Why Humanity Must Come Through
By Julian Rose
Need I say it, we are living in – and through – an
apocalyptic time. Disintegration and destruction manifest at an accelerating
pace as our World is buffeted by a jumbled combination of opposing energies: the
distorted man made toxic ones as well as the universal vibratory waves that are
an integral part of great cosmic changes.
Nothing we have experienced up until now quite compares with
this. There is little that could prepare us for our journey through this
collision of forces, aside from an emerging awareness that they are both
external and internal manifestations. Manifestations of human and universal
energies seeking to redefine and rebalance their shared essence.
Consider for a moment the contribution that our own
specifically ‘man made’ toxic cocktail makes to this confusion: electromagnetic
smog; atmospheric aerosol pollutants;
HAARP inspired weather engineering; leaking radioactivity from nuclear power plants; a highly destructive
and continually active war machine; blanket agrichemical pesticide
contamination of both air and soil; transgenic crops and animals; unprecedented
number of highly contaminating oil spills/leaks; chemical assisted fracking for
gas; pharmaceutical and industrial pollution of air water and food; and – not
least – the dark side’s deliberate distortion of human energies and the
mindless splashing around of these energies by its unaware recipients.
The extremity of this multi-pronged violence enacted upon
our living planet, its peoples, plants and animals, has led to the suggestion
that humanity will pay the ultimate price and be wiped out. Destroyed by its
own hand; its own uncontrolled hubris. Its failure to overcome its own
blinkered shortcomings.
Some say the World, battered and bruised as it is, will be
better-off without man. That freed from its chief oppressor, Gaia will more
assuredly survive and heal; will find her equilibrium anew and come through –
It is quite easy to sympathise with this view, not least
because it seems to provide an answer to those who feel closer to nature than
to their fellow humans – and can see no redemption for a mankind so
determinedly set on the path of self destruction.
Yet, even when taking into account the tragic mismanagement
of humanity’s journey thus far, I do not consider this to be any kind of
answer. For, it is my contention, that with man out of the picture, the
advancement of universal equilibrium – however erratic – will be completely
arrested. On the macro-cosmic level, I believe a world without human beings
would constitute a major set-back for the entire universe. And at the
micro-cosmic level, a major set back for the plant, animal and insect kingdom
as well.
Why do I say this?
Imagine for a moment the vast arena we call the cosmos. It
is a vibrant intelligent life force. Intelligent, because it is at once self
governing and on the move. It is in a state of permanent transition – never
static. As it expands (and it still is expanding) it discovers itself … just as
we discover ‘ourselves’ as we gain awareness and experience. We share with the
cosmos a common intelligence which is without limitation, except in as much as
it is held in check by counter productive forces of entropy.
So humanity draws down unto itself the intelligence which is
manifest in all elements of the cosmos. While standing behind that cosmic
intelligence – and informing it – is the omnipotent, omnipresent source of
Supreme Consciousness; a characteristic of which is an infinite creativity and
unquenchable curiosity..
The intelligent cosmos is an expression of Supreme
Consciousness’s passionate exigence. But the Supreme Consciousness cannot
experience who or what He/She/It is until those exigencies solidify and take on
form; offering a reflection of that which goes into them.
How do we know this?
Because it is in us that these Source based exigencies take
on earthly expression. We are the earthly torch bearers of the Divine spark. It
is in us that those Divine exigencies take form. And to the degree to which we
earth bound beings in turn start sending back to the intelligent cosmos our own
exigencies – expressed as love, joy,
pleasure, pain – so Source gains greater
or lesser degrees of awareness concerning (His) creation. In us, Source sees a third density reflection
of (His) divine exigencies! But not in
us alone of course. In every living being, rock, tree and sea – as they are all
expressions of that same Supreme Consciousness.
