Globalization’s Blowback
By Alex Jensen
Alex Jensen questions
the assumption that countries like China and India are in fact the “worst
offenders” in terms of contributing to global air pollution and other
environmental ills. He concludes that the blame should instead be placed where
it belongs – with transnational corporations and their highly-profitable global
trade networks.
A recent study of air pollution in the western United States
made a startling finding: despite a 50 percent drop over the past 25 years in
US emissions of smog-producing chemicals like nitrogen oxides (NOx), smog
actually increased during that period in the rural US West – even in such
‘pristine’ environments as Yellowstone National Park. Most of this increase was
traced to “the influx of pollution from Asian countries, including China, North
and South Korea, Japan, India, and other South Asian countries That’s because
over the same period that NOx emissions declined in the US, they tripled in
Asia as a whole In media reports of the study, China and India are described as
the “worst offenders” of this fugitive “Asian pollution”.
Left only with these findings, a reasonable conclusion would
be that the US has become more environmentally enlightened in recent decades,
while Asia – particularly ‘developing’ Asia – is a veritable eco-reprobate,
sacrificing not only its own but global airsheds to choking pollution. The new,
anti-environmental EPA director, Scott Pruitt, recently expressed this view in
explaining why the US should exit the Paris Climate Accord: “[China and India]
are polluting far more than we are.. A
similar study of global air pollution drift in 2014, focusing on China and the
US, made comparable findings, but included an important factor missing from the
more recent study: production for export. Among other things, the scholars of
the older study asked how much of the Chinese air pollution drifting to the
Western US was occasioned specifically in the production of exports for world
markets (including the top destination for Chinese manufactures, the US.)
The answer? In 2006, up to 24% of sulfate concentrations
over the western United States were generated in the Chinese production of
goods for export to the US Applying
these findings to the more recent study, it’s likely that a significant
percentage of the Asian nitrogen oxides now choking the US West were also
emitted in the production of goods destined for the US.
In other words, it’s meaningless to speak of “Asian
pollution” in this context. Though the pollution was emitted in Asia, it
properly belongs to the country/ies on whose behalf and at whose behest it was
produced. Even more accurately, the pollution finally belongs to the
transnational corporations (TNCs) who are the real drivers and beneficiaries
not only of offshoring, but also of insatiable consumerism through marketing
and obsolescence.
Economic globalization has enabled the manic scouring of the
world by TNCs for the most ‘liberal’ (read: unregulated) environments in which
to locate production facilities – the places where expenses can be minimized
and profits maximized. Since the biggest drags on corporate profiteering come
from taxes, environmental regulations, and decent labor protections and wages,
the global relocations of TNCs have largely been towards countries where those
costs are lowest, or absent altogether.
By increasing their economic power, globalization has also
given TNCs the ability to capture governments, which then collude in further
reshaping of the world through ‘free’ trade treaties, supra-national
institutions like the IMF, WTO and World Bank, and subsidies and hand-outs to
attract and retain big businesses.
This entire system of globalization, production and
pollution off-shoring is driven by the profit-maximization logic governing
transnational corporations, greased along by an ever-growing number of
bilateral and global free trade treaties. As economist Martin Hart-Landsberg
“Beginning in the
late 1980s large multinational corporations, including those headquartered in
the US, began a concerted effort to reverse declining profits by establishing
cross border production networks (or global value chains). This process knitted
together highly segmented economic processes across national borders in ways
that allowed these corporations to lower their labor costs as well as reduce
their tax and regulatory obligations. Their globalization strategy succeeded;
corporate profits soared. It is also no longer helpful to think about
international trade in simple nation-state terms.”
China – having colluded with global capital in turning
itself into the ‘factory of the world – is bearing the lion’s share of
globalization’s brunt. But at least China is getting rich as a result, right?
Certainly there is an emerging wealthy (and superwealthy) class within China
that is profiting from globalization, but it represents a minuscule fraction of
the overall population.The mass of the workers who make up China’s labor and
‘bad-labor’workforce are not benefiting from the country’s conversion into a
TNC workshop: labor’s share of China’s GDP has been steadily falling since the
late 1990s.For a high-end electronic product like the iPhone, less than 2%
(about US$10) of the sales price goes to Chinese workers involved in its
So who is driving China’s export-oriented boom? Quoting
Hart-Landsberg again, “it is not Chinese state enterprises, or even Chinese
private enterprises, that are driving China’s exports to the US. Rather it is
foreign multinationals, many of which are headquartered in the US, including
Apple, Dell, and Walmart”.By 2013, foreign-owned TNCs were responsible for 47%
of all Chinese exports (and over 80% of high-tech exports) compared to a mere
11% by Chinese state-owned enterprises.US-based TNCs dominate this control and
ownership of exports made in China.
The division of profits from Chinese manufactures is also
heavily skewed in favor of foreign corporations. For telecommunications
equipment, China produced 38% of world exports in 2013, but their share of the
profits generated by the sale of those products was just 6%, while US firms
captured 59%. Similar imbalances obtain in the case of textiles, where US firms
commandeered 46% of the profit share.
From the production, sale and transport of globally-traded
commodities, to the shipping of the resulting waste back to China,and now to
the profitable ‘adaptation’ to the ghastly air pollution TNCs are the main
drivers and beneficiaries of this system. In other words, Chinese production
and exports are dominated by US and other foreign corporations, and – like the
pollution drifting across the globe – are not really ‘Chinese’ at all.
This ‘Asian pollution’ may have an even deeper connection to
the American west over which it is now drifting. The world’s largest surface
mines are the Black Thunder mines, in the Powder River Basin straddling the
Wyoming/Montana border. The mine’s owner and operator, Arch Coal, exports
sizable amounts of this government-owned coal to places like China, where it is
burned to power the factories that produce American consumer goods.
It has been widely noted that American consumers have the
largest ecological footprint in the world. While not completely absolving
individuals – especially those on the upper rungs of the socio-economic ladder
– for perpetuating this wasteful system, it can be argued that those large
ecological footprints are not entirely their own. The combined effects of
aggressive marketing, advertising, and planned product obsolescence mean that
the American consumer’s oversized footprint is largely a consequence and
reflection of the global power of TNCs. In that sense, it is perhaps more
accurate to speak of corporate ecological footprints rather than the footprints
of nations or individuals.
Globalization has meant the distancing of cause and effect,
source and sink, so that the pollution and human exploitation caused in the production
and transport of goods has remained invisible and opaque to consumers. As
Wendell Berry says, “The global economy institutionalizes a global ignorance,
in which producers and consumers cannot know or care about one another, and in
which the histories of all products will be lost.”
Until now, it seems, corporations’ pollution offshoring was
easy enough for Northern policymakers to comfortably ignore – it was offshored,
after all. Of course, global warming already showed that simply exporting polluting
production to the global South was meaningless as far as the Earth’s atmosphere
and climate were concerned. But local air quality was seen as something
distinct, so that the smoggy horrors of industrializing China or India were,
for places like North America, still at a ‘safe’ distance. No more. Now, in
addition to the products that magically appear on Western store shelves
absolutely shorn of history and provenance, much of the hitherto distant
pollution emitted in their production has also arrived. It has come home to
roost. Globalization’s blowback.
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