Michael Portillo and the Monsters of the Pliocene Epoch.
By Kanjin Tor
"Well they do say that Charity begins at home"....
I have always wondered who these mythical 'They' are when
people utter such bland aphorisms?
I also wonder why it is that these old chestnuts always seem
to trot out of the mouths of middle classed, can't be arsed to fight back
against the criminality of The Elite, mealy-mouthed little Englanders, who
would not piss on a poor man if he was on fire? You know the kind of people I
am talking about, people who accept the given Right-Wing propaganda horse
manure that is pushed into our faces on a daily basis via The BBC or The Daily
Mail - that anybody using a Foodbank must be 1/ Careless with their money. 2/ A
Drug addict [because addicts don't deserve our compassion in 'The World
According to Dacre']. Or 3/ Lazy Scroungers who are just scamming free food to
pig out at our expense despite all evidence to the contrary. Those kinds of
And yet these are also the same type of people who will
phone in and donate [rather generously at times] to scams like The BBC's
'Children in Need' or buy a god awful recording of 'Feed the World' by Saint
Bob 'fucking' Geldof, and why, why do they do that, why are they willing to
fund some celebrities singing a song about Christmas in Africa but will walk
past a homeless man begging on the street ignoring his plea?
The answer of course is because they don't really have to
sacrifice anything or put themselves out in any meaningful way when they donate
via the telly, and because we are all fearful of becoming the begging man in a
society which cares nought for the life of a begging man, that's why!
Thus it is that some look at The Trussell Trust Food Bank
and other community based Foodbanks which are less... shall we say 'Franchised'
- Charities who warned us all that in 2013 - 13 Million British People were
living below the poverty line - here in the UK, and say in response to these
appalling statistics "These people should get an education and stop being
lazy, work will set you free" (or words to that effect)...
And I am not making that up, I have seen such vitriol and
it's like scrawled across various social media sites by right wing arseholes a
number of times in recent years, and not just from nonentities like myself, but
also from so called 'Important People'.
And yet according to The Government supported Trussell Trust
Food Bank 'In the period from 2013 to 2014 Foodbanks fed 913,138 people
nationwide. Of those helped, 330,205 were children'. And what were their given reasons for this
appalling rise in Foodbank usage here in the UK? Rising food and fuel prices,
static incomes, underemployment, changes to benefits, things which are more
often than not, beyond the fault of the individual.
The Trussell Trust alone has over 420 Foodbanks spread
nationally and this is not counting the independent Foodbanks set up by local
people to help local people in their local community... and yes - that is a lot
of 'Locals' for one sentence, but you get the picture and I hope the point?
So when people like Michael Portillo go onto Andrew. F.
Neil's stinking BBC 'This Week' propaganda fest and calmly in bland voice avows
to the nation that he 'can't seem to find any evidence of people going hungry
in the UK' my thoughts return once again to another less well known quote about
'Charity' by Norman MacDonald which goes " Some men mistake generosity for
charity: these flatter themselves that they are giving gratuitously, whilst
they are merely rewarding secret services offered to their vanity".
Let us not forget who and what Michael Denzil Xavier
Portillo is. This is an avowed Thatcherite who seemingly loves 'The Death
Sentence' and who supported Murderous Regimes across the world. He was a member
of the board of the Kerr-McGee Corporation (Big Oil). He was a non-executive
director of the multinational defence contractor BAE Systems (Arms Dealers). He
voted in favour of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. I am not certain Mister Portillo
knows what 'Charity' is. But perhaps I should not be too hard on him, after all
I think perhaps that most people in this Nation of ours have a very mistaken
idea of what Charity actually is, or have forgotten its true meaning; so let us
address that.
Charity has come to mean in the last 40 years, something
very different from what it used to, this idea of Charity that people currently
have, is either that of an organization which has been set up to provide help
and raise money for those in need or, (take it away Saint Bob) or the voluntary giving of help,
characteristically in the form of cash, to those in dire straits. Now while
these efforts are laudable aspects of the word 'Charity' they alone are not
what the word means.
What the word 'Charity' actually means is 'To act in
accordance with our Human Nature'.
Humans did not develop claws, or huge canine teeth capable
of puncturing and killing our prey. We did not evolve with thick hides or an
armoured skin to protect us from our Prince of Darkness [the big cats who
regularly feasted on unwary hominids]. No - we hominids evolved as a
cooperative charitable mammal, deeply interdependent upon each other to both
learn the skills to survive, and pass on those survival skills to our
offspring. We needed each other to beat
off the attack of very dangerous predators, and further - to hunt enough game
to feed our families which in turn enabled us to become the dominant species on
this planet.
Make no mistake - The Earth is called 'The Earth' because of
Without 'Charity' - that which is best characterised as -
'Having a kindness and tolerance towards others. To possess a Love of
Humankind. To be lenient and less judgemental and forgiving toward our fellow
Humans' then there would be a very different animal ruling this planet. Without
these charitable aspects of our humanity, so vital to our survival as a
species, Humanity would have ceased to exist long, long ago.
Let me be clear - 'If Charity had not been the vanguard
characteristic of our human makeup then our ancient societies would never have
come into being and Homo Sapiens, that fragile, thin skinned, unarmed hominid,
would have passed into myth devoured by creatures infinitely better acclimated
to the ancient Pliocene world which was inhabited by true monsters made
colossal by nature'.
Thus it is that 'Kindness' alone is that which wrought our
survival. Thus it is that 'Fear of the Other', the habitually propagandised
ideology of the far right extremists who daily abuse us with their misanthropic
rhetoric of hate via the means of an Elite controlled News Media, are acting
utterly hostile to the very nature of mankind. We must therefore consider such
hatreds and oratory as 'Deviant Behaviour', and measure their words and deeds
as conduct which is abnormal and contrary to the survival humanity.
That is what the word 'Charity' means Ladies &
Gentlemen, it mean survival, not only of the individual but also of the
species, for without Charity mankind is doomed.
As to Michael Portillo? I am remind as I sit here and write
this that his father 'Luis Gabriel Portillo PĂ©rez' was a man whose
Republicanism and Lefty Politics saw him oppose everything that Franco's
Fascism stood for. It truly boggles my mind that such a man as he, having such
a father, could have fallen so in love with Margaret Thatcher and Neo-Liberalism?
Perhaps instead of being an evil little Fascist Tosser, Michael Portillo is
instead just a misguided fool who for all his urbane charm is not as worldly as
people like to think?
So I will offer Mister Portillo some of the 'Charity' of
which I speak here and forgive him his peculiar and illogical statement on The
BBC's 'This Week' program about Foodbanks and the type of people who are forced
into using them. Instead of chastising him further I will put his ignorance
down to a life made easy by affluent circumstance and forgive his insulting
comments... because after all Ladies & Gentlemen, 'Charity begins in the
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