Idiots, Zealots, Elitists and Patriots
- The Four Wise Monkeys of Modern Politics
By Ethan Indigo Smith
Characterized by how they respond to information, modern
societies are made up of four archetypes of people — idiots, zealots, elitists
and patriots. Idiots refuse information, zealots refute information, elitists
misuse information and patriots seek and distribute information. These
archetypes are true of patriarchal societies around the world, and has probably
been the case since Homo habilis was a boy.
While consistent across cultures, these archetypes have been
subdivided in many ways, have borne countless different names, and their
attitudes toward one another have varied (slightly) from age to age. But the
essential dynamics of society has never altered. Even after enormous upheavals
and irrevocable changes, the same pattern has historically reasserted itself
over time, just as gravity finds equilibrium.
Idiots, Zealots, Elitists and Patriots
These four societal archetypes are inevitably intertwined,
and their aims entirely reconcilable. Although their behaviors are dissimilar,
their differences fit together into one dysfunctional whole, comprising a
society’s collective relationship to information, and indeed, its own truth.
To expand on the definition offered above, idiots avoid all
new pertinent information in order to maintain their perspective, never
questioning the status quo. Zealots ask certain questions of certain
information, ignoring unaligned information in order to maintain their
perspective, supporting the status quo at all costs. Elitists question
information in order to manipulate and reap gains off those who don’t know,
benefiting from the status quo. Patriots question information to educate
themselves and share it with others, in order that we might progress beyond the
status quo.
Despite dramatic alterations in the world’s geopolitical
landscape, and some fluctuation of individuals from one group/role to another
over time, the dynamic between these groups has historically remained the same.
What has changed in the technological age is simply that we have more ways and
means to use, misuse, refute and refuse information.
Today, just as ever, idiots avoid all new pertinent
information in an attempt to maintain a limited, comfortable perspective.
Zealots believe they have “the answer”. They ask certain questions of certain
information, but ignore and dissociate from information that is unaligned to
their pre-determined perspective. Elitists question information in order to
manipulate those who do not have that information, to their own benefit.
Patriots – true patriots – question information to educate themselves and share
it with others in order that all may progress.
These archetypes may seem like generalizations; and they
are. They are also ancient and universal in structured societies. How people
interact with new information is a result of both primal response and
experiential programming, so understanding these archetypes can reveal a great
deal about people and their character. In my experience as a truth-seeker and
an activist – a patriot – this is the only thought-model or assumption that can
truly help us understand how people relate to information, and therefore how we
can best relate information to them.
There is an ancient adage and image that depicts the
thinking and being of people through a series of archetypal monkeys; Hear no
evil, see no evil, and speak no evil.
three wise monkeys salt shakersCommonly known as The Wise
Monkeys or The Three Wise Monkeys they are typically depicted sitting next to
each other in a row. One covers its eyes, blinding itself. The second covers
its ears, deafening itself. The third covers its mouth, gagging itself. Of
these supposedly wise monkeys, none seem much the wiser for its ignorance. In
fact, each character is hampering itself and its experience of its surroundings
– of truth and information – in one way or another. And yet this adage of
‘wisdom’ is still widely accepted.
What most people don’t realize, however, is that the
depiction of these ‘Three Wise Monkeys’ is a deliberately incomplete narrative;
there is actually a fourth Wise Monkey that is seldom depicted in western
interpretation. Representing the virtue ‘fear no evil’, the fourth monkey sits
with its arms folded over its abdomen. It is the patriot who, fearing no evil,
questions information to learn and share it with others, in order that all may
progress. It is indeed the only of the monkeys that shows any wisdom at all!
The four wise monkeys are reflective of the four archetypal
reactions to information. In an oligarchical society, such as ours, which is
structured to benefit a few at the expense of many, idiots shut their eyes to
all information that puts this reality in their face and simply refuse to
learn. Zealots fervently support the official narrative; they close their ears
and do not hear what’s really going on, but tend to keep speaking nonetheless.
Elitists keep their mouths shut and do not disclose what is seen and heard,
understanding what is happening but opting rather for silence. Patriots, the
least common of the monkeys, use all their senses; they observe but do not
react in fear.
The archetype of the four wise monkeys is considered to be
one of the oldest axioms with a corresponding image. The original concept has
its roots in Chinese philosophy and can be traced back to at least the 8th
century. In Japan, it is interpreted as akin to the Golden Rule and is also a
play on words. The Japanese word for monkey is saru and the expression in
Japanese uses verb forms that sound like the word monkey; mizaru, kikazaru,
iwazaru and shizaru. Outside Japan, the predominant presentation of the wise
monkeys around the world lacks the fourth monkey, fear no evil, shizaru.
Buddhists and many others interpret the wise monkeys as a
karmic reminder of sorts not to participate in any form of evil, but it is more
than that. This traditional interpretation states that one should not see, hear
or speak of inconsequence. It is true that avoiding irrelevance is wise, but
this is only part of the truth. In Asia people conceptualized that all
movement, physically and metaphysically, begins and is anchored in the
abdominal region or dantien, an energy point just above the belly button. The
fourth monkey is unafraid and unflinching, and watches and listens calmly, with
hands resting on the dantien. Like his companions in varied measure, the fourth
monkey looks, listens and communicates, but does not react in fear of what is
seen, heard and said.
