
Friday, 22 August 2014

The Gemstone

The Gemstone

by freefall

I was watching the wind blow through the trees the other evening. The wind suddenly stopped.
I realized that anyone who has ever genuinely created anything of substance, the painter, writer, musician, etc. is like someone carried by the wind. We cannot control it. The best we can do is flow with it until it stops. And when it stops our creativity ends.
Yes, we can perform or put something on paper without it, but it has no depth or real meaning to it. This has become commonplace with our “artists” of today. It is why so much music has no soul and so much art has no essence.
We are each down here to contribute to the grand awakening of the world. But it must first start with the individual.
Each of us are meant to find our own uniqueness. When we find that, all competiveness ends as we know we have something to offer that cannot be duplicated by anyone else. We no longer seek validation by how much we are rewarded by the Zionist-controlled value system (currency).
If you need to make money, you make it. But you don’t allow how much or how little you make to influence the belief of who you are or the value of what you have to contribute.
It is the antithesis of the hive mentality. The connection is there but the conformity is not. The collaboration is there but it has to do with the growth of groups of individuals rather than the spiritual atrophy of the collective.
In this type of world, there is no jealousy because we understand who we are. There is no one to compare ourselves with except for the strength of our connection to the Source. And nothing outside of ourselves can give us this strength.
We live in a world where most people have given up their uniqueness for approval from the hive. Yet our leaders always end up as betrayers as the awakened have no desire to rule over anyone.
There is no government, no leader, no treaty or constitution that will free us from this vertical hierarchy where the vilest of humanity continue to crawl to the top. Only a massive uprising of individuals from all nations will turn this world around from the destructive course that has been set by the “leaders” of the world.
We are all on this earth right now for a reason. Find yours and do it to the best of your ability. There is no one quite like you and your unique perspective is needed in order to further activate the synchronicity which blows like the wind through us all.
“The truth is like a multifaceted gemstone and each unique individual perspective is one of those facets.” –freefall
For those who continue to seek the truth, we all eventually find ourselves as strangers in a strange land.”—freefallI’m just another soul who was indoctrinated into believing in the “American Dream.” As I began my journey through the various institutions including religion, healthcare and education, I began to realize that what I was being taught was incomplete. As my awakening continued, I came to the conclusion that not only were these institutions found wanting, they had been consciously perverted by some very bad entities.At the next stage of my development, I thought that I could still contribute by minding my own business and doing what I knew to be right within the confines of the system. Finally, the hard realization that those who run the system will not even tolerate that impressed itself upon me. For the true objective of our institutions and those who serve them is total and complete annihilation of the individual.I now choose to live my life free of compromise. Let the chips fall where they may.

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