Collectively Realised Creation -v- Mutually Assured
Julian Rose
Final Call
This title speaks to the opposing ambitions of two forces at
large on our planet. Those which work towards the realisation of a great vision
– and those which work towards the annihilation of all vision.
Although they stand at diametrically opposite extremes in
the process we call ‘life’, their presence is increasingly felt within the
everyday workings of our planet.
The concept of ‘collectively realized creation’ is rooted in
the collective unconscious of humanity. In all of us. It is that which informs
our desire to live – and to outwardly express that desire. To express it
through actions that reflect the depth and wealth of the divine sparks within
each one of us.
Whereas ‘mutually assured destruction’ (MAD) – a term used
to describe the East-West ‘Cold War’ nuclear missile build-up of the 1980’s –
has no part in the human script; but is nevertheless a state towards which our
planet is being pushed by forces that appear blind to their own madness. But
then perhaps madness cannot ever recognise itself.
As it is, it has turned-out not to be that hard to set
humanity rushing off in the opposite direction from that which informs the
flowering of collectively realised creation. All it took was the devising of a
confidence trick to make we humans feel guilty about that which fulfils our
simple heart-felt joys.
Once successfully seeded, the relentless stoking of this
‘guilt/fear’ confidence trick, caused it to take a stronger and stronger hold
on the psyche of humanity, until the great majority had taken it upon
themselves to purchase an insurance policy with ‘Mutual Assured Destruction
An insurance policy guaranteed to so deaden the voice of the
natural life force – that Collectively Realised Creation could no longer make
itself heard – or barely.
MAD soon became a monopoly – a mutual insurance company with
a global membership far exceeding any similar outfit.
However, sometimes some of its clients still inadvertently feel
an unpleasant twinge of consciousness. A brief painful glimpse of truth, whose
origin is usually traced back to Collectively Realised Creation. This pain is
very irksome – so its sufferers rush to put in a claim with MAD, which after
all, guaranteed protection against the promptings of truth.
MAD is generous in this – it pays-out – as well as offering
its claimants further protection free of charge! Its happy clients head at once
to the glittering arcade for their brand new flat screen TV, microwave and
I-pod. The zombie purchaser does not see, of course, that each purchase
provides further fuel to the sycophantic ambitions of Mutually Assured
It is no surprise that MAD has become somewhat bloated on
the poisoned fruits its own success.
A success unprecedented, not only amongst other ‘mutuals’,
but amongst multinational corporations in general. In fact, sensing the
opportunity to still further increase its empire, MAD recently brokered a deal
with the architects of ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’. And in a wedding made in
hell, the satanic duo headed-out to silence, once and for all, the never
entirely repressible energies of Collectively Realised Creativity.
The Full Spectrum Dominance school of top down control has
long since been interested in the complete transcendence of limitations. That
is “getting beyond gender, law, nature and time and space” (John Dyer). They
are the people behind the establishment of the world’s vast trading blocks, the
Agenda 21 scam, smart grids, biochemical weapons and the push towards a
progressive take-over by artificial intelligence – the transhumanist agenda.
They are Bilderberger emanations; the architects of TTIP,
NAFTA, the military industrial complex, atmospheric aerosol geoengineering and
the deliberate fermentation of world wars. The full realisation of their game
is the establishment of a One World Government.
But these dark agendas used to be hidden. They were
fermented in great secrecy; they were known only to a few. They were subject to
Masonic and Jesuit blood oaths of obedience ‘not to tell’. But all this has
changed. I wouldn’t be writing this article if the knowledge and exposé of
these agendas weren’t rapidly gathering momentum; if a broad awakening wasn’t
well under-way.
So it is, that in this 21st century, our blessed planet
Earth has become the theatre for a mighty show-down between diametrically
opposed forces: those of Collectively Realised Creation and those of Mutually
Assured Destruction. Utterly antithetical visions of the future – increasingly played-out
in the here and now.
There can be little doubt that the bloated over confidence
of MAD is currently suffering incessant puncturing by the bright arrows of
collective truth. The entire empire of what we know as ‘the status quo’ is
rocking on its hinges – and the door marked PTB threatens to become entirely
Collectively Realised Creation is gaining in self confidence
daily. She is staging a major come-back, and MAD knows it. That is why this is
such a pivotal time for us all. For planet Earth, its animals, trees, rivers
and seas.
Within the volcanic eruptions that manifest with ever
greater frequency, a symbol of yet greater eruption can be felt. A trembling in
the air and at the very depths of existence. A huge metamorphosis rising ever closer
to the surface of all human affairs. Birth pains of the world to come.
We should expect the unexpected in apocalyptic times like
As things get increasingly brittle, pipes burst, electric
circuits fuse and people loose their marbles.
Uncontained acts of savagery and torture stage their pent-up
violence, openly. Mind controlled mental cases go on the rampage. While the
sons and daughters of millionaire bankers sip champaign on ice in six star
hotel bars as millions face starvation in foreign deserts of exploitation.
It’s all up on the screen now, in fifty shades of red and
Yet, simultaneous to these manifest scenes of destruction,
are scenes speaking boldly of creation. Of the building of unity around great
humanitarian initiatives. Of overcoming the torment of weaknesses that provide
ready fuel for the vampiric MAD to avidly gorge itself.
It is here, amongst the rising Phoenix of awakened passion,
that we belong. We who feel the sap rising in our salty veins – who sense the
powerful portent in the great show-down of diametrically opposite intents now
engulfing humanity – demanding an unwavering answer to the ever prescient
question: ‘to be or not to be’ ?
But we know that in truth – there is no ‘choice’. For we are
the Collective Force of Creativity. It is we who are awakening from our
prolonged and listless sleep.
Yes, and it’s a seriously rude awakening. Because after
wiping the sleep from our eyes, we find ourselves looking straight down the
barrel of nothing less than MAD’s merciless machine gun – which will surely
fire us – should we fail to rise-up as one – at this – our final call.
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of ecological farming,
integrated rural economies and decentralised community regeneration. Farmer,
writer, holistic thinker, broadcaster and activist: Julian campaigns against
all attempts to sterilise our living earth and creative aspirations – and
expresses belief in the power of the human spirit to awaken and direct our
passion for life. You can buy his latest book “In Defence of Life” at and via his website
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