Mutually Agreed Peace:
Ending The Doctrine of Perpetual War
By Ethan Indigo Smith
“Just because you do
not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest
in you.” ~ Pericles.
Everything is ultimately political these days, but everything
is firstly biological. Yet, ignoring our biology and our humanity, the
military-industrial complex, with all its toxic modalities, still claims to
operate in our best interests.
The fact is, modern politics has become the imposition of
institutional formality where individuals and truth once were. Increasingly
favoring institutional privilege over individual rights, politicians on all
sides of the game act to reinforce and advance the standing of corporations at
the expense of our physical world. They embark on resource wars for profit,
destroy our environment for energy, construe zealotry as patriotism, and steer
a culture of social competition – not cooperation – all the while hiding behind
veils of secrecy and meaningless rhetoric.
It does not matter what caste you were born into, whether
you are wealthy or poor, victor or victim of the system; as far as the big
picture goes, we live in a world where commerce, politics and war are dominant
and inseparable forces. The outcome of this dangerous combination affects
everyone and everything. So, whether we feel comfortable or constrained within
the current paradigm, we are still ultimately at its mercy. And whether you
care to stay informed or not, ignorance doesn’t alleviate you, or our ailing
planet, of its burdens.
The Nuclear Energy and Armament Experiments
One of the largest tentacles of the military-industrial
complex is the nuclear experimentation facet of their operations. These
operations include both energy and armament — programs which are inextricably
linked, as I will demonstrate – with negative impacts on all life on earth and,
and when disaster strikes, capable of negating life altogether.
Maintaining a deafening silence over the ongoing Fukushima
disaster, for example, the world’s political heads show zero regard for our
biological wellbeing (much less our social wellbeing) in both the formulation
and the execution of policy. Instead of shutting down the deadly reactors at
Fukushima, the world’s powers simply shut down any information about the
For example, the Japanese government passed a law through
Parliament, called the “States Secret Act” following the 2011 Fukushima meltdown. Under this act, both
officials and private citizens who leak “special state secrets” (ie. details of
the disaster) face prison terms of up to 10 years, while journalists who
publish classified information (ie. all relevant information) face up to five
years.Meanwhile, in 2011 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s response to
increases in detected radiation levels within the United States was to reduce
the use of radiation monitoring while at the same time, raising the official
allowable levels of radiation in food, water and soil Of course, this was not
reported by mainstream media.
Nor was the 2014 partial shutdown of the Florida Power &
Light’s Turkey Point facility in the Miami area, following a steam leak that
resulted from the failure of the archaic facility’s cooling system. While
mainstream news completely blocked coverage of this potential meltdown
situation, the facility remained in operation not because it managed to rectify
the cooling problem, but because the corporation lobbied for special permission
to violate allowable water temperature safety thresholds from the previous
limit of 100’F limit up to 103’F.
The simple reason for the secrecy and suppression of
information is that the nuclear experimentation industry is just that — an
experiment. Although it is touted as a ‘clean’ technology, the nuclear industry
has no mechanism for disposing of the radioactive waste it generates, and no
viable plan for such a mechanism in the future. All it has is a plan to contain
the mounting radioactive waste it generates each day and store it for the
million years it takes for radioactive waste to break down naturally.
So, whether nor not we accept or reject the philosophies of
government, it is an inarguable fact that our biology, and that of our
grandchildren’s grandchildren’s grandchildren — is at the complete mercy of
those individuals who, hiding behind political formality, have their fingers
“on the button”. And, for as long as their priorities are clearly shaped by the
objectives of the corporate-military-industrial complex, there is very little
mercy involved. Instead our collective future and the future of our planet is
heavily influenced by corporate profitability and contrived political
hemispheres which, with the support of corporate media, teeter between
deliberately limited polarities, never really making progress or improvement or
exploring possibilities — such as peaceful solutions, or sustainable energy
investment — beyond those which may profit those already in power.
It was once theorized by power-brokers that nuclear power
plants would deter any major revolution from taking place, because it would be
too dangerous to jeopardize a nuclear power plants’ operations. This idea is
similar to the political schematic that the whole world has lived under for
decades; that of Mutually Assured Destruction – or the aptly shortened M.A.D.,
which assumes the only counter-balance that prevents nuclear war is the threat
of nuclear war itself.