However, out of the great diversity of beings and matter
that compose our planet, man has emerged as the best equipped to consciously
recognise in himself – that infinite exigence which has its source in the
Supreme Consciousness. Not only to recognise it, but to respond intentionally
to its call: that pull we call ‘aspiration’. That wonderful upwardly reaching
joyous impulse which is the inherent (unblocked) birthright of all humanity.
Were this force to be wiped off the face of the planet – a
great vacuum would be left in its place. For the plant and animal kingdoms
cannot ‘consciously’ respond to the call of the intelligent cosmos, they can
only act as reflexive recipients of its energies and act as mirror-like
re-transmitters. Yet we see and experience in plants and animals a special kind
of purity – because they are uncorrupted reflections of divine intelligence –
and in this way – a permanent source of inspiration to homo sapiens.
The plant and animal kingdoms do not have the free will and
the evolved powers of self determination that humanity possesses. So should
humanity be destroyed – or destroy itself – the plant and animal kingdoms would
lose their stepping stones towards acquiring states of self determination and
consciousness. Homo sapiens represents this stepping stone – the next rung up
the ladder of cosmic consciousness for the animal and plant kingdoms.
The fact that the great majority of mankind has so far
failed to exercise its potential of cosmic consciousness is not a valid reason
to conclude that it should be nullified.
We humans provide a link between the Supreme Consciousness
and all other living and animated features of Gaia. It is just a small minority who set out to
deliberately distort that link – and set themselves up in its place as the
false gods of engineered hubris.
In our undistorted state, we are pulling on an invisible
rope of which all living beings are attached.
Next in line may be the dog which develops a strong affinity with its
loving master/mistress. It maybe will have the chance to return to Earth as a
human in the next spirit cycle. The courageous cat or the sensitized horse
likewise, and so on along the chain.
Even rocks will eventuality get their transformation chance. But, critically,
only as long as all of life retains its spiral of forward and upward momentum –
which it can only do if we humans fulfill our role in contributing our dynamic
to that movement.
Everything on that jostling, energetic chain of life is
aspiring towards becoming an ever more subtle form of itself. We included.
Continuously aspiring to once again become one with Supreme Source. Yet as the
evolutionary energies move ever onward – and not simply in a repeating circle –
that which we come from is itself also further evolving. What we yearn to
return to is itself in movement, continuously evolving and metamorphosing.
However its omniscient essence is retained throughout and will be instantly
recognized as ‘home’.
We humans occupy a pivotal point in all this. One which
draws upon that which is below and aspires to that which is beyond. This places
man in an unique position of responsibility towards the evolution of both Earth
and Universe.
We humans have inherited powers that, when used wisely and
creatively, can positively determine the future direction of Life both on the
microcosmic and macro-cosmic levels. And equally, when used unwisely and
destructively, can retard that same evolution. That is our gift from Divine. We
are entrusted with responsibility for this planet – and ultimately the entirety
of universal evolution.
We are even gifted with the potential to influence the
ongoing composition of that which our Creator imagined into existence. The
Creator does not cling to power as the delusional Illuminati do – but passes on
the gift through us.
Therefore, should humanity be erased off the face of this
Earth who will carry on the great experiment?
We are the ones to whom the baton of life has been passed
and in whose hands its future rests. We are awaking to the realisation that ‘to
be human’ means that we occupy a pivotal role in furthering the work of
Creation. That is a gift which surpasses all other blessings with which we are
So precious is it that we cannot but totally commit – and
fully embrace our calling. And that means fully embracing the inclusivity of
planetary diversity as expressed through all its multifarious species; the
poverty or richness of whose lives is inseparably linked with the poverty or
richness of our lives – and whether we are able or unable to fulfill the quest
to realise that potential with which we are all endowed.
So for the sake of that which we call Creation, mankind must
come through. Humanity must prevail.
Julian is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, an
international activist and author.
His acclaimed book “In Defence of Life” is now available in
paperback or ‘ebook’ at Amazon.com and also from Julian’s website www.julianrose.info
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