
Thursday, 21 June 2012


Precolombian Airplane Models
We can safely say that these gold objects are more than 1000 years old.
Whatever this object is supposed to be or represent, its remarkable resemblance to a modern aircraft or spacecraft is uncanny.

As early as in the Old Testament, we come across the account of the prophet Ezekiel, who explicitly described the landing of a flying machine, whose technological outline has been compiled and publicized by Josef F. Blumrich, a former chief of NASA’s spacecraft aerodynamics branch.
Sometime after the exile of Jews from Chaldea, around 592 or 593 BC, Ezekiel witnesses a phenomenon which he then attempts to describe in a language of a technological ignoramus, and which we can nowadays identify as a spacecraft landing procedure. The prophet is careful to explicitly state the date and location of the event, as he is determined to depict his experience in as much detail as he is able. We should bear in mind that Ezekiel makes no attempt to interpret what he witnesses, simply because he has no understanding whatsoever of the technology. All he can do is observe and weigh the phenomena he sees against images he knows and understands.
The Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 1
And I looked, and, behold, a sweeping wind came from the north, and a great cloud on it, and there was brightness round about it, and gleaming fire, and in the midst of it as it were the appearance of amber in the midst of the fire, and brightness in it. Ezekiel observes strong winds picking up, accompanied by a deafening noise. He carefully and cautiously looks up at the sky and sees fire spat out by rocket engines, which we can logically associate with the noise. As we can learn from many descriptions and videos made available by NASA, the descent of a landing module is always accompanied by fire as rocket engines are engaged to reduce the module’s speed sufficiently for its pickup by accompanying helicopters.
From Ezekiel’s perspective, however, the explosion of the fiery plume was a sure sign that “the heavens were opened.” Despite his excitement, the prophet also notes that the object was shiny and “polished”, which suggests that the craft’s surface was smooth, most likely metallic. The flying vessel which Ezekiel saw to be the instrument of God’s magnificence, is not far beyond the technological capacity of today.
Especially when compared to the achievements of even more ancient engineers from before Noah’s Flood (The Great Deluge), who were able to construct astounding weapons and vehicles capable of carrying these destructive devices. Also in the ancient texts from the former area of the Indus Valley Empire many references can be found to flying machines called vimanas. Numerous as they are, however, most have never been translated to English from the original Sanskrit.
The accounts are not, as one might assume, religious depictions of deities, but regular technical descriptions of the crafts’ structure. They also suggest that even more powerful flying chariots existed, capable of space travel and built by the teachers from the stars.
A careful researcher will come across actual manuals devoted entirely to the various types of vimanas, including the ancient knowledge of such issues as: structuring aerial vehicles to withstand various forms of crushing, slashing and burning forces, i.e. making them virtually indestructible. This allows flying machines to hover in the air, rendering them invisible, tapping the conversations and other sounds coming from the enemy’s crafts, determining the trajectories of incoming enemy craft, rendering enemy crews unconscious, and destroying enemy vehicles.
The work entitled Vimaanika Shaasta, written most likely by Bharadvajya, contains fragments referring to the construction of solar panels and what can only be interpreted as an electric engine, for there is a limited range of other applications for a device including “copper coils wrapped around a cylinder.” Another particularly interesting description makes reference to the technology of “manipulating the five forces responsible for the glow surrounding a limana, which allows much faster flight.”
For a number of years, it has been speculated in various military periodicals that similar research is in fact being conducted nowadays in secret laboratory facilities, with the view of enveloping a jet fighter in an ionised field, which would reduce friction and allow much higher speeds.
The Vimaanika Shaastra also refers to technologies which remain, with the possible exception of the ruling elites and their secret military research, unavailable to us at present, such as e.g. “rendering a vimana invisible”.
Are these descriptions nothing more than fantasies and legends? Let us turn to the Old Indian epic of Ramayana:
Epic of Ramayana
The aircraft Pushpaka, bright as the sun and the property of my brother, driven by the mighty Ravana; the perfect flying craft can fly anywhere on command… the craft was like a bright cloud in the sky
… and then the king [Rama] stepped in, and the perfect vehicle, on Raghira’s command, flew up into the sky.
Other details are also available from the Royal Library of Sanskrit in Mysore. In the already mentioned Vimaanika Shaastra, there are descriptions of vimana pilots’ clothing, as well as materials necessary for their construction along with a discussion of the pros and cons of a number of possible types of drive to be used in the aircraft. Vimaanika Shaastra contains eight particularly interesting chapters of diagrams illustrating three types of aircraft, including a depiction of apparatuses allegedly resistant to all forms of fire. 31 distinct parts of a vimana are also listed along with 16 types of materials used in their construction, including heat and light absorbents.
If the above descriptions of the amazing technologies available in the times of Rama amaze you, you’re in for a greater surprise regarding the technology of the Ashvins, i.e. Atlanteans.
Their flying machines were known as vailixi, and were somewhat different from vimanas, also in terms of shape. They were more advanced technologically, sometimes cigar-shaped, capable of navigating both in the air and underwater, as well as in outer space. Carvings of these chariots can be admired on the structural joint inside the New Kingdom temple in Abydos, dating back 3000 years. Allegedly, the Ashvin-Atlantean vailixis were first developed and constructed some 20 000 years ago. Most of Atlantean aircraft were trapezoid with three hemispheric engine clusters at the bottom. Most are similar in shape to Indian vimanas and also used mechanical gravity drives.                        http://mindscapemagazine.com
In the Vedic literature of India, (c1500CBE) there are many descriptions of flying machines that are generally called Vimanas. India's national epic, The Mahabharata, is a poem of vast length and complexity. According to Dr. Vyacheslav Zaitsev: "the holy Indian Sages, the Ramayana for one, tell of "Two storied celestial chariots with many windows" "They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets." The Mahabharata and various Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots, "powered by winged lighting...it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions."
There is a just a mass of fascinating information about flying machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text.

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