The New Age of a United Global Culture
By Phil Watt
I love the age we live in. In fact, if I had a choice to
incarnate at any stage in our history, this would be it.
This is the first time that we have interconnected all the
peoples of earth. A global culture has been birthed, and we are all part of it.
Science and technology have had both their advantages and disadvantages over
the last few generations, but the fact remains they have been integral to
interconnecting us through the near instantaneous sharing of information, the
movement of people and the blending of ideas.
Through this sharing of information, we have come to realize
that all the various cultures and traditions are really not that different from
each other. We are all uniquely human beings, with all the idiosyncrasies that
come alongside that.
“Truth is one; the
wise call it by many names” – Hindu scripture from the Rig Veda
We’ve also come to realize that near all the world’s
religions, at their core, say the same thing: we are but one part of the one
source. Essentially, they aim to bring us back to unity. The differences reside
in the way that humans have tried to explain ‘God’ and what it means for the
way that we should operate individually and culturally.
We’ve also come to recognize that each individual is as
worthy as the next. In this emerging global culture there is no condoning of
racism, prejudice and bigotry. There are no better or worse persons; only more
developed or more enlightened people.
Ego overcomes vanity. At our core, we’re all as valuable as
each other and all of us have the opportunity to connect with the place we
began and the place we end: Unity.
This understanding isn’t new. It’s old. The ancient
traditions of tribal societies had very similar conceptualisations of reality.
Their wisdom goes something like this: we are each a flame in the eternal fire.
We are both the flame and the fire. We are all interconnected to everything
that is.
And it’s this wisdom which is refreshing itself in modern
scientific understanding.
I would be willing
to bet that the present right-thinking consensus will come to seem laughable in
a generation or two—though of course it may be replaced by a new consensus that
is just as invalid. The human will to believe is inexhaustible – Thomas Nagel
Science has been a dominating bearer of truth for a century
or two. And in many ways it’s fair enough; the model of observing,
hypothesising, predicting, experimenting and concluding is an invaluable
approach to ascertaining the reality of reality.
In fact it’s been so successful that the scientific
orthodoxy has become arrogantly closed systems of thought, believing that they
have found the core answers to the question of existence. How confused they
are. But thankfully, the tide has been turning and its momentum accelerating.
The leading metaphysics within scientific dogma, which
attests it has the evidence to explain the fundamental nature of reality, is
called Materialism (or some variation of it). Basically, it asserts that
everything is made of or can be reduced to matter. Yet over the last century
and especially the past few decades, quantum physics — as well as other
scientific disciplines — have illustrated that this does not appear to be
Regardless of whether reality is fundamentally physical,
non-physical, or something else, the ancient philosophy of unification is
making a comeback.
The stream of
knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to
look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer
appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter… we ought rather
hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter – Sir James Jean
We are now entering a scientific era where it is materialist
woo-woo to believe that matter has been proven to be the primary stuff of
reality. Materialism is a metaphysical argument – it’s a system of beliefs
which attempt to explain the accumulating evidence. Yet with new investment and
new technologies comes new evidence. And through this process our collective
understanding of the world has been changing.
There is a lot of anomalous information that doesn’t fit the
materialist paradigm and the scientific and academic establishments have a lot
to answer for by sweeping it under the rug. Their twisted excuse is that one
day it will fit, it just doesn’t right now. Yet there are many independent
thinkers, both experts and laymen, who haven’t been subdued by the orthodox
rhetoric and are regenerating an old wisdom into our new age of a united global
culture. Examples include:
The observer
playing a creative role in manifesting physical stuff.
literally altering the physical world.
Reality is
interconnected (called ‘Entanglement’ in Quantum Physics).
Our minds and
beliefs can heal or hurt our bodies (which is why meditation is so effective).
Free and infinite
energy exists at the quantum level.
We have at least
three brains (i.e. organs containing neurons): 100 billion in the big brain,
100 million in the little brain (i.e. digestive system), and 40,000 in our
All of those
brains interconnect not to generate, but receive or filter an interconnected
potentially survives the death of the body (see research on NDE’s and OBE’s).
Consciousness (or
something that isn’t matter), is the fundamental stuff of reality.
All matter
originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of
the atom to vibration. I must assume behind this force the existence of a
conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter – Max
Planck (founder of quantum theory)
A huge problem we face from mainstream society is that –
because of their anger towards religions and the martyring of materialist
bigots – they have jumped on the bandwagon of the atheist priests.
There are also a myriad of scientific, corporate, government
and undercover establishments which have an agenda to suppress the wisdom of
ancient and modern understanding due to their capitalist and other ideological
interests. Especially power. The empowering and inspiring thing is, it may have
hindered the rise of our conscious global culture, but it hasn’t stopped it.
And it won’t.
It was not
possible to formulate the laws (of quantum theory) in a fully consistent way
without reference to consciousness – Eugene Wigner
We are at a crossroads. The revolution of the consciousness
of our global culture is our stake. Thankfully, it’s already appearing in
scientific research, government policy, independent media, social development,
community integration and individual enlightenment. Slowly but surely we are
making progress.
To understand the new age of a united global culture, is to
not just have insight of it, but actually live it.
I’ll give you a tip: conceptualising and then literally
living the interconnection of reality is the key.
About the author:
Phil Watt
Phil Watt lives in Sydney, Australia. Exploring the edges of
life, Phil is an ‘experience veteran’. His mantra is to Have a Crack at Life.
Phil is best described as a ‘self-help guide’. He focuses on
his own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and aims to share that
with his clients. Working in the therapeutic sector, he assists families and
children as a mentor, relationship mediator and health & life teacher. His
articles generally focus on ideology, society, adventure and self-help.
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