Three Minutes to Midnight: Can We Turn the Clock Back in
By Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
The hand has not moved forward because a giant meteor is
about to crash into Central Europe, or because a ring of volcanoes is due to
erupt from France to Siberia, or because alien invaders from a distant galaxy
are about to land in the American Corn Belt. No, the hand of the clock has
moved forward, from five minutes to three minutes before midnight, because of
human activity itself. (Image: Lauren Walker / Truthout)(Image: Lauren Walker /
Truthout)With atomic scientists' "Doomsday Clock" two minutes closer
to midnight and a report from the National Climatic Data Center confirming that
2014 was the hottest year on record, Congress is trying to move us closer to
ecocide. Reversing course will require urgent, concerted action.
On January 22, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced
that it had moved the minutes hand of its "Doomsday Clock" ahead two
minutes, from five minutes before midnight to three minutes before midnight.
The clock envisions the life span of human civilization as a period of 24
hours. Thus when scientists decide to move the minutes hand ahead by two
minutes, this means that they consider us to be drawing closer to the end of
our time. With only three minutes left, we don't have much leeway.
The analogy, however, is not perfect, for there's an
important difference between a real clock and the Doomsday Clock. A real clock,
as long as its batteries are working, will always move forward, from second to
second and minute to minute. The Doomsday Clock, in contrast, does not have to
move forward, for apart from its astrophysical constraints, human civilization
is not rolling along a one-way track toward some predestined end where
everything comes to a stop. The minute hand on the clock of civilization could
well stand still, or indeed even move in reverse, from the danger zone back
toward safety. We can, perhaps, delay our final dénouement and flourish - even
for many more centuries.
The hand has not moved forward because a giant meteor is
about to crash into Central Europe, or because a ring of volcanoes is due to
erupt from France to Siberia, or because alien invaders from a distant galaxy
are about to land in the American Corn Belt. No, the hand of the clock has
moved forward, from five minutes to three minutes before midnight, because of
human activity itself. It has moved forward because of bad choices, programs
and policies imposed by those at the wheels of power.
The Bulletin cited in particular two factors as the basis
for its decision to advance the minute hand of its Doomsday Clock. One is the
unchecked increase in climate change, the other the modernization of nuclear
weapons systems. Both are clearly reflective of misguided choices, and the
scientists spared no punches in laying the blame where it deserved to fall: on
world leaders who failed to act "with the speed or on the scale required
to protect citizens from potential catastrophe." Some scientists pointed
to the role that nuclear weapons have played in heightening the danger; others
stressed the failure to stem climate change. One board member, Richard
Somerville, emphasized that "efforts at reducing global emissions of
heat-trapping gases have so far been entirely insufficient to prevent unacceptable
climate disruption . . . The resulting climate change will harm millions of
people and will threaten many key ecological systems on which civilization
As a reminder of the urgency of our situation, another
report - this one coming from the National Climatic Data Center of NOAA -
confirmed that 2014 was the hottest year on record. According to the report
summary, "the globally averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces
for 2014 was the highest among all years since record keeping began in
1880." During 2014, the average temperature across global land and ocean
surfaces was 1.24°F (almost .7°C) above the 20th century average - the highest
on record. The globally-averaged land surface temperature was 1.80°F (1.00°C)
above the 20th century average, the fourth highest on record. The
globally-averaged sea surface temperature was 1.03°F (0.57°C) above the 20th
century average, again the highest on record.
Stated in the abstract, such figures may offer our minds
little to get a grip on. So let images take the place of words. The image just
below reveals at a glance the extent to which 2014 land and ocean temperatures
deviated from the average. The image clearly shows that, with a few exceptions
- including the eastern third of the United States - temperature increases
spanned the globe. Europe was hit the hardest, but every continent was
affected, and the oceans too, a critical ecosystem, also warmed "from sea
to shining sea."
The higher temperatures of 2014 were not an aberration, but
consistent with overall trends. The graph below, also from NOAA's National Climatic Data
Center, shows how the global mean temperature has steadily risen over the past
half century. After a phase of fluctuations between the 1930s and 1960s, global
temperatures suddenly started to climb from the 1970s on, mounting ever higher
like a flight of steps.
