
Monday, 28 September 2015

Clones Of The Anunnaki

Unraveling The Mystery Behind The Clones Of The Anunnaki


Was there genetic engineering in ancient times? Did the Sumerian god Enki create clones?
The idea that ancient aliens modified human DNA plays a vital role in the Ancient Astronauts theory.
According to the late author and researcher Zecharia Sitchin the Anunnaki, a group of extraterrestrials that visited our planet in the past genetically engineered Homo sapiens as slave creatures to work their gold mines by crossing extraterrestrial genes with those of Homo erectus. Zecharia Sitchin was no the only one who suggested humans are genetically created by highly advanced extraterrestrial beings.
A deeper investigation of the subject revelas there is a connection between ancient genetic engineering and prehistoric weapons of mass destruction. According to author Joseph Robert Jochmans who specializes on ancient mysteries, "in the Sanskrit text known as the Samara Sutradhara, we find mention of the use of two biological weapons, each of which produced its own results: the Samhara debilitated its victims by attacking the motor center of the brain; and the Moha caused blockage of nerve impulses, resulting in complete paralysis.
In the Chinese Feng-Shen-Ven-I, we find similar descriptions of germ warfare, and again reference is made to specific weapons causing specific results.        What these descriptions imply is that the ancients once actively created and produced strains of microbes — much in the same way many modern governments are secretly conducting research to find new and deadly forms of microbes for military purposes.
Just how far the ancients took their experiments may be found in an enigma that still affects mankind today — the Virus.    When first discovered, viruses were thought to be an intermediary step between life and non-life. In an inert state, it is much like an inorganic crystal, but when active it acts with a purposeful manner, and duplicates by using biological processes. But as the virus has come under more and more scientific scrutiny, several disturbing facts have emerged. The most important is that viruses have a high degree of host specificity — in other words, it is as if they were designed to attack man, and man alone. And since man is supposedly only a recent arrival on this planet, the virus too must be a recent phenomenon. But where did it come from?
As Mooney, in “Gods Of Air and Darkness”, noted: “Viruses have recently been synthesized in our modern research laboratories by recombining existing virus material, thus producing new strains not found in nature. Therefore it is not impossible that a highly advanced society in the past may have done a similar thing. This would connect closely with the reports of biological weapons in ancient documents.”
Going one step further, modern researchers are also experimenting with changing the structure of DNA, the basic building blocks of life, which contain the codes of identity in the genetics of the individual. Already new forms have been produced which could prove to be deadly, and would be a serious threat if uncontrolled, because they have the ability to reproduce themselves.
The virus is a little machine that accomplishes the very same thing, only in a specific manner: It contains a core of altered DNA material that it injects into the nucleus of a human cell, and the DNA in that cell is transformed to reproduce the virus form. As a result, the cell is reorganized to produce more viruses, not cells; and when the cell disintegrates, its mutated offspring spread to attack and inject themselves into other cells — and the process begins again, only multiplied. Did someone in the unknown past design the virus as a biological weapon? If so, it presupposes a knowledge of genetic engineering that is not very far removed from our own.
The extent to which the ancients carried out their genetic studies may be hinted at in a new development taking place in modern research. In 1975, Dr. Nils Ringertz of the Swedish Institute for Medical Research and Genetics announced the successful crossing of genes of entirely different genera, to produce hybrid cells: His team had combined the genetic material of a man with a rat, a man with a chicken — and even of a man with an insect! In each case, the cell produced began to multiply — in other words, if it had been allowed to grow, each cell would have developed into the monstrosity created by the genetic combination, a “man-rat”, a “man-chick”, or a “man-insect”.           Dr. Ringertz assured his colleagues that the purpose of his experiment was to produce the hybrid cells, and these were destroyed once they began to multiply, so that the monstrosities could not mature into living creatures. But the procedure he used was simple enough that it could be duplicated, in any genetic laboratory — and one wonders if over the past few years, other researchers have gone ahead and secretly allowed such creatures to live and grow. Because the possible genetic combinations are limitless, the kinds of hybrid creatures that could be created is also endless. And if such creatures ever accidentally escaped. . . ?
Did the Sumerian gods - the Anunnaki create clones?