It is no wonder the fourth monkey has been all but deleted
from the archetypal presentation of the wise monkeys adage. He is the only
truly wise monkey of the four, the patriot. The fourth wise monkey faces the
truth without fear, a distinct contrast to the other three, apparently
frightened monkeys. It is an old example of a missing whole truth and a partial
presentation. The absence is normally unconsidered or trivial, but helps to
point out the very lesson of the wise monkeys maxim.
What 1984 Can Teach Us About 2015
Similarly, in George Orwell’s seminal fiction/warning 1984,
the Brotherhood (who are working to bring down the fascist rulers, ‘The Party’)
are similarly deleted through the admission of language.
1984 by George Orwell tells the story of an imagined
dystopian future. The Telescreen, which constantly transmits as well as
oversees its audience. The “Theory and Practice to Oligarchical Collectivism”
is the book within the book, providing the guidelines for this distopian
society, which posits that there are three types of people in the society: the
high (the Inner Party), the middle (the Outer Party) and the low (the Proles).
Each conforms to the will of the collectivist society.
Those of low status are forced to accept the false imagery
and demands of their society as their reality, they have been prisoners their
whole lives and do not notice the fact they are imprisoned. In the middle (the
Outer party) are the unchained, remaining totally transfixed on the party line,
as told by the Telescreen. They are so loyal to the imagery and narrative
created by their captors that they will believe whatever they are shown, rather
than observe for themselves. They will believe two plus two is five, as the
saying goes, as long as it is presented as such on the Telescreen. Essentially,
they are the frightened monkeys.
But according to the Inner Party and the Telescreen it
controls, any who might challenge the system are said to simply not exist;
there are no patriot, nor fourth fearless monkey, and any who think that way
are therefore isolated; a common divide-and-conquer tactic of empires past and
present. The Brotherhood – the organization of patriots – are portrayed by the
controlling ‘Inner Party’ as a rumored group, and the notion of their existence
is belittled by the Inner Party, via the Telescreen, and they are ‘disappeared’
from the mainstream society altogether. The story’s protagonist, patriot
Winston Smith, is made to believe he is the last person who questions, who
looks, who listens and who speaks. The rebellious Brotherhood is known only as
a rumor, a fourth vague possibility, and Smith believes himself to be ‘The Last
Man in Europe’ (the title originally intended by George Orwell, instead of
In the totalitarian society portrayed by Orwell in 1984, the
agenda physical and psychological monopolization of the society is arguably
more advanced (but decreasingly so) than what we see in modern politics.
However, just as in 1984 and the ancient adage of the wise monkeys, the fourth
characterization – that of the true patriot – is mostly absent from our
mainstream narrative. In reality, the fourth monkey, the patriot, those who
fear no evil and act accordingly, are deleted from public consciousness in
exactly the same way.
Institutional Suppression of the Fourth Monkey
By observing and questioning actuality, without fear, the
patriot poses a distinct threat to the status quo. Institutions can easily
influence the three monkeys to their advantage, through the manipulation of
information, but they cannot usethe fourth monkey in the same way. Institutions
delete and distort any notion of such, as they view it as opposition to their
agenda of information suppression — and because they themselves are afraid.
That is why they operate in the shadows, hide their true actions and attempt to
delete the truth. The fact is, the mentality of the fourth monkey – fear no
evil – frightens the crap out of institutions! And fear is not just propagated
by those institutions but is also a driving motivator used within their own
ranks; patriotism is of course, not welcome there either.
Idiots and Zealots Within and without their own ranks,
institutions seek to isolate and disempower true patriotism by distorting and
confusing its meaning, and eliminating the notion altogether by instilling
nationalistic ‘you’re either for us or against us’ thinking – which is simply
elitism dressed up in patriots clothing. Today, government and media
institutions have attempted to delete the notion of true patriots and transform
our understanding of ‘patriotism’ into flag-waving idiocy, war-minded zealotry,
and hyper-collectivist elitism.
Why? Powerful institutions would prefer that the public sees
anyone who opposes those institutions as only zealots, idiots and elitists
claiming to be patriots. Institutions prefer to keep true patriots mixed up
with the others in the way the public perceives them, for when the voice of
patriotic opposition is heard only among the voices of zealots and idiots, it
is much easier for institutions to hide behind preconceptions and
disinformation. And they do this by creating ‘controlled’ opposition, as
researcher, author and activist Sonya van Gelder recently noted:
opposing or discrediting movements serves a number of purposes in an
information / credibility war. Besides gaining inside information, disinformation
agents may deliberately leak information, create division, and steer the ‘group
thinking’ and activity of support networks away from achieving real outcomes.
Controlled opposition also satisfies the casual concerned observer that
“someone is doing something”…
Such infiltration
also serves to ‘media tarnish’ the reputation of the entire movement and
therefore the public’s perception of the cause it stands for… This simple kind
of manipulation is extremely effective, if we are blind to it…
Read more here:
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