
Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Archons & Chemtrails

Archons & Chemtrails

From Augureye

It was 1996 when I saw chemtrails being sprayed across the sky for the first time.  I was visiting relatives in Kenai, Alaska and we were out camping for the weekend.  At first I didn't pay any attention as I've seen jet contrails overhead ever since I was a youngster.  Some 20 minutes later I was considerably more interested as the thin streamers had gradually spread out across the sky in a kind of grid work or tic-tac-toe pattern.  We watched in disbelief as a bright clear summer day was turned into a grey overcast soup right before our very eyes.  The following afternoon the same thing happened, in pretty much the same way, except this time we got huge X patterns all over the sky.  This time the people I was with were just as perplexed as I was, and we began "brainstorming" to come up with a logical explanation.  The very first thing we ruled out was commercial airliner traffic because actual jet contrails are made of water condensation vapor and always dissipate away into nothing before you loose sight of the jet.  The other reason commercial jets were ruled out is because if any commercial airline pilot flew the patterns we saw they'd be fired instantly; no ifs, ands, or buts about it! A week later I was back home in the Seattle area when I looked up to see three big streamers being sprayed across the sky.  My neighbor was out in his driveway, so I called to him - and pointed out the chemtrails.  We stood there watching these three jets when suddenly we saw three more coming in on a perpendicular approach.  This new flight was on a course to intersect the trails from the first flight...and within a few minutes the entire sky was filled with triple X's.  I asked my neighbor if he'd seen this before and he shrugged, saying "Those are just jet contrails, been seeing them since the 50's."  We spoke for a few minutes as we watched the chemical streamers thicken, and spread out just as I'd witnessed in Alaska the week previous.  Suddenly the neighbor turned to me with an ashen face, his expression one of rude discovery, he said, "Those are military tankers...our government is spraying us!"
 In the seventeen years since those first observations the spraying program has not only continued unabated, it has grown to truly staggering levels, and remains much like the villain in Harry Potter, as the subject is never spoken of at all-ever.  This is another thing that worries me about all this...If the spraying of chemtrails is something good, and beneficial to mankind don't you think the government would be taking credit for it at every opportunity?  But they deny every word, photograph and video, of which there are many thousands by now.  Ponder this for a minute; since the government denies they are spraying the clearly visible chemtrails on a daily basis, around the world, then someone else must be doing it. Since no jet fighters have ever been sent after a chemtrail plane we must assume it's being done with approval.  They cannot have it both ways; either they are doing it, they are allowing someone else to do it, or somebody else has a massive fleet of jet tankers which the government is powerless to stop...or even see! Really folks, Everybody sees these chemtrails every day, and our government denies their very existence!  What's wrong with that picture, plenty!  For starters, why are these liars & thieves even still in power?  What must they do to us before we stand up for ourselves?  Secondly, what does it say about a population who dutifully ignores the chemtrails (and so many other issues) because it's easier than taking on the government?  Not much!  We are being sprayed as if we are harmful insects, and most of us just ignore it.  Astounding!  With each passing year we learn more about the health hazards connected to chemtrails, with perhaps the worst effect being Morgellons disease...which the government of course also denies the existence of. (see video below) 
The fact remains that people are getting sick, and dying from exposure to the Aluminum, Barium, and Strontium contained in the chemtrails; not to mention the  Lab created synthetic life forms and other biological material like red blood cells,  fungus, and self-replicating nano fibers!  Indeed many people the world over are dying from exposure to such toxins; but then, that is exactly the intention.
 It's called Geoengineering and it's going on right now - and has been going on for many, many years .  Of course the chemtrails are just one of many different pacification technologies being employed by our overseers to marginalize us, taking us right out of the equation.  Whether it is HAARP, Gwen towers, microwave soup, GMO food, RFID chipping, BP crude or Fukushima radiation; we are under constant assault.  Of course the steady backbeat of this population control agenda is the media; television, movies, cell phones, Facebook, all streaming undiluted propaganda into our tortured minds 24/7 - lest we find a quiet moment and begin thinking for ourselves.
Within a couple years of my first chemtrail sighting the media was hard at work trying to brainwash us by frequently having chemtrails show up in the background of TV shows, movies, and especially commercials, those tightly engineered little propaganda pills.  They even went to the trouble of adding them in as a CG effect to older movies in an attempt to delude us into believing they have always been there.  Bullshit!  I'm more than old enough to remember clear blue skies, and contrails which dissipated quickly.  Evidently these pacification technologies are working just fine.  Tried to explain chemtrails to anyone lately?  How about Fukushima, or the Gulf of Corexit...tried to get those conversations going with friends or family?  If you did, likely as not you got brushed off, ignored or ridiculed.  It's the old ostrich syndrome in full bloom and ironically enough, that is the exact position the powers that be want us to assume!
The internet is all a-buzz over FEMA camps and railroad trains with cattle cars equipped with leg irons welded to the floor...and stories of DHS procuring millions of rounds of ammunition, and dozens of urban tactical assault vehicles; not to mention a whole new squadron of chemtrail tanker planes.  Your tax dollars hard at work suppressing and oppressing you into lethargic, apathetic submission.
