Brothers of the Shadows: A Perspective on Conspiracies
By Sevak Gulbekian
In his book Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace Gore Vidal
suggests that the American public has been conditioned to respond to the word
‘conspiracy’ with a smirk and a chuckle. Conspiracy, in other words, is for the
nuts and the loners, and is not to be taken seriously. In this way, he argues,
through the media’s association of the concept of conspiracy with fringe or
extreme elements, the real conspirators go unnoticed.
It is a vital point, and Vidal courageously chases and
exposes genuine conspiracies by politicians, the FBI, lobbyists for the tobacco
companies, and so on. But the flip-side of the conspiracy coin is the
proliferation of fanciful and fantastic theories that now crisscross the globe
in seconds with the help of electronic media.
The spread of the internet has democratised conspiracy
theory. Millions of people now have the means to publish their own unique
analysis of what is going on. A necessary consequence of this massive growth in
personal digital publishing is that it is getting to be much more difficult to
find the pearls among the rubbish. Someone even observed that, in the age of
the internet, if you want to keep something secret you make it public…
Amidst the more fantastic theories of UFOs and intergalactic
lizards, certain core themes do persistently reoccur in the mass of ‘conspiracy
theory’ material now available. Principal among them is the idea that a shadowy
elite is seeking to enslave humanity under the auspices of a single,
centralised world government. The name of the mysterious ‘Illuminati’ is most
often associated with such a group, although what is meant by it is frequently
ill defined. The Illuminati are, supposedly, a cabal of top bankers,
politicians and businessmen seeking to create the aforesaid all-powerful
What is the truth of all this? I do not propose to give a
full answer here, but would like to introduce a perspective on the theme – one
that has generally not been given serious consideration – taken from the
research of Rudolf Steiner. In the second part of the article I will try and
relate Steiner’s ideas to other more familiar conspiracy research.
So why Steiner? Because, if for no other reason, his
pronouncements and indications on practical areas of life have borne such
remarkable fruit, testimony to which are thousands of Waldorf schools offering
a new kind of education, farms successfully practicing bio-dynamics, clinics
dispensing anthroposophic medicines, and so on.
As a profound clairvoyant, Steiner claimed to investigate
other dimensions of reality for insight into the human condition. His legacy is
hundreds of volumes of published talks and written works on a cornucopia of
themes. However, as mentioned above, his work – in contrast to that of many
other spiritual teachers and gurus – has shown itself to have practical
applications in all areas of life. This in itself does not provide ultimate
evidence for the truth of his work, but it does correspond to the biblical
dictum: “[B]y their fruits ye shall know them.”
In 1916 and 1917, in the midst of the catastrophic First
World War, Steiner gave a series of 25 lectures to a group of his followers who
gathered together at their centre in Dornach in neutral Switzerland. These
lectures, since translated and published in English,1 offer a unique reading of
contemporary events.
Behind the outer façade of world affairs, suggested Steiner,
the machinations of occult groups or ‘brotherhoods’ were at work. Certain of
these brotherhoods had wanted the Great War to take place, and had manipulated
events to bring it about. In doing this, they sought to protect the dominant
economic position of the English-speaking world, and in turn to crush the
‘mediating’ role of Central European powers such as Germany, the
Austro-Hungarian empire, and so on.
These occult brotherhoods – small groups of men who met
together in ‘lodges’ and practiced ceremonial magic as a means of achieving
certain goals – originated from the English-speaking (Anglo-Saxon) world and
were allied, in particular, with Anglo-American interests. Their aim was to
extend Anglo-American influence across the globe, and to ensure the
predomination of Anglo-American culture. Furthermore, they sought to extend its
superiority into the distant future; essentially to ensure that the present
state of affairs continues evermore.
According to Steiner’s research, human evolution goes
through ‘great periods’ of development. During each of these periods, a
particular people is given the task of leading humanity in a spiritual sense.