In imagining what kind of monstrosities might one day be loosed upon the world, there is the sudden realization that we have seen these combinations before — in the artwork and mythology of practically every ancient civilization. There we find the mermaid (man-fish), centaur (man-horse), satyr (man-goat), harpy (man-bird), and the sphinx (man-lion). And there are other well-known combinations: pegasus (horse-bird), griffon (bird-lion), capricorn (goat-fish), and the gargoyle (ape-bird).
Are mythical creatures genetic experiments conducted by the Anunnaki?
Berosus, the Graeco-Babylonian historian, records the memory of an age when such genetic “freaks” abounded in the world: “There once resided most hideous beings, which were produced of a two-fold principle (genetic hybridization?). Men appeared with two wings, some with four and with two faces. They had one body but two heads; the one of a man and the other of a woman. Other human figures were to be seen with the legs and horns of goats. Some had horses feet; others had the limbs of a horse behind, but before were fashioned like men. Bulls likewise had the heads of men; and dogs with four-fold bodies and tails of fishes. In short, there were creatures with the limbs of every species of animals. Add to these fishes, reptiles, serpents and other wonderful animals, which assumed each other’s shape and countenance. Of all these were preserved delineations in the temple of Belus at Babylon.”
The combinations described here are as many and varied as one could expect from rampant genetic hybridization. Were these mythic creatures, only the product of imagination, or were they the offspring of an ancient science unknown to us? The answer may be closer than we would like to think. In our own civilization, research into the secrets of life is only decades old; but for other, forgotten civilizations of the distant past, the research may have extended over centuries — perhaps even millenia. French biochemist Louis Pauwels, in “Morning of the Magicians”, reports that studies have been made of powders, perfumes and scents preserved in prescription form in ancient and medieaval literature; and some of the results were very unexpected. Many of the powders were so complex that modern chemists are still unable to completely break down their molecular structure. Some perfumes, like musk, on the other hand, have formulas almost identical to DNA. What had these perfumes been used for? Were they information-carriers, that generated illusions and hallucinations for gaining power over crowds? Were they some form of “instant knowledge”, whereby a student inhaled the appropriate scent to learn secrets imparted to him on the cellular level? Here is an aspect of ancient wisdom we can only guess at, but which certainly needs investigation. As Pauwels noted, “Such an investigation would prove that the magicians of antiquity knew more about the psychological effects of perfumes than the best specialists of our times.”
The Lulu Clones Of Sumer
Perhaps the most startling revelations of the advanced nature of ancient research into the manipulation of the building blocks of life come to us from Sumerian inscriptions, dated between 4,000 and 5,000 years old. Several legends speak of a time when “god-men” ruled the world of prehistory; and in order to work the mines of the land of Apsu — identified with southern Africa — the Sumerian deities decided to create a Lulu, or primitive worker, who would do the actual digging and other hard labor. The god Enki was placed in charge of the task to “bring about the work of great wisdom”, and he, with the Mother Goddess, Ninhursag, began to fashion the Lulu. The place where the creation took place was called the Bit Shimti — the “house where the breath of life is breathed in”.            Upon entering the house”, Ninhursag first “washed her hands” as any lab worker would, and called to her lab assistants to prepare the first ingredient: “Mix the core of clay, from the depths of the Earth in Apsu — and shape it into the form of a core; I have knowledgeable young gods, who will bring the clay to the right condition.”
The Akkadian term for clay is Tit (molding clay); but in its earliest spelling, ti-it, it also meant “that which has life”. In the Hebrew, Tit means “mud”, with its synonym “bos” related to “bisa” (marsh) and “besa” (egg). These connotations, clay-marsh-egg, hint at stages of development in the creation of the cell. First, the substance began as a clay. In 1974, Dr. Graham Cairn-Smith of the University of Glasgow’s Department of Chemistry, announced a new theory on the origins of life. Dr. Cairn-Smith was not satisfied that the first threads of nucleic organic material floating in the primaeval sea could have come together by chance, but must have needed a structural catalyst within which the threads formed into the first complex DNA patterns. Clay, he believes, was the ideal catalyst.
Clay has a crystalline structure that has the ability to retain and “print” a pattern upon new material. As Dr. Cairn-Smith noted: “Clay consists of stacks thin, interlocking plates containing aluminum and silicon atoms that can be arranged in random patterns. These patterns can undergo changes as new clays ‘print’ near old layers. This is a system capable of development by natural selection, by trial and error — the first stages necessary to produce molecules and arrangements of molecules that would eventually form the more complex systems of early life forms.”
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