do not.
In the following paragraphs we’ll take a brief look at this
concept called church and religion. And though these institutions tower above
us so that we must look up to see them, I can assure you that their lofty
posturing is just a decadent attempt to make us feel very small. But there is
one attribute these grandiose ideologies have overwhelmingly in common— people
take them seriously.
Different and Yet the Same
Once you see the wheels of religiosity, then the illusion
reveals itself. Whether someone defines themselves as a Christian or a Jew, a
Muslim or Hindu they are all yielding to a subset of rules and must abide and
act accordingly to the tenants of their faith. In this sense we can see how
large populations can be swayed and compelled by the words of their religious
leaders. If one were to run a string to each of the major world religions, they
could tie a neat little bow at the top. So from the perspective of the New
World Order, there really is only one religion. It’s those pesky, independent
thinkers and spiritual people that are the cause of all the problems.
I’m reminded when Baron M.A. Rothschild so famously stated,
“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws.”
In the end, it’s money that rules a nation and it’s religion that rules a
population. You may call your religion whatever you like so long as it’s
fear-based and replete with severe consequences for those who disobey. And make
sure you design your religion to be divisive and coercive so that those who
practice it will surrender to its authority. Build large temples and churches
with a bunch of creepy statues so that it looks all official like. The bigger
the stained glass windows, the more money in the coffers. -Any questions?
I don’t mean to insult or disparage people of religious
persuasion. I am merely suggesting what a fine control apparatus you’ve found
yourself in. It’s quite brilliant really, and so I applaud the evil
intelligence that concocted this scheme. Most of us feel a need to connect with
a higher spirit and awareness. This natural desire was hijacked by institutions
who service the soul at very reasonable prices. And for those who are willing
to pay the price I say look closely, very closely, at that shiny little ring so
gingerly ingrained your nose. This is how you let others lead you. Is it by
your will or the will of others that you follow? If it is by the will of God,
then what does God say about your church? Does God speak to you as if your
belief is right and just and the others have been led astray? Has your religion
been complicit in deceit, moral improprieties and derelict indiscretions? If
so, then why would God speak through this web of unholiness that patronizes and
masquerades as being loving and benevolent? When He speaks does He not speak to
you directly? I ask these questions rhetorically because you already know the
Ah, but you say, you are of your own mind. Yes, there are
those who walk their own path. They tend to be spiritual. They enjoy the
philosophies of religion but are immune to its control. They do not have a
shiny ring in their nose, but speak of a shining light they call truth. They
know of this light not because someone spoke of it, but because they had sought
it out on their own. And so with much bravery and conviction they walked alone
until the Light had spoken to them. From there, the road changed. The ivory
tower church would become little more than a spectacle of excess funded by
people of need. And the temples that abound would become the “temples” on each
side of the head. Yep, enlightenment is grand. But it’s a real bitch for the
Dudley Dualism
One of the key components of churchology is a concept called
dualism. We have engaged these concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, dead
and alive our entire life. These polarizing precepts are so entrenched in our
thinking that it is near impossible to see beyond them. People will say that
it’s a lesson taught by nature. We see day and night and hot and cold. Surely
duality is a fact of life. Only a fool would deny it.
Well, I’ve been called worse I suppose and the Beatles once
wrote of a fool on a hill. If I recall correctly the lyrics weren’t half bad.
For what I see is something a bit different indeed. To an observant eye, there
does not exist just day and night, but a twilight and dawn too. Nature has
shown me not the duality of polarizing opposites, but rather circles of
continuation. In this third density playground we often think in very
polarizing ways. But in your spiritual space feel free to let go of the
polarizing twins.
Duality is religion’s greatest tool. No duality, no
religion. Day and night are not extreme opposites but an endless circle. Nature
does not consider day and night as opposite so why should you? They are simply
transitions in a flowing continuum. The Sun will rise in the light of dawn and
set for the twilight hour. The night ushers in a canopy of stars and the moon
will speak to those who will listen. And the cosmic wheel will turn upon the
Polaris hub and the celestial sky will beckon and yield to yet another day. It
is not opposite or polar— it is a circle of continuation, just as we are in a
circle of continuation.
