Climate Change: why the Guardian is putting threat to Earth
front and centre
Alan Rusbridger
Journalism tends to be a rear-view mirror. We prefer to deal
with what has happened, not what lies ahead. We favour what is exceptional and
in full view over what is ordinary and hidden.
Famously, as a tribe, we are more interested in the man who
bites a dog than the other way round. But even when a dog does plant its teeth
in a man, there is at least something new to report, even if it is not very
remarkable or important.
There may be other extraordinary and significant things
happening – but they may be occurring too slowly or invisibly for the impatient
tick-tock of the newsroom or to snatch the attention of a harassed reader on
the way to work.
What is even more complex: there may be things that have yet
to happen – stuff that cannot even be described as news on the grounds that
news is stuff that has already happened. If it is not yet news – if it is in
the realm of prediction, speculation and uncertainty – it is difficult for a
news editor to cope with. Not her job.
For these, and other, reasons changes to the Earth’s climate
rarely make it to the top of the news list. The changes may be happening too
fast for human comfort, but they happen too slowly for the newsmakers – and, to
be fair, for most readers.
These events that have yet to materialise may dwarf anything
journalists have had to cover over the past troubled century. There may be
untold catastrophes, famines, floods, droughts, wars, migrations and sufferings
just around the corner. But that is futurology, not news, so it is not going to
force itself on any front page any time soon.
Even when the overwhelming majority of scientists wave a big
red flag in the air, they tend to be ignored. Is this new warning too similar
to the last? Is it all too frightening to contemplate? Is a collective shrug of
fatalism the only rational response?
The climate threat features very prominently on the home
page of the Guardian on Friday even though nothing exceptional happened on this
day. It will be there again next week and the week after. You will, I hope, be
reading a lot about our climate over the coming weeks.
One reason for this is personal. This summer I am stepping
down after 20 years of editing the Guardian. Over Christmas I tried to
anticipate whether I would have any regrets once I no longer had the leadership
of this extraordinary agent of reporting, argument, investigation, questioning
and advocacy.
Don't look away now, the climate crisis needs you
Very few regrets, I thought, except this one: that we had
not done justice to this huge, overshadowing, overwhelming issue of how climate
change will probably, within the lifetime of our children, cause untold havoc
and stress to our species.
So, in the time left to me as editor, I thought I would try
to harness the Guardian’s best resources to describe what is happening and what
– if we do nothing – is almost certain to occur, a future that one
distinguished scientist has termed as “incompatible with any reasonable
characterisation of an organised, equitable and civilised global community”.
It is not that the Guardian has not ploughed considerable
time, effort, knowledge, talent and money into reporting this story over many
years. Four million unique visitors a month now come to the Guardian for our
environmental coverage – provided, at its peak, by a team including seven
environmental correspondents and editors as well as a team of 28 external
They, along with our science team, have done a wonderful job
of writing about the changes to our atmosphere, oceans, ice caps, forests,
food, coral reefs and species.
For the purposes of our coming coverage, we will assume that
the scientific consensus about man-made climate change and its likely effects
is overwhelming. We will leave the skeptics and deniers to waste their time
challenging the science. The mainstream argument has moved on to the politics
and economics.
The coming debate is about two things: what governments can
do to attempt to regulate, or otherwise stave off, the now predictably
terrifying consequences of global warming beyond 2C by the end of the century.
And how we can prevent the states and corporations which own the planet’s
remaining reserves of coal, gas and oil from ever being allowed to dig most of
it up. We need to keep them in the ground.
2C: There is
overwhelming agreement – from governments, corporations, NGOs, banks,
scientists, you name it – that a rise in temperatures of more than 2C by the
end of the century would lead to disastrous consequences for any kind of
recognised global order.
565 gigatons:
“Scientists estimate that humans can pour roughly 565 more gigatons of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere by mid-century and still have some reasonable hope
of staying below 2C,” is how McKibben crisply puts it. Few dispute that this
idea of a global “carbon budget” is broadly right.
2,795 gigatons:
This is the amount of carbon dioxide that if they were burned would be released
from the proven reserves of fossil fuel – ie the fuel we are planning to
extract and use.
You do not need much of a grasp of maths to work out the
implications. There are trillions of dollars worth of fossil fuels currently
underground which, for our safety, simply cannot be extracted and burned. All
else is up for debate: that much is not.
We need to keep it in the ground. This was the starting
point for the group of journalists who met early in January to start
considering how we would cover the issue.
But how?
Some will make the case for governmental action. Within nine
months, the nations of the world will assemble in Paris, as they did previously
in Copenhagen and Kyoto and numerous other summits now forgotten. Can they find
the right actions and words, where they have failed before? It is certainly important
that they feel the pressure to achieve real change.
Others will make the case for reducing the fossil fuel
exposure of investment portfolios by decarbonisation. Or going further to full
divestment from the most polluting fossil fuel extraction companies. Next week,
McKibben will describe how the cause of divestment is moving rapidly from a
fringe campaign to a mainstream concern for banks and fund managers.
It is now very much on the radar of the financial director
rather than the social responsibility department. If most of these reserves are
unburnable, they are asking, then what does that say about the true value of
carbon-dependent companies? It is a question of fiduciary responsibility as
much as a moral imperative.
We will look at who is getting the subsidies and who is
doing the lobbying. We will name the worst polluters and find out who still
funds them. We will urge enlightened trusts, investment specialists,
universities, pension funds and businesses to take their money away from the
companies posing the biggest risk to us. And, because people are rightly bound
to ask, we will report on how the Guardian Media Group itself is getting to
grips with the issues.
In addition to words, images and films, we will be
podcasting the series as we go along, to give some insight and transparency
about our reporting and how we are framing and developing it.
We begin on Friday and on Monday with two extracts from the
introduction to Naomi Klein’s recent book, This Changes Everything. This has
been chosen because it combines sweep, science, politics, economics, urgency
and humanity. Antony Gormley, who has taken a deep interest in the climate
threat, has contributed two artworks from his collection that have not been
exhibited before – the first of many artists with whom we hope to collaborate
over coming weeks.
Where does this leave you? I hope not feeling impotent and
Some of you may be marching in London on Saturday 7 March.
As McKibben will argue next week, the fight for change is also full of opportunity
and optimism. And we hope that many readers will find inspiration in our series
to make their own contribution by applying pressure on their workplace, or
pension fund, to move.
But, most of all, please read what we write. Real change can
only follow from citizens informing themselves and applying pressure. To quote
McKibben: “This fight, as it took me too long to figure out, was never going to
be settled on the grounds of justice or reason. We won the argument, but that
didn’t matter: like most fights it was, and is, about power.”
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