Over the millennia, it has been the destiny of different peoples to bring
specific qualities, in a benevolent way, to the whole of humanity. Particular
periods of history are thus led by particular nations. This does not imply a
form of political control or empire – and is certainly not a theory of national
or racial superiority – but is referring to a spiritual form of authority.
Steiner suggested that the Western world, and in particular
the English-speaking peoples, have been given the task of getting to grips with
the material world – of becoming comfortable on Earth and developing in harmony
with it. In this specific sense, the West was to introduce a certain kind of
(beneficial) materialism into human development. But this materialism was only
meant to be developed up to a certain point. It was necessary in order for
humans to become fully part of the earthly world, and to help introduce an
individualised consciousness (the ‘I’). But beyond that it had the potential to
be destructive. Materialism as a philosophy, which shuts out the possibility of
soul and spirit, is retrogressive, asserted Steiner, and works as an evil in
human evolution.
The Anglo-American brotherhoods that seek dominion over
mankind know this, and hence today are deliberately sponsoring various kind of
materialism in the hope of halting and trapping humanity at the present stage
of its development. They don’t want humans to progress beyond the present stage
of immersion in the material world. In other words, they don’t want us to
reconnect in a free way with our spiritual ‘I’, because they know that their
grip over humanity would then be lost. Human progress is dependent on spiritual
knowledge, and thus the occult brotherhoods work against it.
Steiner explained further the brotherhoods were aware that
the Slavic peoples were to be given the task of leadership on behalf of
humanity during the next ‘great period’ of history. For this reason, the
Anglo-American brotherhoods not only sought to dominate the present great
period of human development, but – knowing that the Slavs had an important
mission in the future – sought to gain control over the Slavic peoples (Russia
in particular) in the present, in order to interfere with or even put a halt to
their coming task. In this way, the Anglo-American brotherhoods could extend
their control over human development into the distant future.
Steiner later claimed that the Bolshevik Revolution in
Russia, which led to the creation of the USSR and the 72-year cultural,
intellectual, economic and political repression of the populations of its
various peoples, was masterminded and sponsored by these same brotherhoods as a
means of controlling the region and its peoples.
What is the evidence for Steiner’s analysis? Apart from
anything else, it is interesting to note the present state of world affairs,
and how – since Steiner spoke about this topic in 1916-17 – Anglo-American
culture has come to dominate the globe in tandem with American economic and
political influence (with the enthusiastic support of British politicians). The
assertion of unilateral military action by the United States and Britain in the
2003 invasion of Iraq – in the face of almost total global opposition – was a
good example of this formidable power at work. However, admittedly these
observations do not provide ‘proof’ in a strict sense.
Another source of evidence is the remarkable research of
Prof. Carroll Quigley (1910-77) who wrote two substantial volumes, The
Anglo-American Establishment (1949) and Tragedy and Hope (1966),3 on the secret
network which emerged from the enterprise of Cecil Rhodes. Quigley
characterised the power of this group through its influence in politics,
culture and social life as “terrifying”.
It is important to note that Quigley was no crazed and
paranoid conspiracy nut, but a respected Georgetown professor, and even the
teacher of Bill Clinton. (How such networks might be related to the
brotherhoods Steiner is talking about will be considered later.) Other authors
have followed Quigley’s lead and complemented his studies with contemporary
observations. A few have even related Steiner’s ideas to Quigley’s research.4
In this context, however, I would like to mention only two external ‘symptoms’,
which, at the very least, offer circumstantial evidence for Steiner’s
In 1893, an Englishman called C.G. Harrison delivered six
lectures to the Berean Society, a mysterious group of ‘Christian esotericists’.
A record of these lectures is to be found in Harrison’s remarkable book The
Transcendental Universe. Little is known about the Berean Society or Harrison,
although he wrote two further books in his lifetime. What is clear is that
Harrison, who speaks in defense of the “high” Church, had access to a
phenomenal store of esoteric thought, and was furthermore privy to a certain
amount of inside knowledge. In his second lecture, he spoke not only of “the next
great European war”, but also of the “national character” of the Slavic peoples
and its ability to “enable them to carry out experiments in Socialism,
political and economical, which would present innumerable difficulties in
Western Europe”.5 Remember that these lectures were given in 1893, 21 years
before the First World War and 24 years before the Bolshevik Revolution!