Yes, even good and evil have shades between. There’s a
balance between the two and it’s forms a circle rather than a line. We can
think of the Yin Yang as a model of this, as it even alludes to the
transitional nodes that fall between dark and light. The only time something is
polarizing is when it’s absolute. If one subscribes to the notion of absolute
evil, then one must also maintain that light has never ventured into that
desolate void. Hmmm— that sort of takes me to my next thought.
New World Order
The incremental goal of the entity sometimes referred to as
“Illuminati” or “global elite” is to initiate a new world order comprised of
borderless nations, a single currency and a unifying religion. This idea may
seem benign and altruistic to the uniformed. They may believe this would usher
in a forward leap in societal evolution. Nothing could be further from the
truth. In their fantastical vision of a new world there would ultimately be
just a handful of people hanging out at the five-star restaurant/casino at the
top of their thirty-three story golden pyramid. They would control essentially
every aspect of our lives under the cover of some quasi-democratic scheme of
governance. Moving from one country to another to escape an intolerable regime
would cease to be an option. In other words, there would be no place to hide.
Well, things are pretty much starting to shape up this way
already. With well-established global entities like the International Monetary
Fund, United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations, we are well on our
way toward global governance. And then there’s the issue of borders. Back in
January of 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United
States, Canada, and Mexico (NAFTA) entered into force. When interviewed by the
Los Angeles Times in July, 1993, Henry Kissinger made the following comment
regarding NAFTA. He stated “it will represent the most creative step toward a
New World Order taken by any group of countries since the end of the cold war.
The revolution sweeping the Western hemisphere points to an international order
based on cooperation. It is this revolution that is at stake in the
ratification of NAFTA. What congress will have before it is not a conventional
trade agreement, but the Architecture of a new international system.” That was
Kissinger’s polite way of saying— do this or else!
And now the issue of immigration has boiled over the pot
with the U.N. suggesting that the recent influx of undocumented immigrants be
labeled “refugees” instead of illegal aliens. So it would seem that we will see
borders continue to erode and it’s conceivable that they will dissolve
completely at some point. In a perfect world there would be no need for
borders. But we are not in a perfect world and the people who are calling the shots
are essentially psychopaths that thirst for control and domination.
And the monetary system— well they’re working on that to.
The “amero,” the monetary union of Canada, the United States and Mexico will
undoubtedly be back on the table in one form or another and will be force-fed
to us just as Europe was force-fed the euro. The euro replaced the national
currencies of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Luxembourg,
Austria, Finland, the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands back in
But the one world religion— well, they already have that in
the bag. In my humble opinion, subscribing to any faith-based organization is
paramount to being one with the state. Such souls are already under the spell
of an external, synthetic influence. The breakdown goes something like this:
approximately 17 percent of the world population is Catholic, Protestants
represent 5 percent, other Christians, Anglicans and Orthodox weight in at 15.7
percent combined, 21 percent are Muslim and 13.3 percent call themselves Hindu.
Other religions including Buddhist, spiritual and the non-religious comprise
roughly 28 percent of the global population. So in conclusion, approximately 72
percent of the world abides by a fairly rigid religious pedigree.
Final Thought
Yes, as separate as they may seem, all major world religions
have their legions of followers and charismatic leaders. The ideologies are
rooted in dualistic models of good and evil, heaven and hell. They are scripted
with stories of triumph and defeat and with metaphors that open gateways for a
multitude of interpretation. They are anchored into what we inherently know to
be true and manipulate meaning to serve a specific purpose.
It was not my intention to cause strife or hurt feelings. I
love all people regardless of race, gender, political ideology and yep,
religion. But I know what organized religion has done to societies in the past
and I know what they are capable of doing today. The seventeen versions of the
Bible were written by councils of men, and each was tailored for a certain
purpose. And though there is much wisdom to be gleaned in these texts, they
offer no substitute for that Divine connection we are all capable of with
I am not religious. I am spiritual. My experience is unique
to me and that’s the extent of it. I have found my truth without a permission
slip and I have walked alone in the cold looking for the light. I would not be
told how I should think or how I should feel. There were times I felt a need to
hold a hand on this lonely path of self-discovery. One day a hand reached down
to me and I knew I was not alone. I know you’re not alone either.
I see the Sun is setting now, and His light rays are
“walking” on water. They say we should not stare at the Sun, but I care not
what they say. I am, after all, the fool on the hill.
-Until next time
email: jwash@rattlereport.com
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