The Third Opium War?
by Kanjin Tor
In March 1865 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
( HSBC )was formed by Sir Thomas Sutherland GCMG, (Most Distinguished Order of
Saint Michael and Saint George).
They were founded shortly after the end of 'The First Opium
War' when - according to the Bank's Mythology
- 'Local Merchants' suddenly felt the desperate need for a bank to
finance the growing trade between China and Europe.
This might lend you, as a layman with no grasp of this
period of historical infamy, the impression that little people with little
stalls selling wheat or opiates in busy marketplaces across Hong Kong and
Shanghai suddenly woke up one morning and gathered together in some local
coffee house and said "You know what we need? We need a Bank to put all
our hard earned money in".
Nothing could be further from the truth.
What actually happened was that some super rich arseholes
woke up one morning with the idea of further enriching themselves by setting up
a Bank with all the money that they had garnered from their criminal activities
in dealing and shipping Opium from India to China (plus the four corners of The
British Empire and beyond) by lending this criminally gotten money back to the
people they had first exploited and charging them an exorbitant rate of
interest whilst they, now fat and bloated, went back to the mother country and
sat in parliament making sure government policy did not impinge upon their
criminal activities.
Now the British Establishment and the scum in HSBC would argue
that those were different days, that those days are behind them, that they were
not party to the shipping of over 600 thousand chests of Opium - oh no they had
nothing to do with that, except the aforementioned piece of shit Sir Thomas
Sutherland GCMG, (Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George)
through long association with P&O (The Peninsular and Oriental Steam
Navigation Company) eventually became its Managing Director having already
enriched himself through its stinking activities as he climbed its ladder of
But it gets worse.
Do not let people tell you that people did not know how
dangerous Opium was. Those importing Opium knew exactly that dependence,
desperation, and penury were almost certainly the inevitable downsides for
those unlucky souls who became addicted to their wares. In point of fact
Dependency [addiction] was and remains the founding principle of drug pushers
everywhere, and these bastards knew exactly what they were doing.
They were pushing drugs to create a dependency so that
people would part with their cash which would then flow via the middle men on a
vast scale to the rich traders [Drug Runners] and thus make these rich Traders
into the Super Rich Bankers that we all these days love so much.
But it gets much worse.
In simplistic terms it starts off with the 'British' East
India Company opium plantations [in India]. The Opium grown and harvested there
was then transported to the coast of the Chinese Mainland and sold to Chinese
middlemen who then pushed the drug within the Chinese interior. This of course
means, that Drugs were flooding the Chinese Market and Chinese Silver [which
was the stock trade for the Opium] was leaving the country to enrich the
British and European Drug Runners on a colossal scale. But more importantly,
when Chinese Officials, alarmed by the huge increase of opium addicts caused by
this trafficking attempted to solve the issue by banning this criminal and evil
trade in human misery by shutting down the European Trade and seizing their
perfidious consignments of Opium it was then that the true nature of this Drug
cartels political reach came to the fore. It was undoubtedly these Super Rich
Drug Runners who influenced the British Government to have the Royal Navy crush
the Chinese resistance to their power in The First Opium War [war implies China
had the ability to fight back - which it in point of fact it had little ability
to do]
In effect they forced China, which at that time was a
totally self sufficient Nation, and a
country that was mainly closed to outside contamination, to open up five ports
to British Traders [Drug Lords] and forced China to accept The Treaty of
Nanking - the long title being the euphemistically named 'Treaty of Peace, Friendship and
Commerce between Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and the
Emperor of China'.
Some 'Peace'.
But it all gets far far worse than even that.
This Treaty which was anything but peaceful forced the Chinese Government to pay the
BRITISH GOVERNMENT six million silver dollars in compensation for the opium
that they had confiscated in 1839 as the Chinese Officials had attempted to end
the human misery in their Country caused by British Drug Lords.