While Harrison claimed to be a “theoretical occultist” as
opposed to a “practical” one – i.e. he did not practice magic or ritual, with
the implication that he was not a member of a “lodge” himself – from his work
it is evident he represents an esoteric strain of thought which clearly defends
the English establishment. How could he know about the forthcoming War as well
as the “experiments in Socialism”, which would take a grip on Russia and its
surrounding states for most of the twentieth century? If he was not, as he
claimed, a “practical occultist” himself, it is reasonable to assume he had
contact with people who were, and who had access to the malign plans of such
secret groups referred to above.
The second significant piece of evidence which offers some
backing for Steiner’s claims of occult interference in world politics is to be
found in a special edition of the satirical weekly The Truth, published at
Christmas 1890. Under the heading ‘The Kaiser’s Dream’, the magazine featured a
cartoon map of Europe together with a humorous commentary. Many observations
can be made of the map, but the most pertinent point to note in relation to the
above is that all the countries of Europe are shown as republics with the
exception of Russia and its neighbouring states, over which are written the
words “Russian Desert”. In addition, Germany is identified with the words
“German Republics”! This map signifies not only a foreknowledge – similar to
Harrison – of the fate of Russia to become a cultural as well as an economic
‘desert’, but also of the future splitting of Germany into ‘republics’. The
magazine’s editor, Henry Labouchère, was a Freemason. Was his remarkable
foresight pure luck, or once again did he have some inside knowledge of future
plans to shape the world?
It is of course possible that the above examples are merely
coincidences and happy flukes, but surely it is unlikely. Do these examples
offer evidence for the existence of occult brotherhoods with pernicious plans
for political manipulation? We may never know for sure, but it is evident that
Steiner’s perspective offers much serious food for thought, and opens up
important new vistas for understanding current world events.
Steiner and Modern Conspiracy Research
Having sketched out Steiner’s picture of secret
brotherhoods, I would like now to try and show how his perspective might relate
to the more general conspiracy research referred to earlier. To many readers of
this magazine the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the
Trilateral Commission will be more than familiar. In addition, the Yale
University secret society Skull and Bones is often identified by investigators
in the conspiracy field. The latter has been thrown into the limelight recently
due to the remarkable admission by both Republican and Democratic candidates of
the 2004 American presidential election that they are members of the exclusive
As Skull and Bones is a tiny society that invites only 15
undergraduates per year to join its ranks – and at any one time has only 800 or
so living members – the fact that the two candidates for the post of the most
powerful position in the world are members of it (from a population totaling
some 293 million people) is quite incredible!
It has long been known that George W. Bush is an initiate of
Skull and Bones (as was his father George Bush Snr. and grandfather Prescott
Sheldon Bush).6 According to the key researcher of Skull and Bones, Antony C.
Sutton, the society was first founded in 1833. Members, who meet secretly in
its ‘tomb’ on the grounds of Yale, are sworn to secrecy about the group’s rites
and activities. In terms of its operations and philosophy, Sutton refers to the
‘dialectical’ process, based on the philosopher Hegel, as being at the heart of
Skull and Bones thinking. In particular, he tries to prove that the group has
been instrumental in funding and encouraging the development of both far-left and
far-right political groupings – principally the Communists and Nazis – in the
twentieth century. From the point of view of Skull and Bones’ broad vision of
human development, left and right are viewed as two parts of the Hegelian
dialectical process; one political wing represents ‘thesis’ while the other
represents ‘antithesis’. These two aspects clash and fight each other, but
eventually merge to form a ‘synthesis’. It is this synthesis, according to
Sutton, that Skull and Bones is aiming to create. By controlling and
manipulating the conflict, it controls the outcome (or synthesis).
