We Are Walking a Tightrope Through Chaos
By Julian Rose
Rational observation leads one to be unable to deny the
undeniable: the toxic burden now being carried by the Earth’s atmosphere,
living matter, animals and humans, has taken us all to the brink of apocalypse.
Yet, in spite of evidential states of dramatic damage to the
fabric of life on Earth, radiantly beautiful children are birthing on this
planet every day, as if in defiant declarations of the power of life over
These children are arriving even as nuclear reactors leak,
catch fire and melt down, depositing their deadly radioactive isotopes around
the planet. Even as a persistent drum beat ‘for war’ reverberates across
continents and seas. Even as mind numbed and micro-chipped robotic humans
blunder blindly onwards towards their slavish epiphany. Even as the skies are
torn apart by streams of aluminium sulphate nanoparticles, and depleted uranium
continues its mission as a weapon of mass destruction, to rip the very heart
out of the warm corpuscles of life.
Yes, in spite of these – and so many more – acts of
political, military and corporate sabotage upon the sentient veins of sacred
living matter, the children of genius keep coming. And quantum physics reveals
the absolute interconnectivity of the diversity of all life, and how we are
one. All one.
While plants and animals suffer the fate of being
genetically engineered into new species, further denaturing an already deformed
environment, the humble element of water is revealed to be a crystalline gift
of the gods with exceptional powers to sooth and heal.
It is an extraordinary time on this blessed beleaguered
planet. Resonant with extremes. Extremes that squeeze us and squeeze us, either
into acts of submission or acts of rebellion and revolution, born of
We who are ‘alive’ choose rebellion. A passionate refusal to
give-in. However, in order to make our rebellion into something capable of
moving forward, manifesting itself as positive action in the here and now, it
becomes all important to retain focus and not be pulled out of line by that which
manifests as the crazed daily reality.
So let us be aware: we are up against a gathering storm of
politically led divisiveness , and as a consequence, are being blinded by a
confusion of emotive, violent, media manipulated images; blind and bigoted rhetoric,
‘fake news’ and a deluge of acts of narcissistic criminal self-indulgence.
We are faced by ‘legalized corruption’ becoming the common
code of governments across the world.
‘Democracy’ is morphing into totalitarian centralisation, in
which the ‘executive’ takes unto itself the right to enact laws that grant, a
priori, exclusive powers to the state or premier; including establishing a
‘snoopers charter’ to cover total surveillance of citizens’ activities.
But even as this is happening, higher levels of
consciousness are rising up to counteract the all-out drive for the rule of
fascism. At the time of writing, the Schumann Resonance is peaking at 40Hz +. A
substantial increase in recent levels of between 7.8 and 15 Hz. Many believe
this frequency rate to be directly correlated with an upward trend in spirit
oriented energies supporting mankind’s liberation from the yoke of absolute
autocratic control.
The confusion manifesting here and now on this planet, takes
the form of an orchestrated war, enacted by global institutions and
governments, to remove the last vestiges of what we have come to call our
‘civil liberties’. Diversity and individuality are being eaten-up by perversity
and conformity. Large corporations get larger still, swallowing competitors as
they go. Governments, I repeat, deftly take unto themselves ever more authority
to control, with incremental accumulations of power being seized almost at
The centralised super-state looms ever nearer, under the
monika of organized protection against a rise in ‘terrorism’. Yes, the very
terrorism which the state itself instigated by embarking on violent invasions
of foreign territories and massive sales of armaments to those willing to work
for illegitimate ‘regime change’.
Back on home turf, crusading armies of ‘believers’ in this
that and the other, slug it out in an orchestrated war of ‘left’ versus
‘right’. Extreme left versus extreme right. Nationalists versus federalists.
Globalists versus populists. Divide and conquer, stoked into an all-consuming
fire of blind attrition. Attrition created and financed by the planet’s
dominant architects of control.
Presiding over the public face of this incendiary
rabble-rousing madness, like traffic conductors pointing-up the road to hell,
are figureheads of the so called ‘entertainment industry’: Lady Gaga, Madonna
and Miley Cyrus. Pushing home the satanic agenda which is the hallmark of their
‘professional performance’ status.
Po faced and emotionless, their sexless sex ‘act’, cheered
on by adoring mind numbed followers, becomes a potent symbol of the descent
into hell which is in progress across this planet.
Yet, and this is the point I particularly wish to convey in
this article, all this insanity is not the agenda upon which our focus should
be trained. Nor should it be taken as the all-pervading reality in which we are
However, for those who cannot separate truth from lies, this
topsy-turvy, cruel and seemingly directionless existence is indeed the main
point of focus. The foreground. A foreground in which they are completely
immersed, to the point of being blind to any other perspective at all.
