Solidarity For Anti-Nuclear Struggle Pours In From Around
The World
By Citizens Of The World
30 September, 2012
As citizens of the world we have been watching with awe,
inspiration and great concern as masses of Indian people have risen up to
confront the corrupt partnership of the Indian government and nuclear industry
at the Koodankulam and Jaitapur nuclear sites. We have joined in solidarity
with the organizers of this movement to resist the nuclear madness in India and
in our respective homelands. The US/Indian nuclear partnership has been forced
on India through a neocolonial relationship that is demanding the nuclearization
of this important strategic ally to the US military industrial machine.
We understand that the plight of the Indian people is our
plight as we fight back against the same nuclear madness forced on us by
completely corrupted governments. Over 6,000 people face prison for their
non-violent opposition to the Koodankulam nuclear plant in Tamil Nadu, India.
We stand in solidarity with the tens of thousands of people that are risking
their lives to say NO! We stand in solidarity with the fisherman that have lost
their lives trying to protect their ocean from the threat of radioactive
poisons and the thousands of fishermen that continue to resist. We stand in
solidarity with the people of India who have stopped eating in a hunger strike
to draw attention to their struggle for a nuclear free future!
As a growing network of citizen's groups across the United
States and the world under the banner of the Coalition Against Nukes, we stand
in solidarity with the people of India in this struggle for freedom and sanity.
We demand a halt to the state repression and violence being perpetrated by the
Indian authorities and we call on individuals, human rights organizations, and
environmental groups to join with us by signing on to this statement of
For A Nuclear Free Planet,
Read about Coalition Against Nukes below..
Coalition Against Nukes, or C.A.N., was created after the
3/11/11 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdowns in Japan causing huge amounts of
radiation to contaminate Japan and continually spread radioactive plumes across
the world.
What the Coalition Against Nukes Stands For
* We are dedicated to creating a nuclear free world by
working towards the phase-out of all nuclear power reactors and weapons.
* We recognize that the radioactive waste from nuclear
reactors serves as source material for the creation of nuclear weapons. As a
result, we consider these reactors to be “bomb factories,” spread around the
planet under the intentionally misleading label, “peaceful nuclear energy.” We
believe there to be nothing “peaceful” about energy generation that creates tons
of toxic nuclear waste, which cannot be safely stored or neutralized, which
puts human life, heath and safety at risk, and which is used to create deadly
* We are committed to promoting the development and
implementation of abundant, free, safe energy from sun, wind, water, and
geothermal sources, as well as instituting well-known methods of conservation
and efficiency, which have been shown to be capable of meeting all our energy
* The core tenet of C.A.N. is that the interrelated practices
of nuclear power generation, nuclear weaponry and uranium mining form a single
unit of concern, and as such, must be addressed in a unified way and not be
protested separately.
Members of CAN held their first peaceful anti-nuke rallies
on 10/1/11 and are in solidarity continually networking anti-nuke actions
around the world. Global anti-nuke actions commemorating 3/11/12, the first
anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, were extremely
successful helping influence many people to understand that the global nuclear
crisis isn’t just “made in Japan.”
Coalition Against Nukes is a proactive citizens group
actively networking with elected officials, creating and circulating petitions,
organizing peaceful marches, rallies and any public event disseminating
information why the nuclear power industry (beginning with uranium mining) MUST
India should be a union like european union where each state become a country and have sovereign power to decide its fate. Punjab,Tamil Nadu, UP, Maharashtra, Assam, and all other states when become a country can have a better administration and progress. It is obvious a few politicians in central cannot administer and fulfill wish of 1.2 billion people. Kudankulam is a clear case of central governments dont understand the wish of the local people. While keeping a lot of central power, they couldnt provide simple electricity/water supply peacefully agreeable to the locals without problems/corruption. Decentralize and distribute the administrative, executive and judicial power,then each state can look after their problems much better.