Autumn Approaches…
by Visionkeeper
Summer is fading quickly, bright splashes of wild flowers
are now replaced by fields of golden rod and dying grasses. The air is tinged
with a musty smell as leaves begin to slowly fall to earth and rot in the
dampness of cooler evenings and we pull out a quilt to take the chill off as we
sleep. I wonder to myself why we feel such sadness as the seasons change. It is
not forever, summer will return again next year and life will be easier once
again as we strip clothes off instead of adding them on. It is far easier to
open a window to catch a breeze than load up the wood stove and haul in wood.
Is that why we feel sad to see summer end? Or could it be that we lose a bit
more of our freedom when we have to go inside and shut the doors and windows to
stay warm? Does losing that freedom remind us of other freedoms we have lost?
Is the passing of summer into Autumn unearthing buried truths and hidden
emotions? Or could just it be that we don’t do well with change no matter how
it comes our way? We just get used to the carefree days of summer then BAM, it
is ending and we must change our ways yet again to accommodate the colder
temperatures moving in. Change is such a mystery because we humans have such a
hard time accepting it.
I think the energies we are feeling these days are not just
the super moons, but it is also the flux of changes we are all enduring in our
lives. Everything around us is shifting and changing and not always for the
better. It leaves us unnerved and on edge, not quite knowing what we are meant
to do next. Humans tend to like to make plans and it is next to impossible to
make plans in this crazy world right now. What is here today could well be gone
tomorrow. In order to flow with these changes that are erupting all around us
we are being asked to change ourselves as well. The ultimate fear that for some
reason most everyone dreads. In order to change ones life one must be willing
to cross that proverbial stream, where we are in limbo with one foot on one shore
and the other foot is anchored to the other shore. We have a momentary fear
when lifting off and experiencing being ungrounded until that foot we just
lifted up joins the other on the shoreline. In that moment we are risking
loosing our footing, falling or slipping, but going forward we must in order to
get where we are going.
These times demand strong faith and belief in ourselves.
There is very little around us we can count on to remain the same, and so we
must be able to count on ourselves to remain grounded and secure. In order to
have faith in ourselves we must first know who we are and have a plan as to
where we are headed, otherwise we would have to struggle with living our lives
with a stranger. Life is hard enough to get through at the moment without more
uncertainty. As we head into the cooler seasons and begin to close our doors
and windows, it is a good time to go within and open up and establish a good
relationship with ourselves. By opening up we get to keep the freedom we lost
by closing doors and windows. Knowing who we are is liberating and something
essential to remaining secure. All knowledge is liberating yet we tend to fear
it and shut our ears to knowing the truth. We humans fight against ourselves at
every turn.
To go with the flow we must embrace truth no matter how
painful and frightening it may be. The truth is what it is, there is no running
away from it, it will always seek us out and stare us down. It is like that
trip to the dentist we dread and put off and cancel our appointments then
reschedule. It is only when we actually go and face it and leave the office
that we feel the weight lift from our shoulders and a giddy lightness takes
hold. The world is ugly in many ways right now and looking away from it rather
than at it seems a better option, but is it really? Knowing truth is arming
oneself with our most powerful weapon. Knowing the truth is cold and often
brutal, but not knowing truth creates that dreaded fear of the unknown which
weighs us down, fogs our thinking and stifles our growth. Let us not only take
the time this fall to know ourselves and work on ourselves as the cold weather
approaches, but let us find the courage to know the truth no matter how awful
and arm ourselves for whatever comes our way. To know ourselves is to build a
strong foundation beneath our feet and having the courage to face the truth is
what creates the structure around us, our road map to wherever we are going in
life. So let us drag out the sweaters and quilts and settle into becoming our
own best friend, armed and ready to face all the unknowns of our tomorrows.
Blessings to us all,
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