What with compensation for the Opium, compensation for Hong
Kong Merchants which allegedly they owed British Traders, and a further 12
million dollars in war reparations that the British Government demanded for
their conduct in ensuring that their rich friends could continue to push their
drugs and inflict human misery upon China, the grand total of all this imposed
debt was a crushing [for the time] total of over 21 million dollars in
reparations owed by China for trying to free itself of those who had created a
drug problem within their own country.
And yes it gets far far far worse than even that.
This $21 Million dollars had to be paid to the British
Government over 3 years with a massive 5% interest rate inflicted upon the
Chinese if they did not pay on the schedule imposed by the London War Lords.
And just to make sure the Chinese coughed up this cash the British Government
left enough Troops in China to ensure a timely compliance to their 'payment
All sounds a little bit Wonga doesn't it Ladies and
Now you must understand that I am being simplistic here in
this back story for this is a huge topic, but I hope you get the general thrust
of my argument which is of course that - HSBC has a very long history of
Laundering Drug Money.
'The more things change the more they remain the same' -
goes the saying, and thus it is now.
For over 150 years HSBC set up by criminals has been run the
way it has been run because they are The Establishment. They do what they want
because they own us... and this is true with most Banks.
Criminals will not stop doing what profits them unless they
have a penalty imposed upon them which cripples their liberty and their
In 2008 the Bankers of the world integrated into a union of
shit to fuck the world economy through illegal lending, subprime and blah blah
blah [you all know the rest of this - and if you don't you're a fucking idiot].
And yet only Iceland has ever jailed a Banker for these crimes against
Humanity. And let us be candid here, that is what their crimes were, they were
a crime against the rest of humanity.
But despite the gargantuan scale of their universal
criminality, not only did these cockroaches avoid jail, not only did they not
have their entire assets seized to help repay the losses that they alone
caused, but rather these Super Rich Bankers instead got even Richer.
Bankers Bonuses were on the rise and have risen ever since.
Multi-Million pound bonuses are not uncommon [the latest being £7m bonus for
Horta-Osorio of Lloyds - a Criminally Failed Bank who we British POOR PEOPLE
had to bail out.
$18 Billion dollars were paid out in Banker Bonuses in 2014
The only people who did not suffer for the crimes of Bankers
was The Bankers and their rich conspirators in various world governments....
including our own.
Meanwhile in the bowels of HSBC the soon to be 'Lord Green'
was busy continuing HSBC's 150 year old 'Policy of Laundering Drug Money' and
enhancing their criminal profiteering in Human Misery by also Laundering the
money of Terrorist organisations such as Al-Qaeda.
HSBC owns The Telegraph [you own something when you can
control by direct or indirect means, its actions or words]
HSBC owns The BBC [you own something when you can control by
direct or indirect means, its actions or words]
HSBC owns The Conservative Party [you own something when you
can control by direct or indirect means, its actions or words]
HSBC own George Osborne [you own something when you can
control by direct or indirect means, its actions or words]
HSBC own David Cameron [you own something when you can
control by direct or indirect means, its actions or words]
HSBC are untouchable - and - if their History is anything to
go by - they will never stop acting criminally because it profits them so much,
and they get away with it time after time after time again because they own our
Government [whichever Party happens to be pretending to be in Power at the
They are made immune from any real punishment because they
own the Establishment.... what part of this is tripping you up?
£250 million gets you a lot of favours...
As an aside it might also interest you to note that HSBC is
one of only 3 commercial banks which are authorised to issue banknotes for Hong
The more things change the more they remain the same, and
HSBC has a long History of Laundering Drug Money and Buying Parliament and
seats in The House of Lords...
Oh the drugs may be slightly different, and their methods
maybe more sophisticated, more brutally effective perhaps. But in essence this
is nothing but a continuance of standard HSBC Policy and their commitment to the
founding principles upon which The Bank was first created, a criminality which
have served them so well and profitably for so very long.
One might even loosely call it - 'The Third Opium War'.
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