However the revolution in the former U.S.S.R. changed the
understanding that nuclear experiments would deter revolution — but was it a
real revolution? How much can actually change within a nuclear society still
bound by the confines of the military-industrial complex? Dare I say, besides
some reshuffling of deck chairs, there really was no significant deviation that
occurred. Both outside influences and inside conditions ensured the outcome
remained within the confines of the existing complex — nuclear reactors and
all. Revolution cannot occur when nuclear military industrial complex is
The rise of the military industrial complex changed the
whole dynamic of war and peace, and in the process, steered our society from
exploring sustainable energy solutions toward the constant danger of nuclear
meltdown. Nuclear power generation is inherently risky of itself; both the
waste it stores and the pollution it releases pose a largely unseen but no less
dangerous threat to our Earth Mother, and to our biology. But it also creates
obvious military strike targets for enemy nations which, if detonated, can
destroy entire nations in one sweep. Building nuclear power experiments is akin
to building a self-destruct button into your nation’s infrastructure; one false
move, be it intentional (military) or accidental (like Fukushima), and it
destroys the landscape and all who dwell on and around it for an eternity, with
no known remedy.
And yet, nuclear experimentation will continue to be a
threat as long as we allow corporate interests and corrupt governments to
violate our human rights and natural laws, taking away individual freedoms in
the name of peace, and risking our biology with these dangerous experiments. As
long as we live in a war-world, where military and nuclear programs are a major
part of our national and global economic and political structures, any
revolution other than complete systemic reform — systemic peace and
sustainability — is no revolution at all. Until war and dirty energy cease to
be incentivized and by our political and economic structures, anything else is
just the same game with a new name.
The Unseen Military Influence
Did you know that the internet was first developed in the
1950s to provide the military a “survivable network” through which to
communicate after a global nuclear confrontation. Yes, the internet is a
military invention, spawned directly from the nuclear experimentation era and
its inherent horrors. Similarly, The experiments that led to the development of
the atomic bomb and to the development of nuclear energy were one and the same;
is it any surprise, then, that (with the exception of Japan) the nations with
the largest investment in nuclear energy generation are also those most heavily
armed with nuclear weapons?
Indirectly and directly, we are all under the thumb of
institutions and conventions of war. Basically, if it doesn’t benefit the
military industrial complex, it simply doesn’t get developed. And this
predicament reaches back for millennia. While the antiquated mode of operation
of the world’s imperialists continues, all that has changed in the nuclear
experimentation era is the technology.
Although we would like to believe otherwise, humanity seems
unable or unwilling to consider the unseen — whether it is truths hidden by
political secrecy, whether it is extra-sensory/paranormal phenomena, or whether
it is a nano-sized poison. But we can no longer obfuscate the unseen threat of
nuclear armageddon and the invisible nuclear radiation that is already
poisoning our world. Make no mistake — the toxic fallout from failing nuclear
experiments (such as Fukushima) and the proliferation of nuclear weapons
experiments both pose a direct threat to our existence, no matter your desert
isle locale or your mostly peaceful region of a mostly peaceful nation.
The U.S. Doctrine of Perpetual War
One of the best ways to gain and maintain power is to keep
the people in constant fear — in fear of wars, of outsiders, and more recently,
of “terrorism”. Maintaining a culture of war-minded fear ensures the public consent
to the constant funding of the military-industrial-complex, under the guise of
security and protection.
If we look at the history of the Presidents of the United
States since the end of the Second World War, we see that each administration
invented a presidential Doctrine directly pertaining to war – either inviting
involvement in or directly inciting conflict.
Formerly a WWI artillery officer, President Harry S. Truman
was the first U.S. president to initiate a foreign policy of intervention in
relation to conflicts not related to the United States. According to the U.S.
Department of State Office of the Historian, the Truman Doctrine of 1947…
“… established
that the United States would provide political, military and economic
assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal
authoritarian forces. The Truman Doctrine effectively reoriented U.S. foreign
policy, away from its usual stance of withdrawal from regional conflicts not
directly involving the United States, to one of possible intervention in far
away conflicts.”
The Truman Doctrine became the foundation of American
foreign policy and led to the 1949 formation of the full-fledged military
alliance NATO. Historians often credit Truman’s speech to date the start of the
Cold War, with tensions with the Soviet Union increasing dramatically under his
Notably, Truman was the first U.S. president to date to
initiate nuclear strikes on another nation, approving the use of atomic weapons
against Japan — the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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