What Exactly Do We Really Have Ownership Of?
By RJ Spina
With the horrific weather anomalies and natural disasters
currently happening across the globe, it moved my attention towards all the
challenges these Souls are being forced to accept in working with these
situations and the subsequent effect it has on their lives. All the energy
spent on worrying, fear, preparation, planning, recovery and rebuilding in
order to protect life and objects. My heart goes out to everyone who is
struggling because of this. The obstacles and challenges in life are an
integral part of the journey itself and are needed in order to force us to grow
in our awareness, our love, our wisdom and our power.
The observation of these recent events led to a feeling
inside my heart. This sensation, once fully clothed with empathy, compassion
and the gentle guide of wisdom gives rise to inspiration in the form of a
single thought… the concept of ownership.
What is it that we actually own? Certainly not our
possessions. We don’t take them with us when we exit this concept of “life” so
at best they are on loan, temporarily. Maybe all physical goods represent the
result of our misdirected attention being placed on the illusory sensory realm
or the “outside” world, the realm of the five senses. If we accept that we
don’t ever own any material goods maybe that would free us from worry and
concern over them and allow us to simply partake of the temporary sensory experience
of them without attachment via ownership. Maybe we would see all physical goods
in a different light with this understanding.
What about ownership in regards to our friendships and
family? Relationships are a two-way street so having expectations of someone’s
behavior, acceptance, attention, love or interest is not up to us, so all
seemingly external interactions with others, even family and friends, are
fickle. That does not fit the concept of ownership.
How about our thoughts? Surely we own those. No, we
experience thoughts, only momentarily, which consist of the trillions of
desires left behind by those who have come before us, including our own
incarnations, as the collective consciousness. These desires are electrical
impulses perceived and translated by our mind into what we experience as
thoughts that randomly pop in and out of our head whenever we place our
attention in our head. Ownership, no, not with thoughts. Most people would say
they can’t control the thoughts that pop into their head so ownership is not
accurate when it comes to thoughts.
What about our emotions? There has never been a single
emotion that you have ever experienced that you can somehow claim ownership of.
And whatever emotion you may be feeling currently, or have felt previously,
will eventually will fade away just like the thoughts that pop in and out of
your head. This is not ownership.
How about our actions? It seems the Law of Cause and Effect
is in play here, but not ownership. Essentially, whatever is set in motion that
is not Love must return to its origination point in order to experience its
effect. Consciousness is ultimately responsible for everything it emanates, be
it thought, emotion or action but there is no ownership there.
This holy trifecta of thought, emotion and action are
specific filters or avenues in which consciousness can experience itself
reflected back to itself through the illusory “outside” world. What you put
out, you get back has been said before in many ways by many people since the dawn
of time.
What about owning our individual bodies? If we took it with
us when we exit this physical experience, then definitely, but we don’t so
there can be no claim of ownership with the body either. Temporary use, yes,
but not ownership. There doesn’t seem to be any real ownership with goods,
thoughts, emotions, actions or the body.
What about experiences themselves? There is “something” that
sits just to the left of your heart, right in the center of your chest. Call it
a Soul or Sentience or Awareness or Consciousness, that seems to author through
free will and witnesses through comprehension the experiences of your life, but
you can’t claim ownership to experiences simply because you participated or
retain a remembrance.
Your memory fades too, doesn’t it? Everything, eventually,
just seems to disappear. The past is gone and cannot be experienced again. The
present is perpetually slipping into the past and will be lost within the mists
of time. Nobody owns the future since it isn’t here yet and once the future arrives,
it will only momentarily be the present which immediately slips into the past.
There is no ownership there either.
It seems as if there is no such thing as lasting or real
ownership of anything. There is consciousness or awareness experiencing itself
but this does not imply ownership, only experience and potential comprehension.
If this is so, why and what are we destroying ourselves and each other over in
order to perpetuate or protect?
The false ownership of a separate, fake identity or the Ego and
its misguided claims of ownership. This identity, which essentially is made up
of a series of random thoughts, experiences and emotions that we decided to
identify with and turn them into beliefs and a separate self (identity); a
limited belief of who we think we are and how we feel about ourself. We don’t
own those beliefs or false identities but rather we experience them reflected
back to us and yet we will defend and protect them no matter what the cost.
Why? Because the mind/ego tells us, through the influence of
the sensory realm, that we must exist as a separate entity, and all these
thoughts, goods, my body, emotions and experiences define me, in fact, they are
me. They have to be me and mine. Because if I don’t own them, and if they are
not me, then who am I?
Ask yourself that very question. See what answer you get.
Don’t tell yourself a story or reel off a resume, demand to know, “Who am I?”
The mind will have absolutely no answer. It’s because there is no who. There is
no separate identity. There is only one Spirit moving through us all,
God/Source. Surrender to this truth and return to your immortality as you
experience this temporary life.
The conscious knowingness that we are One is inevitable and
is our ancient future once again. The moment you live your life this way, you
will experience true Freedom and Joy. The liberation from the empty concept of
self and ownership perpetuated by the false identity or Egoic mind is
enlightened consciousness itself. Step out of that shadow forever, your self-imposed
prison and into the Light. The very Light of Source that emanates from your
heart and onto the screen of life that is consciousness itself.
There is no ownership because ownership implies separation
and there is only The One expressing itself as the many. Forget, past, present
and future. They are concepts of the mind, products of finite consciousness
within the limited sensory realm. There is only here and now. It’s where time
and space meet and cancel each other out. Where infinite consciousness
experiences itself, reflected back to itself, through the cosmic play of
existence itself. And you are that and YOU are FREE if you would only know it
in your heart.
Place your attention on the center of your chest. Stay right
there. And just let go…
Love to you all, always. Om.
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