![]() |
(Image: Lauren Walker / Truthout) |
A warmer planet means not only more bizarre and destruction
spells of petulant weather - more droughts and floods and brutal heat waves -
but also a mounting threat of feedback loops. The most ominous of these is the
release of methane, a process that has already started. On a 20-year time
scale, methane has a greenhouse effect 100 times more potent than carbon
dioxide; on a century time scale, it's about 23 times more potent. A veritable
time bomb of the stuff, billions of tons, is stored beneath the Arctic
permafrost and deep under the ocean's floors. In the Arctic region, it exists
in the form of frozen hydrates, which lock the gas safely below the surface.
However, as temperatures steadily grow warmer, the frost melts, unlocking the
repositories of methane. Then, in bubbles and belches, the methane will emerge,
like a deadly dragon awakened from a long sleep, wreaking havoc on the earth's
fragile ecosystems.
The explosion of the "methane bomb" could flood
the atmosphere with enough gigatons of carbon to push global temperatures
beyond the sustainability level for human civilization. Then the Doomsday Clock
will cross the remaining three minutes and reach the midnight mark. That could
mean the true "end of history," though in a different sense than that
conceived by Francis Fukuyama. Indeed, it could bring to an end nature's
audacious experiment with a reckless species that prematurely named itself homo
sapiens, "the wise humans."
The irony in this species name was already evident last
month when the Senate voted on a proposal by Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii),
stating that human activity contributes "significantly" to climate
change. The measure won, but just barely, by a vote of 50 to 49. Thus, while 97
percent of climate scientists agree that human activity underlies global
warming, those who actually wield the power to curtail climate change are
divided down the middle over the question whether we are even capable of doing something
about it. Half our senators, and a great majority of our representatives in the
junior house of Congress, stand on the side of denial.
It is probably such obtuseness - along with generous gifts
from the fossil fuel corporations - that explains the refusal of Congress to
tackle the gravest threat humanity has ever faced. Far from resisting the lure
of Big Oil, on January 29, the Senate passed a bill approving construction of
the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. The measure had bilateral support,
garnering 62 votes in favor, 30 opposed. The Senate vote follows a House vote
earlier in January, of 266-153, in support of the pipeline. President Obama
still has the authority to make the final decision regarding construction. He
has said that he would veto any bill approving the pipeline that crosses his
desk, but his objection to the congressional vote rests on procedural grounds
rather than on a considered decision. His actual decision still remains
undetermined, awaiting the completion of an environmental impact study.
If constructed, the Keystone XL pipeline would carry 830,000
barrels of tar sands oil every day from the tar sands pits of Alberta, Canada,
to US refineries along the Gulf of Mexico. Tar sands oil, or diluted bitumen,
is considered one of the dirtiest, most polluting substances on the planet,
more carbon intensive even than petroleum. The extraction of the oil from tar
sands requires huge amounts of energy and water. Its transport by pipeline
poses grave threats to precious water and farmland along the route. And
approval of the pipeline would let the fossil fuel industry know who's really
in charge of the planet's destiny. It would be tantamount to an announcement
that profit has finally triumphed over planet, that all the earth's remaining
stores of fossil fuels are fair game for extraction, sale and consumption.
Every day, more and more fossil fuels are being pumped up
from the earth and seas - coal, oil and natural gas - far more than we can
safely burn. Since the 1980s, we've had warnings, loud and clear enough, that
we're gambling with our collective future. We're already at three minutes to
midnight. However, though it's late, it may yet not be too late to turn the
clock backward. But for this to happen, drastic action will be needed, a
full-scale collaborative effort undertaken with the vigor that enabled us to
prevail against fascism in World War II.
If we can unite around this effort, if we can phase out
nuclear weapons, let fossil fuels remain in the ground, and switch over to a clean-energy
economy, we might turn the clock back. We might reverse it by five minutes, by
10 minutes, even by hours before midnight. But if we continue with business as
usual, letting the giant carbon corporations dictate policy, the clock will
continue to advance. When midnight arrives, we'll reap the consequences of our
folly: the death blow to civilization, the moment of ecological suicide.
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