Israeli Prime Minister Lays Out Path To War With Iran
By Joseph Kishore
In a bellicose speech before the United Nations last
Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded a “red line” be
placed on Iran’s nuclear enrichment program, outlining a plan of action that
would lead to war next year, if not sooner.
Employing a crude cartoon drawing of a bomb with a lit fuse,
Netanyahu said that action to physically destroy Iran’s nuclear program would
have to take place before the uranium enrichment process began its final stage,
which he claimed would happen around the spring or summer of 2013. “The hour is
getting late, very late,” he declared.
The Israeli prime minister compared the Iranian government
to Al Qaeda, placing the two within the framework of “a fanatic ideology bent
on world domination.” He added, “It makes little differences whether these
lethal weapons are in the hands of the world’s most dangerous terrorist regime,
or the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization.”
Speaking as the head of state for a government that, in
close alliance with the United States, is responsible for military aggression
throughout the Middle East and beyond, and is engaged in a brutal occupation of
Palestine, Netanyahu said that Israel “cherishes peace.” Israel currently has a
stockpile of some 400 atomic bombs and has refused to submit to international
Iran has denied that is building a nuclear weapon, and
international inspectors have found no evidence of anything that goes beyond an
energy program. Netanyahu insisted, however, “The red line must be drawn on
Iran’s nuclear enrichment program because these facilities are the only nuclear
installations we can see and target.” By placing his “red line” before the beginning
of the production of weapons-grade uranium, Netanyahu is seeking to establish a
pretext for war even before there is any evidence that Iran is actually seeking
to build a bomb.
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by Pawel Kuczynski |
Whatever their tactical differences, the US and Israel are
agreed on basic strategy. “Democrats and Republicans alike” are united in the
campaign against Iran, Netanyahu said. He added, “Israel is in discussions with
the United States over this issue, and I am confident that we can chart a path
forward, together.”
Netanyahu’s remarks came two days after Obama, in his own
speech before the United Nations, declared that “a nuclear-armed Iran is not a
challenge that can be contained… The United States will do what we must to
prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”
At the same time, Obama indicated that the administration
wants to spend more time increasing sanctions on Iran, which have had a
crippling impact on the country’s economy.
Netanyahu’s timetable for military action—coming about six
months after the US elections—is an indication that his government is seeking
to play down differences with the Obama administration over when military
action would take place. On the day of his remarks, a report was leaked from
Israel’s Foreign Ministry calling for an additional round of sanctions.
The report, obtained by the Tel Aviv daily Haaretz, also
details the devastating impact of existing economic sanctions, including a 50
percent decline in oil exports and a sharp rise in prices for food and other
Commenting on disagreements over “red lines” on Iran’s
nuclear program, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said on Thursday, “I
think that this whole matter of red lines should be made, but not publicly. And
I think that at the moment, the talks between us and the Americans, which are
excellent, are precisely about this. We are constantly coming closer in our
Dennis Ross, a career Middle East diplomat under both
Republican and Democratic Presidents, including the Obama administration, also
emphasized the basic strategic agreement between the US and Israel. “What you
are really seeing is an agreement on the objective of making certain Iran
cannot have nuclear weapons,” he said in an interview with MSNBC.
Ross added that “one of the reasons it is so important to
create a context where the international community believes… that you have
exhausted all the diplomatic options and have given the economic sanctions
enough time” is “to create the kind of context that demonstrates unmistakably
that we went the extra mile and if we had to use force, in fact we were left
with no choice.”
The resort to war, Ross said, is “more and more likely.”
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