The Subjugation of the Creator – End Game of Our Tormentors
By Julian Rose
Have you ever reflected on what might be the ultimate goal
of the oppressors of humanity? I have – and this is what emerged.
Those in pursuit of power are seldom satisfied. They always
want more. In a seemingly never ending act of compulsive consumption, they seek
to dominate or destroy all that stands in the way of their thirst for power.
The forces that currently hold a controlling influence over
this world are of this stable. Their goal of ‘full spectrum dominance’ or
‘total domination’ of various aspects of this planet is not the summation of
their ambition, it is a mere stepping stone along the way.
On the way to what?
On the way to becoming masters of the Universe.
The macrocosm has a dual energetic essence: an evolving
outward force and an imploding inward force. An iridescence of light and an
impenetrable darkness. A blazing sun and a black hole. Multiple members of each
of course.
This theme of duality plays out throughout the macrocosm and
microcosm – through the totality of life. Through sentient and insentient
matter; down to the neutron, electron, cells, molecules, atoms and sub atomic
particles. Everywhere energy is dual. Electricity requires the interaction and
clash between opposing forces in order to be that highly energetic element that
it is.
While the evolution of the plant and animal kingdom is
clearly attracted and aligned
to the vibratory waves of the Creator, man has a choice: the
choice to follow the call of the soul – or the choice not to follow the call of
the soul. To evolve or to slide into entropy. This makes man a pretty unique
When we examine ourselves, we find that we have a duality of
choice in all we say and do, at all times. There is a continual clash here. The
friction which results from this clash provides propulsion. A propulsion, which
like the plant kingdom, aspires to the light. But only if we are true to our
Constantly catching our attention are a host of signposts
drawing us towards various routes that divert us from our true calling, each
promising much in the way of material wealth, ego satisfying power and physical
The net worth of our life depends upon which of the two
fundamental roads we elect as the predominant influence. Which of these two
pulls we make our main priority. The innately divine voice of our intuition or
the ulterior motive, materialistic attraction? There is a third: the fear based
‘safety’ route.
In the course of our exploration and recognition of the dark
side (in ourselves) we come across many symptoms of the ulterior motive.
Irrational cravings that tend to obscure and weigh-down our ability to respond
to the light; to the signals of the soul.
Due to the afflictions that have long dominated the human race,
we are born into a world predominantly governed by manifestations of these
crass, misdirected motives.
One such is the desire for a type of power which gives the
illusion of being greater, or at least more alluring, than our still subtle
innately divine intuitive power.
This ego fuelled power has ample room to develop because our
subtle innate power is realised – and takes form – only gradually. We thus
cannot avoid spending considerable amounts of time under the influence of that
which is the antithesis of the call to the light. In spite of the fact that
this antithesis is, in effect, an abstraction. A virtual reality. The condition
this present world suffers under 24/7.
Carlos Castaneda’s shaman teacher refers to this condition
as ‘the foreign installation’.
If we allow ourselves, we who were gifted ‘freedom of
choice’, to take this abstract road towards a power which appears greater than
our slowly unfolding innate natural power – we will find that it is a road well
travelled. So well travelled in fact, that it gives the impression of being the
only road we can take – especially since the great majority of people we know
are on it.
Not only this, in choosing to pursue further a journey that
is at odds with the pull of our souls, we soon come across guides, figure-heads
and high priests, all of whom are only too willing to soften our passage and
further pacify our inner being. Keep going and doctors of darkness emerge who
will enable the traveller of this road to gain new powers and skills to further
aid his/her wilful ambitions.
Such skills enable the initiate to start practising, in
daily life, a kind of subliminal black magic. The power to ‘get one’s way’ in
all one does. To take possession of that which one wishes to possess. To become
well adjusted to the darkness and ever more in denial of the light. Ultimately
landing-up as obedient servants to the dark side hierarchy.
To fully give one’s self over to ‘the foreign installation’
is to follow a reverse sequence for human kind. Symbolised by the Nazi Swastika,
a reversed ancient symbol of peace and one of the main tools of mischievous
‘archons’ in service to their dark masters.
Most who dabble in the dark side’s satanic pilgrimage don’t
ever get to the inner sanctum, fortunately. However, they do themselves (and
others) a great deal of harm along the way. But those that do get an open door
to the inner sanctum, become the chosen purveyors of a reversed logic for the
planet. Such people manifest themselves wherever positions of insentient
hierarchical power and control are dominant.
In this reversed world, our innate divinity is turned
inside-out, becoming a near total immersion into atheistic narcissism: the mark
of the beast – one of whose more blatant manifestations is our rampant consumer
Carried to its nadir, the pursuit of power takes the form of
a total consumption of the
all; the complete subjugation of the Creator and replacement
with a false idol that takes on the characteristics of a god in its own right.
The abstract, insentient god of disenfranchised divine power.
It is this alien hybrid that seeded its way onto an innocent
Earth in ages past, stealing the gold from an unsullied Eden.
The end game of our tormentors has always been to possess
this blessed planet and suck from it all vestiges of love, passion and
compassion. Because they provide the fuel for the process whereby the dark
omega point can be reached; the divine universe conquered, to be replaced by a
virtual reality transhuman sham.
This is the world entered into by any being who freely
elects to follow the calling of the ‘foreign installation’ instead of the
Supreme Creator.
Duality has no ‘no man’s land’ middle ground. Not to be on
the path of truth is to be on the path of untruth; and unless corrected (and
there are ample opportunities for correction) this road ends in a black hole.
For those who fully embrace a march to the black hole, the
world is not enough. For the eternal craver of power, and those driven by a
deep fear of the unknown, only the possession of the entire universe seems
likely to satiate their inner emptiness.
However, that seemingly unquenchable appetite will never get
its craved for satiation. As what such entities do not fully comprehend, is
that all attempts to subjugate the Creator must ultimately prove futile. For
the very act of trying triggers – somewhere deep in the universe – an opposite
movement. The rebirth of life-light. A counterpoint that cannot be constrained.
As this force grows in intensity, we sense our own rebirth
quickening. Not just this, but also that the poisoned protagonists of darkness,
for all their brazen arrogance, are trembling.
We who press onwards, confronting the seemingly impenetrable
grip that our tormentors hold over us, burn inside with an unquenchable passion
for fulfilment of our quest. This passion is transformative. It brings us to
our Omega Point. The exact opposite of the dark-side’s entropic end game.
Here, at our Omega Point, we find ourselves offering our
full support for this great Universe that bore us in the first place. We burst
with the love we long to share, to give back. To honour our Creator.
And it is here, in this quintessential moment, that our
Creator witnesses that which He Is – and we – that which We Are. And we are the
Fully conjoined in a Oneness that disguises the duality
which brought it into being.
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, an
international activist and author. His acclaimed recent book ‘In Defence of
Life’ is available at and other internet sites, as well as via
his website
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