“Humanity Won’t Be Augmented, It Will Be Drowned”
By: Hugo de Garis
The Transhumanists, as their label suggests, want to augment
humanity, to extend humanity to a superior form, with extra capacities beyond
(trans) human limits, e.g. greater intelligence, longer life, healthier life,
etc. This is fine so far as it goes, but the problem is that it does not go
anywhere near far enough. My main objection to the Transhumanists is that they
seem not to see that future technologies will not just be able to “augment
humanity”, but veritably to “drown humanity”, dwarfing human capacities by a
factor of trillions of trillions. For example, a single cubic millimeter of
sand has more computing capacity than the human brain by a factor of a
quintillion (a million trillion). This number can be found readily enough. One
can estimate the number of atoms in a cubic millimeter. Assume that each atom
is manipulating one bit of information, switching in femtoseconds. The
estimated bit processing rate of the human brain is about 10exp16 bits a
second, which works out to be a quintillion times smaller.
Thus artificial brains will utterly dwarf human brains in
their capacities, so the potential of near future technologies (i.e. only a few
decades away) will make augmenting humanity seem a drop in the ocean. My main
beef against the Transhumanists is that they are not “biting the bullet” in the
sense of not taking seriously the prospect that humanity will be drowned by
vastly superior artilects who may not like human beings very much, once they
become hugely superior to us. The Transhumanists suffer from tunnel vision.
They focus on minor extensions of human capacities such as greater
intelligence, longer healthier life, bigger memory, faster thinking etc. They
tend to ignore the bigger question of “species dominance” i.e. should humanity
build artilects that would be god like in their capacities, utterly eclipsing
human capacities.
Since a sizable proportion of humanity (according to recent
opinion polls that I have undertaken, but need to be scaled up) utterly reject
the idea of humans being superseded by artilects, they will go to war, when
push really comes to shove, to ensure that humans remain the
dominant species. This will be a
passionate war, because the stake has never been so high, namely the survival
of the human species, not just countries, or a people, but ALL people. This
species dominance war (the “Artilect War”) will kill billions of people, because
it will be waged with 21st century weapons that will be far more deadly than
20th century weapons, probably nano based.
The Transhumanists are too childishly optimistic, and refuse
to “bite the bullet.” They do not face up to the big question of whether humanity should build artilects or not and
thus risk a gigadeath Artilect war. The childlike optimism of the
Transhumanists is touching, but hardly edifying. They are not facing up to the
hard reality. Perhaps deep in their hearts, the Transhumanists feel the force
of the above argument, but find the prospect of a gigadeath Artilect War so
horrible that they blot it out of their consciousnesses and pretend that all
will be sweetness and light, all very happy, but not very adult.
A Reply the above by Steve Richfield
I used to believe as you do, but my opinion has since morphed a bit after many discussions with singulitarians.
Singularity is a religion, only instead of praying to an
existing God, they are seeking to create their own God. The parallels to the
Tower of Babel are there for all to see.
I have come to believe that anyone who would buy into a
“human friendly AGI” must necessarily be too stupid to ever build one, and
hence is no threat. Simply ignore the singulitarians, as you now ignore the
many other lunatic cult religions.
What is a threat is the diversion of resources to such
folly, and the potential awakening of governmental regulation over competent AI
Note that several companies now have prototype cold fusion
reactors working, but there has been SO little press after past bogus claims.
It will be interesting to watch as this technology moves into the mainstream,
because the dangers are very parallel in that lunatics could potentially build
hydrogen bombs in their kitchens. While this may not be as dangerous as
releasing super-human AGIs, it is nonetheless dangerous enough to observe the
social response.
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