Disinformation in the New Age
by Mandy Peterson
As a mighty flood
sweeps away the sleeping village, so death carries away the person of
distracted mind who only plucks the flowers (of pleasure). ~Gautama Buddha
Disinformation is nothing new, even in the new age. Due to
the fact that many of us hold the ancient masters in high regard, it is natural
for us, as new-agers, to want to portray or believe that our ancient teachers
would support the new-age movement. After all, we founded this movement, in
part, based on the wisdom of their teachings. We’ve done this through taking a
little of one masters teachings, a little of another’s, and we’ve packaged it
all together as a philosophy that we feel is good to live by. Yes, there are
huge differences; but, we circumvent around these differences through
rationalizing that we live in different times.
Because we have taken pieces of wisdom from different
places, it does not always offer us a complete picture of the masters involved.
What many people may not even know is that many quotes that are floating around
the internet, and which we believe are the words of our masters, are fake,
misworded, or taken out of context (e.g. see FakeBuddhaQuotes.com). While
people may see this as a relatively trivial matter, it really isn’t. After all,
how would we feel if we saw a Facebook banner which displayed an image of Jesus
with the quote, “Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas! – Jesus Christ?”
Many of us, having not studied the works of many of our
masters, only see collectively chosen quotes from a small portion of a master’s
work. These portions may be framed in a way that the master appears to support
our new-age sentiments. What we never see is the remainder that would have been
in direct conflict or might appear “negative.” Unfortunately, this promotes
disinformation and misunderstanding as to who our masters really were and what
they really taught. I even posted a real quote on Facebook and someone
confronted me that the quote must be fake because Buddha would “never have
said” that.
So, keeping this all in mind it is fair to say, yes, there
is disinformation in the new-age. And, it is safe to wake up to it, as well as
where disinformation exists outside of the new-age. It is safe to realize that
the new-age has an agenda just like every other religion, cult, faction,
institution, etc. Even I have my own agenda. So, you must find the Truth for
The new-age agenda appears to be with distraction, denial,
and the repression of “negative” emotions and thoughts, while encouraging
individuals to keep up with a consumerist mentality that is destructive both
internally and externally. This is not passing judgment here; I’m just
dispassionately stating a perception which seems, to me, a fact.
What I’ve learned through having been part of the new-age
for most of my life is that there is something inherent in the path that
creates a no-win situation. On the one hand, we are taught to deny “negative”
illusions as unreal. On the other hand, we are taught to exhaust ourselves in
the pursuit of “positive” illusions. Some of us are starting to catch on that
living in this way leaves us subtly feeling that we never have or are enough.
For, this is another illusion: that we can attain a feeling of completeness if
we can manifest this-or-that. However, fulfillment rarely is forthcoming, as
once we complete a goal we immediately seek to attain something else.
While not suggesting we live entirely without external
striving or material “abundance,” what we may label as more problematic lies
within our approach. Because we live in a world which we perceive as ‘normal,’
we do not always understand the ways in which we become conditioned, as
individuals within a larger society, to have things defined for us; i.e. such
as success, failure, abundance, loss, etc. We have so much information coming
at us that, “you can shine,” “you can succeed,” or “you can have unlimited this
or that.” But, notice how this leaves the subtle impression that we are
lacking. So, repeating these kinds of mantras naturally serves as an
inspiration that keep us driven. But, toward what end? More illusion?
I am not implying this is right or wrong, merely that many
of us may not always be aware of how we are being conditioned, or the effects
of such conditioning. After all, how many of us could live a simple unaffected
life without worrying what people would think? How many of us get called “lazy”
for not being productive enough? How are we conditioned out of taking care of
our minds and bodies through being encouraged that we need quick-fixes-because
there is not enough time for rest? Many of us are terrified to slow down in
ways lest we miss an opportunity for advancement, or let ourselves or others
down in some way.
I find it no wonder that so many people end up with
“ascension symptoms.” Seen from a rational perspective of cause and effect,
these symptoms likely arise from the living split between our minds (which tell
us to be “love n light”) and our contradictory lifestyles (which ask us to be
aggressive, striving, competitive, and to not truly care about anything beyond
our personal outcomes). Many of the idealistic concepts that we espouse, don’t
even add up with how we live our lives. For, how can we truly end up
manifesting peace, love, and oneness while being taught to be self-entitled,
self-oriented, and to climb various hierarchical ladders to “success”?
Looking at how innately aggressive the world is, and how we
keep marching and banging our drums like little energizer bunnies trying to get
ahead, to me, it makes sense that new-agers feel sped up–ADHD; anxious,
repressed emotions surfacing; sleep-disturbed; and intolerant to food,
chemicals and geopathic stress (aka “dirty energy”). We seem to lack the wisdom
of our masters which was by-passed and which could have advised us on how to
bridge the various splits we created in our minds and lives. In fact, it seems
many of our present-day gurus can only instruct us on how not to deal with
negative realities and emotions as they come up, which come to be treated with
distaste and dissociation.
We end up being taught conflicting messages regarding how to
find our “off switch.” On the one hand, we are taught to practice meditation
and to being in the now; finding our divine self-worth internally. On the other
hand, we are taught that we can have it all, be special, be a “star seed, blue
ray, etc.,” or can “succeed” or “manifest;” finding approval and self-worth
On top of this, we are taught to withhold judgment. Taken
out of context, we come to lose the discriminating ability to identify and
address disharmonies or untruths within the world; except those truths we deem
“positive.” We forget that if we want to manifest things that are “good,” there
must exist an opposite polarity where things become “judged” as “not so good.”
The main fear seems to be one of being unloving. Though,
enabling one another’s bad behavior or addictions is not something I would
consider loving. The main addiction of this age appears to be one of
consumerism and self-indulgence. And, lacking a standard of ethics to follow,
we can end up inadvertently and unconsciously acting impulsively, with no
restraints and little care for how our addictions affect the younger
generations, the environment, etc. Yet, through Law of Attraction, we are
taught accountability, but primarily when it comes to our personal lives. We
have to be careful not to forget that judgment also implies “karma,” which can
incur from collectively self-destructive behavior that is continually enabled.
Though, there are more and more people waking up to this now.
The biggest truths we miss through the misquoting of our
masters are their own realizations that the path to ascension comes through
what we release rather than gain. However, we all fear loss and in trying to
avoid it, we spin out in the opposite direction of trying to manifest gain (at
a cost of loss of resources and vitality of our bodies and environment).
If we can come to understand the true wisdom of Buddha and
other masters we will realize that if ww wish to deny all negatives based on
their being “illusion,” this must be matched with denying all positives too,
based on the same argument. For, the pursuit of only pleasure brings as much
harm, egotism, greed, self-entitlement, addiction, compulsion, destruction and
suffering (as evident within Nature) as does the pursuit of negatives.
While the answer is not likely not to be found in any kind
of extreme, the dis-informed new-age appears to be split between two ends of
the spectrum: an “all spirit” focus on one end (with ideals of love and light)
and a hedonistic “all material” focus on the other (with ideals of manifesting
“unlimited” abundance, fame, etc.). There is one path we have yet to
collectively try yet: the simple path not found in remaining dis-informed, but
in becoming enlightened.
About the Author
Mandy Peterson is a psychic visionary, empath, channel and
EFT Practitioner. She is the author of the book I Am the Lotus, Not the Muddy
Pond: Peace Through Non-conformity and the EFT Divination & Chakra Deck. As
an empathic healer and reader, Mandy works one-to-one with clients, helping
them to achieve clarity, peace, and balance. For more information, see Mandy’s
website at www.mysticmandy.com.
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