The White Rose
By Kanjin Tor
“I am not a crook” – Richard Milhous Nixon: 1913 AD - 1994
AD. 37th President of the United States of America.
I read somewhere that it was Richard Nixon who first coined
the phrase ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ in a wretched effort to belittle and denigrate
those who were calling him a criminal, and to make it seem to the minds of the
vast majority of the American public watching his abject lies on their
televisions, that he was a lily white, whiter than white, white boy of honest
whiteness. Yet as we all know, far from it being a ‘conspiracy theory’, a
slander on his good name and an attack on a decent honest politician’s
character and career; it was instead a ‘Conspiracy Fact’ - and that he [Nixon]
was a criminal pig of the first order.
Whatever the truth of that one would certainly have thought
that people would have learned from this drama - and other similar political
episodes across the planet - about what these people are? And yet; since
Nixon’s fall from grace, in every country the world over, the Neo-Liberal
governments and their politicians have somehow attached this insulting label on
to any and all people [and sources] that challenge their political orthodoxy.
It is an orthodoxy of tyranny hidden beneath a paper thin veneer of
Neo-Conservative Capitalism, which is just another name for Neo-Liberalism -
which in turn is just the new upmarket label for a 1930s re-branded ‘Fascism’
of the old school.
These Fascist Pigs [for that is what they are] claim that if
any people voice thoughts which counter their Fascist Hegemony, they are based
on naive, preposterous, misconceived, paranoid, baseless, outlandish, absurd,
or outright silly ideas, as they try desperately to tarnish these good decent
people by linking their critical thinking to Marxism or Communism, or the new
hip government buzz word - ‘Terrorism’?
Furthermore, they say people who push these counter ideas
are all ‘schizophrenic crazies’ with a ‘Persecution complex’. And to counter
their truth the high and mighty rulers of the world roll out their carefully
chosen political voice box liars, in their tightly controlled media newsrooms,
to push their own hateful agenda, claiming - that only their view is
legitimate; and after all, who on Earth would ever believe that they could gas
millions of humans to death?
My point is that this is almost certainly the age in which
we are least free. Like it or not, if you are not part of the Criminal Elite
who control everything, then you are a slave! And while we may not be bound by
metal shackles around our ankles [though in some parts of the world this
version of slavery remains true as it ever was] we are nevertheless enchained
by an even greater compulsion, that of ‘fear and hate’ which as we all know -
has ever been the two main tools of repression used by these criminal scum.
“You are born a
Slave, you have no Voice” – Marcus Aurelius Antonius -121 AD – 180 AD [Roman
We truly do live in a dream, a vast intricate delusion; a
carefully constructed mass hallucination of the now. The sole purpose of this
dream is to keep us all asleep and compliant to the will of the few over the
needs of the many. And, far from being a benevolent miasma of generous Laws,
written large across the landscapes of our souls by munificent overseers for
the betterment of human society and its good order and peaceful conduct, it is
instead a frightening shock of war, terror, and pain, which is thrust dagger
like into the core of our consciousness by brutal monsters intent on Dominion.
This is the well of human experience, the riverbed of our
collective humanity, which, instead of being used to elevate man from
generation to generation as moral and natural law intends, is instead used by
the enemies of mankind to flood our consciousness with a constant stream of
Fear & Hate. Thus do the few control the many? This Dystopian Nightmare of
voracity and lust, hate and terror, crushing debt and disturbing avarice,
pandemic hunger and desperate want, is what we have all universally come to
accept as being ‘Inevitable Reality’. But it is not predestined reality; this
horror was imposed upon us by a so called Elite who have no empathy within
their fetid souls, and who suffer no mercy to be visited upon the rest of us in
their endless pursuit of Mammon.
“Hope is the pillar that holds up the world. Hope is the
dream of a waking man” - Gaius Plinius Secundus [Pliny the Elder] 23 AD – 79 Ad
These Elitist pigs have somehow managed to turn ‘Hope’, that
most essential of human traits, from the uplifting and empowering emotion that
it should be, into a tool of oppression. ‘Hoping to be rich’ has become, for
the want of a better turn of phrase; the ‘leverage of The Elite’. It is what I
call the ‘Life Lottery’ and it is a Lottery my friends which you can never win.
The decision about whether you as an individual are
worthless [Worth Less*] or not was decided long before you were born and it is
solely dependent upon which vagina you are unlucky enough to come out of!
