Do Ancient Sumerian Scribes Really Describe Extraterrestrial
By Arjun Walia
Ancient history is full of documented oddities, ones that
unfortunately we continue to ignore, but we’re getting better and the
collective human mind is opening up to new explanations for the nature of
reality, and a host of other topics, like human history, for example.
A lot of ‘lore’ from our ancient world seems to be in the process
of being re-discovered, a great example would be the correlations between
ancient eastern spiritual beliefs and quantum physics, with its strong
correlation and dependence on consciousness. Another example could be ancient
health practices, commonly referred to today as naturopathic medicine. The
example in this article deals with ancient lore of beings from other worlds,
and it’s even more interesting because of the modern day UFO disclosure we’re
seeing and the evidence suggesting that some of them could be extraterrestrial
is quite fascinating, at least for those who’ve taken the time to look.
When contemplating specifically about extraterrestrials,
there are many examples to choose from. Whether it’s the Star People that
Native North American stories speak of, or modern day supposed encounters with
different types of extraterrestrial beings, believe me, there is no shortage. Perhaps
one of the most well-known stories comes from the work of Zecharia Sitchin, a
man who authored many books proposing an explanation for human origins
involving ancient astronauts. Renowned researcher Jim Marrs in his book, Our
Occulted History, describes the work of Sitchin
and his findings well,
“In several accounts
etched permanently into their clay tablets, the ancient Sumerian scribes gave
more detail as to the source of their knowledge. They wrote that 432,000 years
before the Great Flood, the Anunnaki arrived and taught them the basics of
civilization… According to the interpretations of Zecharia Sitchin and many
others, the term Anunnaki means “those who came from the heavens to Earth.” In
Sitchin’s narrative, these were astronauts from the planet Nibiru who traveled
through the asteroid belt and initially landed in the Persian Gulf.” Marrs goes
on to describe how once there, they began to colonize and search for gold, as
well as manipulate the DNA of “primitives” on Earth, who eventually came to be
the kings and aristocratic families on Earth, which eventually led to
devastation and war all over the globe.
Stories of other worldly beings are also present in several
African legends of creation, like the Zulu people, which means “sky” people.
Their connection to the stories of Zecharia Sitchin are quite fascinating, as
the stories of these “Gods” have the same aspects ascribed to the Anunnaki in
the Sumerian tablets. If you want to hear some examples of stories, just google
Credo Mutwa. South African researcher Michael Tellinger, also describes it
quite well, this is another excerpt from Our Occulted History.
“Most of African
mythology speaks about the same things, the sky gods the abelungu who came down
from the sky. They created the people, to mine gold. Credo Mutwa (and African
shaman) tells us Abantu in Zulu means the children of Antu. Antu is the
Sumerian Goddess of the Abzu – where the gold came from. Lord Enki is also
known as Enkei as the creator-god, the Sumerian medicine man. He cloned a
species. His symbol is on the medical symbol, caduceus. This is one of the
oldest symbols on the earth encoded with so much knowledge and information we
can spend a lecture on it alone.”
Another example could be Quetzalcoatl, considered to be a
mythical tale. Spanish chronicler, Juan de Torquemada, states that Quetzalcoatl
was ‘a fair and ruddy complexioned man with a long beard’. Researcher Graham
Hancock describes him as follows: “A mysterious person… a white man with strong
formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes, and a flowing beard. He was
dressed in a long, white robe reaching to his feet. He condemned sacrifices,
except of fruits and flowers, and was known as the god of peace. When addressed
on the subject of war he is reported to have stopped up his ears with his
Now, it’s important to keep in mind that there are multiple
stories here from many time periods. Mesopotamia really seems like a place
where extraterrestrial contact was happening frequently, and we are getting a
glimpse of what might have taken place. There are stories of friendly contact
between various tribes in North America, and there are different types of
beings, different descriptions, yet so many
similarities. To be honest, as Astronaut Story Musgrave once said,
“there are probably trillions of different races out there doing star travel.”
“There is another
way whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to
generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that
they’re here shows us that they found a way.”
– Jack Kasher,
Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of physics, University of Nebraska.