The government denies chemtrails at every level.  Weathermen on TV are all mum on the topic, even as chemtrails can often be seen in the satellite images they show.  Commercial airline pilots have always been especially silent on the subject of chemtrails; perhaps even more so in light of evidence confirming that some chemtrail cocktails (there are several different formulas & variants being used) are actually mixed in with their fuel. Airline pilots would be the most credible of witnesses to confirm and even document the chemtrail spraying program, yet they are so deathly silent you'd think their jobs depended on it...or perhaps even their families.  Talk about your elephant in the room, this whole charade is ludicrous to the point of being annoying.  The damn things are a daily event all over the planet yet everyone denies & ignores them...except for the 4% or so who are awake, aware, and vocal.  Deny, delay, discredit, obfuscate, confuse, ridicule and ignore; these are the rules they play by, and they are playing for keeps!  Aside from the internet the only place you will find printed material on chemtrails is, in school books.  That's right- school books!  They are teaching our children all about chemtrails, saying it's a program for dispersing elements into the air to reflect sunlight back into space...you know...to fight global warming!  Am I the only one who finds this chillingly like George Orwell's dystopian nightmare "1984"?  Or are we now so beaten down and intimidated we refuse to even fight for our own survival?
Of all the many questions raised by the spraying program there is one that really eluded me for quite some time.  Why are they spraying themselves & their children, as well as us?  It just doesn't make any sense at all, yet there exist numerous photos of chemtrails over the white house, indeed everywhere they congregate.  Now some might be quick to offer that this is evidence that chemtrails are harmless, because we all know what craven quisling cowards politicians are; or it might be evidence of a different nature altogether.  As I said, chemtrails are just one facet of a global scale geoengineering program; which is tech-talk for rearranging mother nature to suit your specific needs.  Star Trek fans will recognize this as Terraforming or plowing under the existing biosphere in favor of a new one.  Hmmm.  This scenario made for passable science fiction fare in the movie The Arrival where alien invaders were changing Earths environment to be optimum for their race, not ours.  Yeah, I hear you thinking "but that's just the movies, it isn't real"  Are you certain of that, or is it just denial speaking?  Are you so sure you'll bet your life on it?
I first heard vague references to the Archons several years back, in a book I've since forgotten the name of. I took in the data and kept going...and sure enough every so often I'd find another reference to Archons with some additional information.  By that time my curiosity was aroused enough to pay better attention...there is substance here.  It all began with the Gnostics around 3600 BC.  Gnosis is a Greek word meaning "inner knowing" and the practice of Gnosticism derived from the mystery school teachings of pre-Christian antiquity.  The Gnostics were somewhat shaman like in their use of psychoactive plants which bestowed them with a vast cosmological vision, centered around a female deity they called the Divine Sophia.  The Gnostic creation story is unique as it is the only one ever to have explained in great detail how an inorganic life form came to be present in our solar system, and on our planet.
Those inorganic aliens were the Archons, and they are still here because they never left. It was the Archons who repeatedly destroyed the library at Alexandria which was built by the Gnostics.  Following the destruction of the library, the Gnostics began writing about the invasion of the Archons.  These writings, (13 codices with more than fifty texts), were discovered in 1947 at Nag Hammadi in Egypt.  The Nag Hammadi texts are so important because they remain totally intact; surviving a 1300 year long period of Archon inquisition against the truth.  They describe the invasion being somewhat virus-like, yet very difficult to explain. They said the Archons have the ability to duplicate reality, to trick us into buying into their false construct over our true reality.  The texts explain that the Archons are envious of Humans on account of we have something they don't have and greatly desire ... a Soul.  They are said to hate the emotion of love, especially any expression of such.  They much prefer violence, aggression, hate, death and war, as they feed off the energy of the dead & dying while controlling the events leading up to those wars within the false reality they constructed...kinda like what is going on everywhere right now, especially with North Korea's little Kim Jong Un  threatening to nuke us for the fifth time in as many days.  What the hell did Dennis Rodman say to that guy anyway?
The Nag Hammadi texts describe one Archon looking like a bi-pedal reptile, while another looks more semi-embryonic; like an unborn baby with grey skin and dark unmoving eyes.  Archons can get into people and make them do weird, unexpected things.  They imitate life with a false facade of culture, chaos and depravity.  The texts talk about a time when the Archons were defeated, and imprisoned by the Gnostics.  They also speak of the Archons eventually being released somehow.  In an interview with Jeff Rense some while back, the noted writer and film maker Jay Weidner said that this release from prison may be what the book of Enoch was about; where the demons were locked away in a box but they'd return at the end of time.  Weidner says he wonders if maybe the Archons are actually the Annunaki, who came here, altered our DNA in order to enslave us, and that we might derive more understanding of the Archons thru Zecharia Sitchin's books.
Quoting Jay Weidner from the interview: "The Archons were somehow successfully quelled and then began their re-emergence and they are as close to immortal as we could understand, and that's why their plan is so precise.  They needed time to gain power because the people of Earth are essentially Gnostics who were resistant to and didn't believe in, the "religion" that was being foisted on them.  The forces of Jehovah [Archons] conquered the last of them [Gnostics] and now they are pretty much in control of the system."
Read the complete article here:

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