“But that’s not true” you cry “look at so and so, he made
it”. Well yes he did but what was the price? The enemies of mankind are very
clever; they allow just a few Plebeian Scum to rise up from the gutter to join
them at their table; holding forth these selected individuals as great
champions of industry, as innovative thinkers and shakers; as men [and it is
mostly men after all] whose dynamism has led them to the top of the Imperial
Capitalist Tree by their sheer personal, self made, work ethic and intellect.
They say to us “look if you work hard enough you can do it too” all the while
offering to us meaningless platitudes about how “There is always Hope”. But the
truth is that they have killed ‘Hope’ and replaced it with ‘Despair and the
Greed of Capitalism’, an ideology that tells us all repeatedly ‘That anybody
can make it’! But Ladies and Gentlemen - you can’t and you won’t.
Our personal desire to be rich is the imagined perfection of
our deepest craving to not ever again worry about starving to death on a street
corner as people walk hurriedly past us with their faces averted in shame and
fear at our personal despair. The Pigs at the trough keep us all obedient and
in line by showing us a Golden Carrot, which they then dangle just out of reach
in order that we will forever strive to work towards this mirage of ‘Striking
it Rich’, of being free from the vagaries of poverty; which by the by were
initially caused, and are carefully maintained by their deliberate maliciously
planned mismanagement of life’s necessities; and here is an essential truth for
you, ‘all this is done in order to create a dearth, and thus a ‘Fear’ by which
[as already stated], they control us all’.
“We are what we
repeatedly do” – Aristotle [Philosopher & Scientist] 384 BC – 322 BC
Thus the world turns, thus the people at the top step on the
faces of mankind as they feed their bloated bank accounts on a concocted
ambrosia of human misery, blood, and the deaths of children.
If somebody beats you repeatedly with a stick and you ask
them to stop but they continue, then surely it must be that the person beating
you enjoys what he is doing and logically therefore ‘is made happy by the pain
and suffering that they inflict upon you’.
“Politicians like to
kill children”. This statement must be true, or they would stop doing it.
They wreck a continent with as little thought to the
morality of their actions as you might give to swatting a fly. They rape and
ravish the land with a greed which has made them all insane. And now with all
our modern technological knowhow – they advance across the globe promising
Health-Care and Democracy, Schools and Stability to the indigenous peoples in
far off lands like Papua, Sierra Leone, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and
hundreds of other such countries, but what they really deliver is - Death and Despair.
This needs to be repeated loudly and clearly with a
ferocious passion to any who will listen.
“Politicians Like To
Kill Children, This Statement Must Be True, Or They Would Stop Doing It”. -
Kanjin Tor
The greed of Politicians and corporations [who own the
politicians] knows no bounds, their avarice knows no restraint, knows no
compassion, and will never know remorse. You tell your children that Monsters
are not real, but they are everywhere made evident by the words and deeds of
those who rule us, and ladies and gentlemen, the sad truth is this – ‘Our
governments and corporations are controlled by Monsters’. They are a
collective; a group of sociopath’s for whom the cares and moralities of the
little people mean nothing. It is not a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to claim that there
is a New World Order. It is not a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to lay claim that they
gather together regularly to plan the destruction of societies and the rape of
the Earth for their profit. It is not a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to proclaim that
they intend to de-populate the planet... all these are ‘Conspiracy Facts’, they
have even openly stated they intend to de-populate the planet... they wrote a
fucking book about what they intend for god sake.. Wake Up!
George Orwell said “If you want a vision of the future,
imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever”.
He was right... and he made a call to arms in his last ever
interview [which you can find on YouTube] stating “This is the way the world is
going... Do not let it happen”.
We do not live in a ‘Time of Peace’ we live in a ‘Time of
Perpetual War’ and it is all engineered by the Fascist scum who rule the world
to increase their Dominion over all of us by the tried and tested methods of
‘Bread and Circuses, Divide and Conquer’, and furthermore to reduce the numbers
of human beings on this planet so that they might better control the Plebeian
Masses they want to start another Global War, and I know you are frightened by
this but hiding from this truth will not save you or your children. The rise of
Fascism continues unabated and the enemy of mankind is strong, but it is up to
us to oppose them. Yes we may die, yes there will be pain, but I for one cannot
live in a world with a boot on my face forever without offering my resistance,
- can you?
A last thought. These words from one of the most admirable
human beings of the 20th Century and certainly a hero of mine.
“How can we expect
righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up
individually to a righteous cause. Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go,
but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened
and stirred to action” - Sophia Magdalena Scholl 9 May 1921 – 22 February 1943.
German student and member of 'The White Rose' non-violent resistance group in
Nazi Germany and Heroine. [Beheaded by The Nazi’s for spreading the truth about
what the Fascist Scum were doing].
Good Luck.
Kanjin Tor
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