But for those who can discern light from dark, deception
from truth and foreground from background, the blanket like fake news, hyped-up
scaremongering and outright lies, are actually the background; whereas in the
foreground is a vision of life based upon a deep sense of purpose, rising
awareness and a growing consciousness concerning that which gives direction and
meaning to life as a sacred whole.
Yes, the beautiful children are birthing here on Earth, and
it is due to this rising tide of potential for deep change; the
inextinguishable determination to live by truth; to stand in defiance of all
that would destroy the sanctity of life. To expose the lies and those that tell
The trick is to refocus, so that the daily madness trying to
claim our attention, becomes the out of focus background. Perceived as such,
through a sharply focussed foreground of truth. So long as this proper
perspective is maintained, you will not fall into the black hole which the Lady
Gaga coven is enticing you to enter.
We who have come here as guardians of planet Earth have one
foot in this world and one in the world to come. That’s how it is. And the foot
that’s in this world, is here to take action in support of the world’s
continuation. Holding the ground for future generations. Building a new
Sometimes we may feel inclined to have both feet in the
world to come, but this would be to part company with the terrain of this
planet completely. To escape. And why would one put one’s best energy into that
when it comes as the natural course of things after death?
While we are alive in our physical bodies, we maintain
engagement with the living; the living substance of the planet and its
occupants – all beings. This ‘engagement’ is the human imperative. This
involves not only proper focus, but also perfecting the art of tightrope
walking; maintaining balance at a time of deliberately induced imbalance.
Beneath the taught rope upon which we balance is a chasm of
unawareness. A fool’s paradise. A mock-hierarchical world of ambition, greed
and cunning, led by a motley crew of political pyramid climbers, corporate
pirates and desensitised bureaucrats; who have at their disposal military might
and fiat money in limitless volumes.
Struggling under the suppressive influence of this cabal,
are what we refer to as ‘the people’. Us. But I would like to add animals,
insects, birds, bees, fish trees, plants, rivers, seas and skies; for they are
equally abused.
Those of us who are ‘aware’, to whatever degree, have no
business ignoring the plight of any of these life forms, including our human
compatriots, whatever race, colour or creed. After all, they are the
ingredients out of which a better way of life must be moulded. However
downtrodden, they still represent the ingredients of the world to come.
It is our task to lay the foundations of this world to come,
and we cannot do so without a very real strata of love for this place into
which we were born; adding to that love, determination, courage and a keen
sense of balance.
For many on the road of growing consciousness, the attraction
of concentrating on ‘the spiritual path’ often precludes active engagement with
the real world. Thus a split has been brought about which should never be
I hope readers are understanding this clearly, for healing
this split is the most central issue to which our best energies should be
There is no split except the one we make. Our growth, indeed
our entire development, hangs on adopting the path of truth – taking action to
revitalize and heal our common home, and its inhabitants – that is the
conscious, actual expression, of spiritual aspiration.
One is not on the ‘path of truth’ simply because one is
practising meditation, Qui Gong or yoga. That is, at best, just one half of the
path. Believing that by following such regimes one has done all that is
necessary to become a ‘realized being’ is delusional.
It is only when these inner focussed practices are
accompanied by complementary outward focussed actions, that one can start to
fully realize our un-split, integrated Godly capacities.
I am binding back together that which has been broken apart.
We cannot move forward as a species until we realize, and act on the
realization, that to breath ‘in’ and to breath ‘out’ is One action in two
parts. To concentrate on one half while largely ignoring the other, is a
receipt for sickness. And isn’t that sickness almost universal these days?
Bringing into sharp focus that which demands our greatest
attention is the clue to maintaining balance on the tightrope of life, so as to
traverse the chaos of a society under the thrall of orchestrated superficiality
and deeply embedded indoctrination.
As the world descends into uncharted depths of engineered
confusion, we who can see beyond its trappings have a critically important role
to play. To keep the balance. Dynamic balance. For it is not just our balance,
but the balance of the whole universe which is at stake.
In truth, we have no option other than to direct our growing
consciousness into actions to free the planet from the inhuman adversarial
forces that dictate the daily suffocation of all that is wholesome, vital and
essential. Essential in nourishing into fruition the creativity which lies at
the core of the Divine beings we truly are.
Julian is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer,
social entrepreneur and international activist. He is the author of two
acclaimed books: ‘Changing Course for Life’ and ‘In Defence of Life’. You can
find out more on www.changingcourseforlife.info
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