
Thursday 17 May 2012

Long Count

The time keeping system of the Mayans was a combination of several cycles that meshed together, marking the movement of the Sun, Moon and Venus.  Their sacred calendar, the Tzolkin, is based on the cycles of the Pleiades, encompassing 26,000 years.  This is reflected in the Tzolkin by 260 days, pairing the numbers from one through thirteen with a sequence of twenty day-names.  Thirteen is the vibrational force that is found in all things, the source of all knowledge in the galaxy, and is representative of movement.  The twenty is derived from the product of number four, representing Measure, and five, the number of the primary matrix structure (consisting of the center and four cardinal points).

If a portion of our mind functions energetically, rather than strictly biologically, what would happen if that energy starts moving faster?
What if there are cycles that govern these changes in our consciousnes -- on a planetary and even a galactic level?
As David Wilcock revealed in The Source Field Investigations, dozens of ancient mythologies were "encoded" with information suggesting that a 25,920-year cycle determines the pace of evolution on Earth.
This knowledge became the great secret of all ancient mystery schools -- each of whom believed their teachings were the key to eventually reaching "Apotheosis" -- where humans on Earth go through a spontaneous energetic evolution.
We are indeed going through a major "quantum leap" in human evolution right now. For example, human IQ scores have been increasing by 3 points per decade -- for over a century. Advances in literacy cannot explain this, as it is occurring in illiterate countries as well.
Human DNA evolution is now moving 100 times faster in the last 5000 years, according to Dr. John Hawks. The human DNA molecule is now fully seven percent different from what it was in 3000 BC -- worldwide.
Furthermore, roughly 25,000 years ago, the Neanderthals spontaneously disappeared -- on a worldwide level. A vast majority of giant animals that threatened human life disappeared during this time as well.
Additionally, 50,000 years ago, people all over the world experienced a quantum leap in their level of intelligence and sophistication -- which baffled the scientists studying it, such as anthropologist John Fleagle.
Before this time, tools were only made for survival purposes. After this time, we see creativity, art and spirituality suddenly flourish.
This is not a "conspiracy theory," but a hard, documented scientific fact.
Something happened to everyone on Earth 50,000 years ago that caused a remarkable boost in their IQ -- and their level of spiritual awareness.
The Neanderthals and the giant beasts of the Earth took their exit 25,000 years later. And now, as we approach the end of the cycle once again, our DNA is evolving at an extremely rapid speed -- and our overall IQ scores are consistently increasing.
Source:    DivineCosmos

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