It is interesting to note that Sutton first published his
interpretation of Skull and Bones in the mid-1980s. At that time, he quoted the
group as working for a ‘New World Order’ (NWO). This NWO was to be the product
of the synthesis of political left and right. Shortly after the collapse of the
Eastern-bloc communist countries, and the subsequent triumph of Western
capitalism – a triumph that Francis Fukuyama referred to in his famous book as
‘the end of history’ – George Bush Snr. began to use the specific phrase ‘New
World Order’ in public speeches.
This fascinating fact offers some circumstantial evidence
for Sutton’s reading. Presuming that Sutton is correct, humanity is living
right now within the period of ‘synthesis’ – the birth of a NWO led by the
West, and principally the United States. (And perhaps it will come as no
surprise to adherents of Sutton’s analysis that a new ‘dialectic’ has suddenly
appeared to take the place of the old, i.e. Communism versus Capitalism is
replaced with the West versus Islamic Fundamentalism.)
Antony Sutton’s series of booklets on Skull and Bones begins
with hisIntroduction to the Order,7 in
which he points out that – despite them being commonly associated with
conspiracy – organisations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and
Trilateral Commission are ultimately not secret, and have large public
memberships. Likewise, it could be added that despite the fact the Bilderberg
conferences are not open to the press or public, the names of the people who
attend these yearly private meetings are not concealed. (The minutes of the
1999 meeting in Sintra, Portugal were even leaked and published wholesale on
the internet.) Lists of members of the above groups can be found in Robert
Gaylon Ross’s Who’s Who of the Elite, Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on
Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Skull and Bones Society.)
Sutton suggests that organisations such as the above form a
larger ‘outer circle’ of members, while societies such as Skull and Bones form
part of an ‘inner circle’ of truly secret groupings, of which there is a still
further ‘inner core’ – the ‘decision-making core’ – which remains completely
out of public view, i.e. truly hidden (or, literally, ‘occult’). This is a
reasonable hypothesis. From what is known of the Bilderberg conferences, for
example, it could be inferred that their essential motivation is to further the
Western Capitalist Project through high-level networking and the grooming of
young talent. To put it in another way, they are working for the economic,
political and cultural domination of a globalised world by the West – in
particular by the English-speaking peoples led by the United States and
Britain. (Although the Bilderberg conferences include guests from around the
world, the emphasis is on North America and Europe, and its leadership is
From what is known of the Bilderbergers – and much has
reached the public domain – there appears to be no more conspiracy than that.
Groups such as Skull and Bones (and Sutton deduces that there are others such
as Scroll and Key) are not completely secret in that their existence and membership
are well documented. According to Sutton these are the ‘core’, with similar
objectives to the more public groups but with more focused and consciously-held
In contradistinction to the Bilderbergers etc., true secret
societies usually have elaborate initiation ceremonies and use ritual as a
critical part of their mutual enterprise. The brotherhoods Steiner speaks of,
as has already been mentioned, are also built on Masonic principles of secrecy
and ritual, but are hidden from public view.
In relation to the groups referred to above, it is quite
possible that such genuinely occult brotherhoods form part of the inner,
‘decision-making’ core, which Sutton refers to. Having said that, as Sutton
points out, most members of the larger groups would have no inkling of any
subterfuge or conspiracy, and neither would many members of Skull and Bones.
This work would be left to the directors, or ‘initiates’, with esoteric
knowledge and understanding. According to Steiner, the specific brotherhoods he
is referring to not only have the conscious goal of maintaining Anglo-American
domination, but complement this aim with real esoteric insight – i.e. an
understanding of the evolutionary cycles referred to above.
The above sketch gives a useful framework for comprehending
how public groups such as Bilderberg, more secret groups like Skull and Bones,
and the occult societies that Steiner refers to might interact and co-exist. In
this sense, the true occult societies would be the central inspiration for the
larger intersecting groups of organisations with politically active
individuals. To my mind, such a complex picture is more convincing than the
nebulous idea of a single all-powerful ‘Illuminati’ that is supposedly
responsible for creating a massive conspiracy that controls every aspect of
modern life.
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