The Power of NO
By Julian Rose
When one feels and witnesses the crushing affect of the
status quo on all sentient elemental life forms, as well as on the great
majority of human beings, one eventually reaches the point of saying “No,
Saying No comes before saying Yes, in the context of putting
a brake on the slide into slavery currently besetting a great proportion of
mankind. There comes a moment, in nearly everybody’s life, when one makes a
stand against some intolerable treatment which is being meted-out by the forces
of control and subversion.
Almost any incident could spark-off the resistance: stifling
and stultifying bureaucracy, the crazy behavior of a neighbor, criminal bank
charges, the dictatorial behavior of the boss at work – any and all ways where
the law is treated as a blunt instrument of repression. They all have a common
source which centers around the deliberately oppressive, competitive structure
built-in to our post industrial Westernized societies. One that crushes the
humanity out of people. Although external in nature, the pressure builds and
builds internally – until something gives – and one finally says “No! No more!”
That is a key moment and can turn the tide of one’s life.
However, the sense of liberation can be short-lived as further repressive
elements are quick to occupy the void, unless one quickly fills it one’s self
with something that goes beyond the purely personal; something that reaches out
compassionately into the greater world.
Here is where the power of No is especially needed today. We
have to recognize our innate connection with all mankind as well as to the
natural environment; and we have to take a stand which reflects full-on
resistance to that which is continuously undermining the quality of life of
this planet. Indeed, its very survival.
Because without such determination, we will all sink into
the cesspit of absolute submission to the deep state and it’s centralized
control system which unceasingly seeks to dominate every artery of life on this
For those who have gained enough awareness to recognize the
deception, lies and villainy playing-out their course right in our midst, there
can be no excuse for not adopting a position of defiance and determination to
play one’s part in stopping the rot.
I know how easy it is to read hundreds of articles like this
and to get a temporary jolt each time, but still never actually take a stand;
never really stand up to be counted. Never light that fire which pulls one out
of one’s set routine and plunges one into the battle.
It starts by saying No to the slippery slide into slavery. A
slide which has been so well prepared to capture all who allow themselves the
seeming luxury of ineptitude at a time of deep crisis.
But to take this stand, and to deliver, based on one’s own
sense of urgency to speak and act ‘the truth’ is an imperative which enriches
our lives beyond recognition!
To know one has been caught in the tentacles of the super
state’s ubiquitous web and to act on that knowledge, truly does lead on to
individual emancipation. And, more importantly, it puts us in touch with fellow
conscious beings who are already on the road which leads out of slavery and
into taking full responsibility for their actions. It demonstrates a real
determination to fully support that which nourishes, rather than continues to
starve, our beleaguered Earth.
Here can be found the foundation of a new society. A
steadily coalescing ‘people’s movement’ which will collectively enable us to
control our destinies and free this planet from its demonic overlords.
Overlords who we have allowed to suck on our spontaneous
creativity, passion and love, until it runs virtually dry.
That first big No leads directly to an even bigger Yes! To
living-out our true nature as conscious beings; defenders and guardians of this
richly endowed place of beauty in which we find ourselves.
You see, there is nowhere else to go with our lives. Those
of us who ‘understand’ are in the last line of defense to bring an end to the
top-down despotic rape of all that which has value. Of everything sacred. We
are here for this purpose. It is our prime mission. Everything else is
diversion or denial.
We are living in an apocalyptic and epoch changing moment of
evolution. But beware, for there are many voices telling us ‘to just sit-back
and watch it happen’. And these are the pseudo spiritual messengers of
destruction; not the longed for guides of higher emancipation that they claim
to be.
They are deceivers who play on a narcissistic tendency in
the human race to only look-out for one’s own interests and try to ignore the
plight of the greater life sphere. They are key accomplices of the vampiric,
heartless overlords that hold this world to ransom.
No, we are by now, wise enough to see through their devious
ways and to reject the poisoned call for self satisfied and self centered
We are called upon to go forward with courage, cutting
through the stupor of a sedated society; answering the call of our divine
origins. A call to action. A call which starts with “No”, yet transforms
instantly into “Yes”. Yes to joining in unity with all others who share a
common commitment to truth, expressed in thought, word and deed.
Julian is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer
and international activist. He is President of the International Coalition to
Protect the Polish Countryside and the author of two acclaimed titles ‘Changing
Course for Life’ and ‘In Defense of Life’. Find out more at
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