The story of human history may not be how it’s being told,
the way it’s told now is quite dull in my opinion, we are stuck on creationism
and evolution as our only two options when it could be something far greater
and more complex and wild, with a little mix of everything, perhaps. The only
certainty is what we are taught doesn’t seem to fit in with all the weird
discoveries that’ve been made over the years of giants and strange humanoid
Our world is drenched in secrecy, and what are perceived as
the most “outlandish” ideas, in a lot of cases, usually hold the most validity.
Truth does not stop, it’s always there. However, the human perception of truth
and reaction to it sort of determines what we create as truth. If we all believe
something to be, it might be? But those are deeper discussions, the point is,
there are truths which remain, when humanity will choose to accept them so we
can move on from the ones that do not resonate, is a different story, but we’re
doing a good job so far. According to Sitchin, approximately half a million
years ago these Anunnaki beings came to Earth because our planet and their
planet came in close proximity.
Sitchin’s work has been criticized and rejected by
mainstream academia, in the same way as parapsychology. For example, a
statistics professor at UC Irvine published a paper showing that
parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger results than those
showing a daily dose of aspirin to help prevent a heart attack. When you push
the boundaries of beliefs, no matter how many researchers, scholars, and
academics agree with you, there will always be the big one that doesn’t and
that is the person who will get the most publicity in order to discredit you,
in order to maintain some sort of status quo. This is what has happened with
many people, including Sitchin, but there’s a reason why millions of people are
so fascinated by all of the connections made by him, and those who have
followed his work or do research in a similar area.
For example, Paul Von Ward, a prominent author, researcher
and psychologist wrote,
“Although I do not
agree with his cosmology… his elucidation of historical details and connection
of them to other fields of knowledge stand up under comparative review with the
work of other scholars. His summary of information relating to the ‘olde gods’
known in Sumeria as the Anunnaki presents a cohesive and defensible mixture of
textual material and judicious interpretation.”
An author who has studied more than three hundred
translations of ancient Mesopotamian and Vedic writings, C.L. Turnage wrote,
“After studying
Sitchin’s theory, I began my own contemplation of the pre-biblical Babylonian
Epic of Creation or Enuma Elish. It was from a study of this narrative that Sitchin
became aware of the planet Nibiru and its establishment within our own solar
system. This tale was originally written on seven clay tablets, each
corresponding to a day of creation… After my own study of these chronicles, I
concurred with Sitchin’s findings.” Nonetheless, fascinating facts remain
unexplainable unless we take an extraterrestrial perspective. Take for example
that ancient Sumerians were accurately describing the planets Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto… These planets can’t even be seen without a telescope.
The Tenth Planet
This kind of thing has been quite popular at certain points
in human history. In 1981 scientists were contemplating the possibility
regarding strange evidence suggesting an additional solar body in our system. Marrs’
book goes on to describe an article by Hugh McCann, a writer for Detroit News
at the time,
“If the new evidence
from the U.S. Naval Observatory of a 10th planet in the solar system is
correct, it could prove that Sumerians… were far ahead of modern man in
astronomy.” The Sumerians called it the 12th planet, but they counted the moon
and the sun so it makes sense.
On the 30th of December in 1983, the Washington Post had a
front page headline that read,
“A heavenly body as
large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that ti would
be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the
constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. Infrared
Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). So mysterious is the object that astronomers do
not know…”
What also comes to mind here are the recent statements by
Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden,
“We are the aliens,
but we just think they’re somebody else, but we’re the ones who came from
somewhere else. Because somebody else had to survive, and they got in a little
space craft and they came here and they landed and they started civilization
here, that’s what I believe. And if you don’t believe me, go get books on the
ancient Sumerians and see what they had to say about it, they’ll tell you right
up front.”
His comments differ significantly from Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s,
who said he “happens to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we are
not alone on this plant ” and that we have “been visited many times.”
Our world is drenched in secrecy, do you think if such a
body in our solar system was detected that we’d even hear anything about it?
Most likely not. A great example is the recent UFO disclosure by the U.S.
government through the To The Stars. You can read more about this in detail in
the article linked below. Again, the story of the Anunnaki could very will be
true, but this was a long time ago, and if that planet does exist, perhaps
things have changed on it as well. We are looking at, if anything, one small
account of extraterrestrial contact that’s occurred throughout this planet’s
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